INDUSTRY NEWS - 2020.12.04
資料來源:紡織網 (2020年12月3日)
2、中國11月製造業PMI三年高 連續9月擴張 復甦加快貿易回暖
行業分化 紡織服裝景氣差
人幣升值 出口企添壓
資料來源:信報財經 (2020年12月1日)
3、經濟明年風險高 企業可以「休眠」
外部不確定 復存3大挑戰
留水養魚 免大批企業關停
資料來源:香港經濟日報 (2020年12月2日)
4、美網絡星期一銷售889億新高 英零售商Topshop母企申破產保護
美國人今年提早購物,但在新冠疫情持續蔓延下,美國「網絡星期一」(Cyber Monday)銷售仍打破紀錄達114億美元(約889億港元),較去年的94億美元(約733億港元)大幅上升21.2%,但低於數據分析公司Adobe Analytics上周預期的127億美元。上周的「黑色星期五」(Black Friday)帶來90億美元(約702億港元)購物消費,亦較最初估計的103億美元(約803億港元)遜色。另一方面,英國時裝品牌Topshop母公司Arcadia Group申請破產保護。
Adobe數碼分析董事施賴納(Taylor Schreiner)指出,疫情、總統大選以至財政刺激措施,都對今年消費者購物行為有很大影響,也為電子商貿及網上購物提供前所未有的推動力,預期由目前至聖誕節期間,將可以繼續見到網上銷售額屢破紀錄。他估計約有三成消費者在「網絡星期一」晚上7時至11時最後衝刺,購入割價貨品。
物流需求急漲 運費高企
網購火爆,但傳統老牌百貨店則前路茫茫。有242年歷史的英國老牌百貨公司Debenhams今年4月申請行政託管,尋覓白武士。不過,由於在Debenhams店內開設大量專櫃的英國時裝品牌Topshop母公司Arcadia Group申請破產保護,有意收購Debenhams的JD Sports Fashion知難而退,最終放棄商討。
Debenhams周二表示,將準備結束所有店舖,去年入股的投資者包括Silver Point Capital and GoldenTree資產管理公司都要蒙受損失高達7.2億英鎊(約74.5億港元),受影響的員工合共1.2萬人。
資料來源:信報財經 (2020年12月2日)
5、騰訊馬化騰於《三觀》前言全文 談對2020年的感悟
騰訊 (00700) 首席執行官馬化騰於騰訊集團年度特刊《三觀》中前言的全文。不管時代怎麼改變,在商業世界裡有一些基礎的原則是不會變的。比如說為用戶創造價值,去一線發現問題。
技術正在全鏈條地重塑產業生態的每一個環節,從生產製造到物流營銷。對於新的技術趨勢的理解需要跨部門、跨公司、跨領域的協作,環環相扣,步步銜接。這是一個共同進化的過程,如同生物進化一樣,每一個個體的選擇將影響到最終演化的路徑。反應的速度也是影響的關鍵因素。在這樣的變革面前,無論To B還是To C,每個人都要打破傳統的界限,盡可能去一線尋找解決問題的方法與思路,才能重新定位,更快到達下一個路標。
今年是公司成立22週年,也是深圳經濟特區建立40週年。站在這個節點,能夠更真切地感受到我們與這座城市、與國家命運的同頻共振。公司在成長過程中,經歷過幾次大的跨越。 22年前,公司在賽格園區辦公室起步時,一無所有,最艱難的時候連服務器都買不起。
資料來源:香港經濟日報 (2020年12月2日)
6、梁婉玲領The Mills延續香港故事 細談紗廠情意結 辦創業賽激勵新世代
紡織及製衣業曾是香港經濟重要命脈,扎根於荃灣的南豐紗廠,見證本地紡織工業的黃金時代,項目2018年完成活化,搖身變成集創新科技、文化、藝術及學習體驗於一身的保育項目「The Mills」,讓訪客探索不斷延續而又真實的香港故事。肩負傳承重任的領軍人物,是南豐紗廠市場總監梁婉玲(Ellie),曾任電訊盈科(00008)助理副總裁的她,2016年毅然轉換事業跑道,挑戰地產領域;Ellie日前接受專訪,暢談個人的「工廠情意結」,以及紗廠項目背後理念。
香港寸金尺土,活化保育要結合商業,達致可持續發展,殊不容易,偏偏Ellie選擇迎難而上,放棄任職11年半的電盈高薪厚職,加盟The Mills,「工作性質好唔一樣,純粹覺得個項目有意思,咪試下囉!」
這信念驅使The Mills於2017年起,連續3年舉辦學生暑期創業比賽,協助他們接觸工作世界及規劃未來,發展創業理念,Ellie印象最深是首年曾有一間參與活動學校,學生均有SEN(特殊學習需要),活動要求他們採用紡織物料製造物件,解決日常生活問題。
自古成功在嘗試,正如Ellie由電盈轉投The Mills,亦是出於「試咗先」心態,「初初會擔心,始終兩個完全唔同行業,但原來之前marketing(市場推廣)嘅知識同經驗,過到嚟都用得到,同埋喺舊東家(電盈)係追數、追數再追數,以生意為目標,學到嗰套模式,嚟到(南豐)都受用。」
「你要令件事sustainable(可持續),其中一樣好重要嘅,係當生意嚟做,只不過回報唔係為錢,呢度嘅mission(任務)係inspiration(靈感)、innovation(創新)、傳承,你點樣講個故事畀人聽?都係branding(品牌化)、content marketing(內容營銷)。」Ellie娓娓分享心得。
談到未來目標,她說希望與更多學校合作,安排學生到訪,了解本地紡織業興衰,「雖然行業風光不再,但We made by history(我們由歷史組成),你唔知個根,點樣繼續走落去呢?提起南豐紗廠,人人都話好熟,相反你問最出名嘅穿膠花廠,無人記得,唔係要比較,但紡織業真係喺香港發展史佔咗舉足輕重角色。」
嶄新營運模式 傳承賺錢兼備
The Mills是本港首個以紡織業為主題的私人活化項目,除引入餐飲零售等商業元素,亦設有紡織文化藝術中心,並提供培訓及投資計劃,支援時尚科技初創企業,但梁婉玲(Ellie)坦言早期遇到不少困難,「市場之前無呢種商業模式,搵合作夥伴傾,佢哋好難理解The Mills係乜嘢,會問『喂!究竟你係做生意定點樣?』。」
「每樣嘢都有利有弊,最主要係你想為個社會做啲乜,就算你做生意,都係對個社會做緊啲嘢,好似我以前做Now TV體育台,提供娛樂畀觀眾,都係一種contribution(貢獻),咁我要唔要賺錢?梗係要!啲節目唔會免費送到你個電視機。好多人問,你The Mills要賺錢定要傳承?喂點解唔可以兩樣都要?當然我哋唔係要賺到盡,否則用嚟發展地產項目賺多好多。」Ellie如是說。
另一挑戰在於項目位置,她承認The Mills離港鐵站較遠,交通是個考慮,「你知對香港人來講,兩分鐘步程都太長,最好地鐵站上蓋」,因此紗廠要經常構思不同活動,催谷人流,例如早前萬聖節的「紗廠怪朋友」活動,便吸引大批市民一家大小到場。
資料來源:信報財經 (2020年11月30日)
臨近聖誕,又是商家出擊「搵真銀」之時。科技巨企微軟(Microsoft)最近進軍時裝界,推出聖誕醜冷衫(MS Paint Ugly Sweater),冷衫以經典應用軟件《小畫家》(MS Paint)為主題,配上懷舊的《Windows》像素風格。雖然 IT 公司賣冷衫 sell 標誌不是人人能接受,但這件冷衫已經售罄。
這件「醜冷衫」以經典應用軟件《小畫家》為主題,配搭像素風格的滴管、油漆刷及開始鍵符號,讓整件冷衫都是懷舊的《Windows》像素風格。雖然冷衫的款式醜,卻心意滿滿:微軟會把此冷衫的收益金額捐給「Girls Who Code」婦女編程培訓的非牟利機構。
其實早在 2018 年微軟曾經推出以《Windows 95》為主題的冷衫,到 2019 年則推出《Windows XP》圖案冷衫。在 2020 年,則換成《小畫家》主題。目前 3 件冷衫都在微軟網站售賣,但一早已售罄。
資料來源:香港經濟日報 (2020年12月3日)
8、利華控股:疫下收購機會多 拓產品綫 奉行輕資產營運 專注服務高檔品牌
新冠肺炎衝擊全球經濟,零售及旅遊相關行業最受影響,利華控股集團 (01346) 今年上半年業績亦受影響。但其執行主席司徒志仁接受專訪時表示,疫情對集團亦有正面影響,主要是市場上出現更多收購的機會。
上市集資 資金進行合併
該集團上市集資,主要希望吸納資金進行收購合併。司徒志仁指疫情下,市場確實出現更多機會,之前曾接觸並被拒絕的目標公司,今年反過來主動接觸傾談收購事宜。早前,成功購入高端毛衣製造商Vista Apparels Limited,以及高端技術外套製造商瑞士利維高有限公司的若干應收帳款、存貨的預付款項和採購定單。他指出,今年內會繼續進行收購合併。「希望藉着收購拓闊集團的產品綫,為客人提供一站式產品供應及服務。」
網絡原生品牌 生意逾半
司徒志仁又稱,網絡原生品牌及傳統品牌在工作文化及模式上也有分別。前者就算開實體店也大多為支援網銷,有些網店的最小存貨單位(Stock Keeping Unit,SKU)可逾200個;後者受限於實體店的經營方式及形象,每個款式的分類不及網店多。不少網絡原生品牌要求細量快單,願意給予較理想的價格,生產商的毛利有機會較高。
冀減前綫工序 新建B2B平台
新冠肺炎疫情加速企業進行數碼轉型,利華控股集團 (01346) 執行主席司徒志仁表示,集團上市集資其中一個目的,也是希望增加資訊科技上的投資。他坦言,日前集團花了不少氣力建立一個B2B(企業對企業)平台,希望減少前綫工序。
現時正在部署「產品生命周期」(Product lifecycle management,PLM)系統,協助管理客戶、自己及工廠三方面的數據。「主要可減少人手輸入數據,加快工序對各方都有好處。」
該集團本身已有部署「企業資源計劃」(Enterprise resource planning,ERP)系統,未來會再加入「客戶關聯管理」(Customer relationship management,CRM)系統。司徒志仁強調,集團不是科技公司,應專注於自己的專長中,不會請專人回來自建系統。IT系統都是由第三方購入,如CRM是採用微軟的系統,網上會議也是用微軟的Teams;網絡安全也外判了給第三方管理。
10年前進駐內地 少依賴港專才
利華控股集團 (01346) 一直奉行「輕資產」的營運模式,現時全球員工約300人,總部設在中國內地。
資料來源:香港經濟日報 (2020年12月1日)
9、What’s Inside the LF Logistics ‘Transportation Super Hub’ Near Shanghai
LF Logistics, the logistics arm of Li & Fung, and GLP, a global investment manager and business builder in logistics, have collaborated to implement new technology solutions at the opening of a 24-hour Transportation Super Hub in China’s Jiading district, northwest of Shanghai.
Occupying 6,600 square meters, the Transportation Super Hub allows for fast-in, fast-out cross-docking for the sorting and transportation of merchandise arriving from LF Logistics’ facilities across China to different distributor warehouses and retail locations for efficient national distribution. The super hub employs an advanced sorting system of conveyors and robotics to fully utilize cargo space and achieve a peak throughput of 5,000 cubic meters per day, speeding up the sorting process by 50 percent.
“The super hub represents the first of many steps in the partnership of Li & Fung and GLP,” Dominic Gates, president of LF Logistics, said. “I am proud to see the efficiency and synergies of the two teams in bringing the dock management solution to life so quickly. I look forward to deepening our collaboration in looking for new ways of working and new digital solutions to bring efficiency to our customers.”
The super hub features a double-sided docking warehouse with 19 loading docks to allow efficient, simultaneous cross-docking of cargo without congestion and a 24-hour control tower and operations for real-time order management visibility.
LF Logistics and GLP have collaborated to implement new technology solutions at the opening of a Transportation Super Hub in Shanghai.
A diagram showing the flow of the cloud-based digital dock management solution.
Automation features to enhance efficiency and reduce manual sorting errors include a sorting conveyor with 57 lines for auto sorting with a capacity of 6,000 cartons per hour, a de-palletization robotic arm with a capacity of 600 cartons per hour, a customized warehouse control system for different customers sorting requirements, and a cubic scanner to measure weight and volume of palletized, fragile or irregular size cargoes that cannot be conveyor sorted.
The efficiency of a distribution center is directly linked to both the operations inside the warehouse, as well as the flow of vehicles and merchandise entering and exiting the facility. The high volume of trucks entering and exiting the park within a short window puts great strain on available dock space.
LF Logistics and new partner, G2Link–GLP’s technology division–wanted to create a solution to better match trucks and merchandise with available docks, while enabling the overall entry-assign dock-park-unload-load-confirm-exit process to minimize time spent finding and occupying docks.
The two parties implemented a cloud-based digital dock management solution tailored for LF Logistic’s Super Hub. Applying algorithms and computer vision, the digital dock management solution accelerates and automates the queue management process within the warehouse, reducing overall waiting time by 90 percent. It also enhances the visibility for better scheduling and matching of trucks and merchandise to the available docks. The entire process is paperless and can all be done via the app on the truckers’ smartphone or tablet. After initial monitoring, the solution will be rolled out to other LF Logistics facilites in China and then tailored for overseas markets.
“Li & Fung and GLP have a shared vision of driving the digital supply chain of the future, and the Super Hub is an important milestone in our partnership,” Victor Mok, co-president of logistics and industrial real estate, and chairman and CEO of Asset Service Platform for GLP China, said. “Our collaboration highlights how GLP and Li & Fung are co-creating tools in AI, IoT, automation and other areas that will optimize costs and increase efficiency across the supply chain.”
In May, Li & Fung took itself private and is now owned and managed by the Fung Family and Singapore-headquartered GLP. The Fung Family has controlling interest with 60 percent of the voting shares. GLP has 40 percent of the voting shares and 100 percent of the non-voting shares, resulting in an effective economic ownership of 67.67 percent of Li & Fung.
Source: www.sourcingjournal.com (30 Nov 2020)
10、Shuffle Board: C-Suite Changes at J.Crew, Dick’s, Gap Inc., Victoria’s Secret and IATA
J.Crew Group announced that Libby Wadle was named CEO, overseeing J.Crew and J.Crew Factory, in addition to her current leadership responsibilities at Madewell.
Jan Singer, who was previously J.Crew Group’s CEO responsible for the J.Crew brands, has elected to pursue other endeavors.
Wadle has more than 25 years of retail and apparel industry experience and has spent the last 16 years at J.Crew, where she has held senior management roles at each brand. Most recently, she served as president and then CEO of Madewell. Before that, she was president of the J.Crew brand, which included oversight of Madewell, from 2013 to 2017.
As of Nov. 24, the company operated 161 J.Crew stores, 144 Madewell stores and 168 J.Crew Factory stores in nearly every state in the United States, and also maintains J.Crew, Madewell and J.Crew Factory websites.
Dick’s Sporting Goods
Dick’s Sporting Goods Inc. announced that Edward W. Stack, chairman and CEO, will assume the role of executive chairman and continue as chief merchant on Feb. 1. He also will oversee key strategic growth initiatives for the company.
Stack has served as chairman and CEO of Dick’s since he and his siblings bought his father’s two small sporting goods stores in upstate New York in 1984. Under his leadership and predominantly through organic growth, Dick’s has grown to more than 850 stores and nearly $9 billion in annual revenue.
The company also announced that its board unanimously elected Lauren R. Hobart, president of Dick’s, as president and CEO, also effective Feb. 1. Hobart’s appointment is an important step in the company’s long-term succession plan undertaken by the board and Stack.
Hobart brings more than 25 years of finance, consumer and retail experience and spent 14 years at PepsiCo in various leadership roles before she joined Dick’s as chief marketing officer in 2011. She was appointed president in 2017 and joined the board the following year.
Gap Inc.
Gap Inc. announced that Asheesh Saksena will join the Gap Inc. senior leadership team as chief growth officer, a newly created position that will focus on executing the company’s strategic agenda, as well as leading growth initiatives.
In addition, the company also announced that Sandra Stangl will join Gap Inc. as the new president and CEO of Banana Republic, as the brand redefines affordable luxury.
Saksena most recently served as president of Best Buy Health, where he led the formation and operation of the brand’s strategic diversification into digital health after serving as the company’s chief strategic growth officer.
During her 23 years at Williams Sonoma, Stangl held numerous leadership positions, including president of Pottery Barn Brands. Most recently, she cofounded and was the chief merchant of Mine, a disruptive pure-play home business. Stangl will bring the agility and strategic orientation of a tenured retail executive and entrepreneurial leadership to Banana Republic when she joins in December.
Victoria’s Secret
L Brands Inc. announced several key leadership appointments at Victoria’s Secret.
Martin Waters was named CEO of Victoria’s Secret Lingerie, replacing John Mehas, who has served in the role since February 2019. Waters will report to Stuart Burgdoerfer, interim CEO of Victoria’s Secret and chief financial officer (CFO) of L Brands.
Laura Miller was named chief human resources officer (CHRO) of Victoria’s Secret, Becky Behringer was promoted to executive vice president of North America store sales and operations, and Janie Schaffer was named chief design officer of Victoria’s Secret Lingerie.
Waters joined L Brands in 2008 as head of the international division. Under Martin’s leadership, the international business has expanded from the early phases of incubation to more than 700 stores globally.
Miller most recently served as the CHRO of Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines after holding the same post at ADT and Coca Cola Refreshments. Behringer’s most recent role was senior vice president of store operations at Victoria’s Secret, where she oversaw the business’ response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Schaffer previously was director of lingerie and beauty at Marks and Spencer. From 2008 to 2012, she served as head of design for Victoria’s Secret Lingerie.
Macy’s Inc. named Malek Robert Amirshahi as senior vice president of corporate communications, effective Dec. 7.
Amirshahi will be responsible for leading internal and external communications across the enterprise, as well as Macy’s cause work. In this role, he will help drive alignment and consistent messaging across business strategy, transformation, colleague and culture initiatives. He will report to Danielle Kirgan, chief transformation and human resources officer of Macy’s Inc. and will be based in New York City.
Amirshahi is currently senior vice president, corporate communications at Univision Communications Inc., where he manages corporate reputation, employee communications, corporate media relations strategy and execution, and elevates the company’s growth initiatives. Prior to Univision, Amirshahi held several public relations, corporate social responsibility and communications roles at Time Warner Cable, Cox Enterprises and its subsidiaries.
Amirshahi succeeds Cheryl Heinonen, who will be leaving Macy’s Inc. after the holiday season to relocate back home to the West Coast.
PVH Corp.
PVH Corp. appointed Allison Peterson, chief customer officer for Best Buy Co., and George Cheeks, president and CEO of the CBS Entertainment Group, to its board.
PVH, owner of such brands as Calvin Klein and Tommy Hilfiger, said their deep experience in successfully navigating consumer disruption will provide perspective as the company continues to evolve as one of the world’s largest apparel companies.
The appointments of Peterson and Cheeks are effective Jan. 26 and March 22, respectively. PVH also announces its intent to appoint Stefan Larsson, president of PVH Corp., to the board as part of its previously announced CEO succession plan.
The addition of Peterson and Cheeks is part of the refreshment process undertaken by the board, as supported by its Nominating, Governance & Management Development Committee.
Burberry Group announced that Antoine Bernard de Saint-Affrique was appointed to its board as a non-executive director and member of the Audit and Nomination Committees, effective Jan. 1.
De Saint-Affrique is currently CEO of the Barry Callebaut Group, a manufacturer of chocolate and cocoa product. Prior to that, he held several senior roles at Unilever, latterly as president of the foods division and member of the executive committee.
Kornit Digital
Kornit Digital, which develops, manufactures and markets industrial digital printing technologies for the textile industry, announced the appointment of Guy Avidan as president of its newly formed business line focused on accelerating the digital transformation of the textile industry to on-demand sustainable production.
Avidan was chief financial officer (CFO) of Kornit, based in Rosh Haayin, Israel. Kornit said the inflection point in the textile industry and the massive shift to e-commerce continues to accelerate the need to digitally transform the supply chain and adopt on-demand sustainable textile production. The newly formed business line will focus on enabling brands, retailers and marketplaces to realize the benefits of digitization by connecting to the most suitable on-demand production and logistics operations, while ensuring consistency, quality and brand integrity.
The company also announced the appointment of Alon Rozner to replace Avidan as CFO, effective Dec. 1. Previously, Rozner served as the CFO of Orbotech, a global supplier of yield-enhancing and process-enabling solutions for the electronics manufacturing industry.
Trade Shows
Coterie, Informa Markets Fashion’s contemporary and advanced contemporary women’s wear trade event, appointed Courtney Bradarich as vice president of events.
Most recently, Bradaric was co-founder and president at Favors Agency, a full-service brand and business development consulting firm, providing strategic advisory to fashion companies seeking U.S. market entry and expansion. Prior to launching Favors, Courtney was women’s show director at Capsule, a U.S.-based men’s and women’s trade show.
Bringing physical and digital marketplaces to the fashion industry, Coterie gathers prominent contemporary women’s wear fashion, footwear and accessories brands with retail buyers from the United States and other worldwide markets.
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced that Alexandre de Juniac, director general and CEO, will step down from his role, effective March 31.
De Juniac made known his intention to step down from the association several months ago, which enabled a search process to facilitate a smooth leadership transition. The IATA Board of Governors will recommend to the 76th IATA Annual General Meeting Nov. 24 the appointment of Willie Walsh, former CEO of International Airlines Group, to become IATA’s eighth director general on April 1.
De Juniac joined IATA in September 2016 from Air France-KLM, where he was chairman and CEO.
Source: www.sourcingjournal.com (27 Nov 2020)
11、Retail Tech Roundup: Neiman, Saks Off 5th, Express Turn to ‘Buy Now, Pay Later’
The weekly Retail Tech Roundup compiles technology news across the supply chain, manufacturing, retail, e-commerce, logistics and fulfillment sectors.
Installment payments
Neiman Marcus is partnering with buy now, pay later platform Affirm, which recently filed for an IPO and will be listed on the Nasdaq. Eligible shoppers at the luxury department store can now pay over time on a schedule designed to best fit their needs and budget.
When shopping online, eligible Neiman Marcus shoppers can select Affirm at checkout and split the total cost of any purchase over $50 into simple payments with terms from six weeks to 36 months depending on the cart size, for as low as zero percent APR (annual percentage rate). Customers are shown the total cost of their purchase upfront, according to the payments provider.
Affirm, which partners with more than 6,500 merchants, says that shoppers never pay more than they agree to, and that customers are never charged any late or hidden fees. For example, a $200 purchase might cost $67 per month over three months at zero percent APR.
“Neiman Marcus was founded on the principle of building long-lasting and meaningful relationships with our customers. We are committed to providing all shoppers with access to leading luxury fashion and high-end products, paired with superior service,” said Katie Mullen, chief digital officer, Neiman Marcus Group. “Partnering with Affirm not only allows us to reach customers who need payment flexibility and price transparency in the way they pay, but also increases our sales and average order value.”
Saks Off 5th and Express are the latest apparel destinations to implement the Klarna platform, joining Macy’s, which deployed and invested in the buy now, pay later platform in October.
With the partnership, U.S. shoppers on Saksoff5th.com and Express.com can now split their purchases into four interest-free payments. Saks Off 5th also intends to launch Klarna in-store in 2021.
Earlier this month, Express and Klarna kicked off the “Express Cheer” holiday campaign, in which the companies award 100 prizes of $100 gift cards to customers who use Klarna when checking out at Express.com each week through Dec. 21. A total of 700 winners will be selected, including one grand prize winner who will receive a $1,000 Express gift card.
Klarna most recently rolled out a new iOS price drop widget ahead of the holiday designed to enable consumers to stay on top of the latest deals and sales, and debuted new curated holiday “Wish Lists” and personalized deals based on price points, shopping categories and holiday gift recipients.
Last-mile delivery
In another effort to beef up its delivery capabilities, Walmart has acquired select assets of JoyRun, a technology startup that operates a peer-to-peer last-mile delivery platform. Srini Venkatesan, executive vice president at Walmart Global Tech, confirmed in a LinkedIn post that the retail giant acquired the talent, technology platform and IP of the company for an undisclosed sum.
JoyRun connects members of a community and enables users to pick up and deliver items for friends and neighbors. The team already has built a network of approximately 540 official merchant partners, and more than 30,000 people have served as drivers, which the company calls “runners,” since the service launched in 2015.
This acquisition is designed to further augment Walmart’s supply chain team and aid them in their efforts to explore more ways to deliver for customers in the future. For instance, Venkatesan says the company’s runners could complement its Spark program and third-party delivery providers. Spark program delivery drivers are independently contracted, like those from major third-party delivery companies and ride-hailing services.
The company expects the deal to close in the coming weeks. Walmart has bet big on new delivery capabilities in recent years, particularly throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, through work with autonomous vehicles, third-party partnerships such as the recent Instacart collaboration, Express “store-to-door” associate delivery, InHome delivery and even drones.
Fit technology
Wair, an AI-driven fit solution designed to provide personalized size recommendations that bring the precision of a dressing room fitting online, has emerged from stealth mode and has announced its first partnerships with Cuts Clothing, Rhone and Superdry.
Using proprietary AI technology, Wair works with a network of body dimension data to help apparel brands and retailers put shoppers’ bodies and preferred fit at the center of their business—from design and planning to marketing, sales and customer experience. Wair’s intelligent fit solution is aimed at increasing shoppers’ confidence that a garment will provide the fit they want, which in turn can reduce cart abandonment and returns while increasing conversions. The result is deeper brand loyalty and a healthier bottom line.
“Wair has been an incredibly powerful technology tool for us, and has been instrumental to the success of our brand,” said Steven Borrelli, founder and CEO of men’s fashion brand Cuts Clothing. “Our customers simply type in their size, weight and desired fit and Wair produces the most accurate size. We’ve seen a decrease in returns, have been more accurate in our ordering and are increasing our revenue.”
The platform includes Fit Advisor, Wair’s e-commerce recommendation solution that matches products to a shopper’s individual body measurements and fit preferences. Using this plug-in, brands can help shoppers purchase the best fitting clothes without size sampling and returns. The data created with each use then powers the rest of the Wair platform, which retailers and brands can opt into to get the full value.
With an analytics dashboard, users can track optimized performance metrics and integrate personalized shopper insights throughout planning and sales cycles.
The complete product suite includes solution add-ons such as fit optimization, which generates updated size specifications for optimized fit coverage for a target audience; inventory forecasting, which can predict inventory needs and size runs down to the store level; and ad campaign contribution, which is designed to optimize ad targeting for inventory full value sell through and adjust ad spend based on the body data of shoppers.
“Wair has increased consumer confidence in our sizes, produced significant lift in our checkouts, and helped us become body-first,” Adam Bridegan, chief marketing officer of Rhone, said in a statement. “Knowing our shoppers’ body dimensions helps us evaluate grade rules, plan size runs for next season, and increase full value sell through.”
Brands that have adopted Wair’s solution have experienced an average 50 percent increase in conversions, an 11 percent increase in cart value and a 30 percent reduction in returns. From the shoppers’ point of view, the data shows an 89 percent increase in their confidence around selecting the right size.
The launch comes as the company unveiled proprietary survey data indicating that nearly 80 percent of brands and retailers are not using size and fit recommendation technology, despite the majority (53 percent) stating that determining fit and size was a challenge their customers face when shopping on their site. A quarter of respondents said their e-commerce platform was not at all effective and accurate when it comes to predicting size and fit for their customers.
Additionally, only 30 percent of brands and retailers said their current sell-through rates are satisfactory—with 66 percent of respondents pegging their full value sell through at 60 percent or less.
SmartGift has expanded its partnerships with VF Corporation and Pandora Jewelry to offer its gifting services to consumers in Canada, France, Germany, and the U.K.. SmartGift is now available through Timberland Canada’s website and Pandora Canada, France, Germany and UK’s websites.
Through SmartGift’s technology, which is designed to eliminate the fear of returns or sending the wrong size, color, shade, fragrance, etc., the company is seeking to bolster consumer confidence in the gift giving process by having the gift notice arrive instantly and empowering the recipient to customize their perfect gift.
The company is also developing a new, dedicated corporate gifting service which will include an expanded catalog of top branded gift offerings, and customization features for small, medium, and large organizations.
E-commerce marketing
Wunderkind, a performance marketing solutions provider formerly known as BounceX, has acquired e-commerce personalization and segmentation platform SmarterHQ for an undisclosed sum.
This acquisition is designed to speed up Wunderkind’s ability to ship new, high-impact products for enterprise retailers. The initial integration will leverage SmarterHQ’s segmentation for Wunderkind’s SMS platform in an effort to help top e-commerce brands customize their SMS capabilities at scale.
With SmarterHQ, retailers aggregate their in-store, online and in-app data to leverage it across channels. Marketers using the platform would be able to pull detailed audiences to orchestrate tailored messages with unmatched customization.
The Wunderkind platform has already been working with retailers to help them deliver personalized email and SMS messages with the company saying that its identity resolution capabilities have helped some e-commerce retailers drive up to 25 percent of their total digital revenue while scaling their marketable lists across channels.
Wunderkind and SmarterHQ count some of the largest retailers in the U.S. as their clients, like Sam’s Club, Bloomingdale’s, Dillard’s, Uniqlo, Sonos and HelloFresh.
Earlier this year, Wunderkind announced that it reached a milestone of $100 million in annual recurring revenue. The company is tracking towards double-digit growth this year despite the negative economic impacts of Covid-19.
Wunderkind has raised more than $44 million to date and is backed by Battery Ventures, Primary Venture Partners, Cross Creek Advisors, and Contour Venture Partners. SmarterHQ had previously raised over $42 million from investors including Battery Ventures and Simon Property Group. ComCap LLC served as exclusive financial advisor to SmarterHQ in connection with this transaction.
Augmented reality
Resonai, an AI and computer vision company, launched Vera Concierge, a mobile application that uses augmented reality (AR) and artificial intelligence (AI) to provide digital concierge services to visitors of retail outlets and commercial buildings.
Built on Vera, Resonai’s enterprise platform transforming any physical space into an intelligent digital environment, Vera Concierge provides personalized assistance, indoor navigation, and context-aware information through an AR interface.
Vera Concierge is part of the Vera suite of applications for use within any commercial building. Other apps include Vera Universal Controller, which offers a way to manage and control all of a building’s IoT-enabled devices from a single, intelligent place; and Vera Maintenance Manager, which uses AR and building intelligence to automate a facility’s maintenance processes and improve the efficiency of its maintenance team. The applications draw on Vera’s 3D semantic understanding of the environment and positional tracking of users within it.
Building tenants and visitors can use Vera Concierge to check in or register upon their arrival and get personalized, contactless information. The app provides turn-by-turn navigation guiding users to their destinations and offers context-aware AR content along the way.
In a retail environment, for example, the app can provide consumers with product information, deliver AR-based brand experiences, or point out where restrooms and other facilities are located. The app provides real-time analytics on traffic flows, user behaviors, product interactions and other valuable data as consumers move through a store or shopping mall, enabling managers to integrate brick and mortar data with ecommerce data to map the complete buyer journey.
Vera also delivers new monetization opportunities for building owners by creating new digital real estate that can be monetized through promotions, sponsorships and branding opportunities.
Digital experience monitoring
Software intelligence company Dynatrace has expanded its partnership with SAP to drive better business outcomes during the holiday season and beyond under a multi-year agreement in which the platform will serve as a strategic observability partner for SAP Commerce Cloud.
By embedding Dynatrace’s AI-powered observability and digital experience monitoring capabilities into SAP Commerce Cloud, customers would ideally gain a deeper understanding of applications and microservices running in their environment, including third-party services.
Dynatrace’s digital experience monitoring capabilities, including user monitoring and synthetic monitoring, and answers from its AI engine, Davis, are now available for SAP Commerce Cloud’s digital experience monitoring feature, which customers can subscribe to via the online SAP Store. The solution enables retailers to maximize customer satisfaction and online conversions by optimizing every step in their user journey, from the first click on a mobile app or website, to code-level insights detailing the performance of underlying cloud services.
SAP Commerce Cloud’s digital experience monitoring feature, including Dynatrace’s capabilities, was released in October 2020.
Dynatrace is designed to identify anomalies that can be problematic during major shopping events such as Black Friday and Cyber Monday, such as mobile app crashes, errors or performance issues, prioritize them by business impact and supply precise root-cause determination. This enables digital teams to understand how application performance and new features influence business KPIs, including conversions and revenue, so they can continuously optimize user experience across mobile, web and other edge-device channels.
“As a part of our digital transformation efforts, we needed to migrate our e-commerce to a more advanced platform. This required digital experience monitoring to understand precisely which improvements to prioritize and ensure everything performs as expected,” said Christoferson Chua, B2B e-commerce lead developer, Asics. “The combined power of Dynatrace digital experience monitoring and SAP Commerce Cloud helps us understand and pinpoint bottlenecks across our e-commerce integrations, enabling our teams to proactively drive innovation and optimizations to achieve a fast and responsive storefront. Ultimately, this allows us to strengthen our relationships with customers and partners, as well as our brand value.”
Packaging and shipping
PackageX launched Parcel, a privacy-oriented inbound and outbound shipment and smartphone app with a streamlined interface designed to track all incoming packages without email access. Parcel also can help small home-based businesses maintain a record of sent packages, generate package labels and track deliveries.
Instead of reading emails, Parcel uses optical character recognition (OCR) technology to scan tracking numbers via a phone camera and create a streamlined report of inbound package statuses. Parcel also has AR technology capabilities so consumers or small home businesses can measure their items simply by scanning the box with their smartphones to see shipping speed and price estimates from USPS.
Parcel assists recipients and senders through features including inbound package tracking, which notifies users about incoming packages and tracks these throughout their journey, regardless of which courier service is used, as well as outbound shipment initiation, which allows senders to generate a shipping label, take images of the package and send visually enhanced notifications to recipients without a trip to the courier store.
Additionally, Parcel includes AR-based measurement and shipping estimates, in which AR enables senders to measure the dimensions of their packages, and then see shipping speed and pricing estimates from USPS. Senders can take photos of all outbound shipments to serve as proof of record and recipients can see the contents of their package before it ships.
When paired with PackageX’s flagship software, Mailroom, Parcel enables users to remotely direct mailroom staff to take actions on their packages, including holding them, scanning and forwarding them to a different address or, as in the case of junk mail, destroying them. The app can function for residential, commercial, retail and college and university mailrooms, providing full in-app tracking transparency, delivering automatic package notifications and optimizing the customer experience.
Source: www.sourcingjournal.com (30 Nov 2020)
12、UPS Temporarily Halts Pickup From Gap, Nike, Macy’s as E-Comm Spikes
In a year of record e-commerce sales, the Black Friday weekend appears to have stretched several retailers to their limit—or rather, to the limit of the United Parcel Service (UPS).
UPS notified drivers in an internal message this week to stop picking up packages from six major retailers—Gap Inc., Nike Inc., L.L. Bean Inc., Hot Topic Inc., Macy’s Inc. and electronics retailer Newegg Inc.—according to reporting from The Wall Street Journal, which said it had reviewed the message and confirmed its content with UPS workers in different regions. The shipping giant plans to pick up packages from customers who have exceeded their allotted space when capacity is available, a UPS spokesman said.
Despite the reported restrictions, a Gap Inc. spokesperson told Sourcing Journal, “We have been very satisfied with the level of partnership and commitment we have received from our carrier base, and especially that of UPS, and expect that to continue through the holiday season.”
“We are very happy with the performance of our parcel delivery network following the high cyber week demand,” the spokesperson said. “Knowing the unique constraints the industry is facing this peak season, we worked with our carriers early on to collectively build a strategic plan of execution—which includes dynamic pickups at stores.”
A Macy’s spokesperson told Sourcing Journal that the retailer is actively working with UPS and other shipping partners to best manage customer deliveries throughout the busy holiday season.
“While we encourage everyone to shop early, we are committed to getting customers what they need in time for the holiday by offering many easy ways to shop, including contactless curbside pick-up, buy online pick-up in store and same day delivery through DoorDash,” the Macy’s spokesperson said. “Macy’s expanded fulfillment options allow customers to shop safely and friction-free in store or online right up until Dec.24.”
A Nike spokesperson told Sourcing Journal it is communicating any delivery changes to its consumers, but it expects “the majority of these orders to meet estimated delivery dates.”
The temporary restrictions are not the only measure UPS has taken to confront extremely high shipping volume for the 2020 holiday. In August, UPS announced it would be adding surcharges to high-volume shippers that move more than 25,000 packages per week during the holiday season. These fees could cost as much as $3 per package for ground shipments and other lower-priced shipping options and up to $4 per package for air shipments, it said. By comparison, the last time UPS tacked on surcharges during a peak holiday season, in 2018, costs reached 28 cents on ground shipments and 99 cents for some air shipments.
In its third-quarter earnings call, UPS’s CFO Brian Newman reported that business-to-consumer shipments were up 33.4 percent in the quarter and represented 61 percent of its total volume.
Black Friday e-commerce booms
The UPS restrictions arrive following record e-commerce sales between Thanksgiving and Cyber Monday.
According to a survey released Tuesday by the National Retail Federation and Prosper Insights & Analytics, online-only shoppers jumped by 44 percent to 95.7 million over the entire weekend. On Black Friday itself, online shoppers rose 8 percent, surpassing 100 million for the first time, NRF said. The number of online Saturday shoppers grew even further, at 17 percent.
Analyzing its platform-level data, software-as-a-service e-commerce platform BigCommerce said its global merchant base saw a 74 percent increase in gross merchandise volume over the five-day period compared with last year. Though the number of orders occurring during this period only rose 48 percent, average order value grew 17 percent. While Black Friday remained the most popular day for making purchases, it said Sunday saw the largest GMV increase (86 percent), followed by Thanksgiving Day (84 percent).
Looking at just 20 of the top 100 retailers as defined by the NRF, online shopping traffic soared 560 percent this Thanksgiving, while Black Friday and Cyber Monday saw increases of 200 percent, according to Verizon Business. In contrast, it said mobility traffic to and around malls across the U.S. fell 25 percent between Black Friday and Cyber Monday compared with the same period in 2019.
An estimated 186.4 million consumers shopped in-store and online this year, according to NRF. While this figure represented a slight drop from 2019’s 189.6 million, it still came in well above 2018’s 165.8 million shoppers.
Clothing, bought by 52 percent of those surveyed, ranked as the top gift purchase of the extended weekend, followed by toys (32 percent), books/music/movies/video games (29 percent), gift cards/certificates (29 percent) and electronics (27 percent).
“As expected, consumers have embraced an earlier start to the holiday shopping season, but many were also prepared to embrace a long-standing tradition of turning out online and in stores over Thanksgiving weekend to make gift purchases for family and friends,” Matthew Shay, president and CEO of NRF, said.
Over the five-day period, NRF said shoppers spent an average of $311.75 on holiday-related purchases, including $224.48 spent on gifts. The five-day total, though comparable to 2018’s $313.29, fell below last year’s $361.90.
This decrease Is likely due in part to early holiday sales and promotions. Fifty-two percent of shoppers, NRF said, took advantage of early holiday sales and promotions this year. Of those, 38 percent said they checked off holiday purchases in the week leading up to Thanksgiving. More than half (53 percent) felt the promotions over the weekend were the same as they had been earlier in the season.
As widely expected, in-store shopping suffered as e-commerce flourished. According to NRF’s 6,615-person survey, the number of in-store shoppers dropped 55 percent year-over-year on Thanksgiving and 37 percent on Black Friday.
Analyzing foot traffic over the holiday weekend, Sensormatic Solutions reported steeper drops. Store traffic, it said, decreased 94.9 percent on Thanksgiving, when many retailers closed their locations, and 52 percent on Black Friday. Year-over-year decreases continued over the rest of the weekend, but none as steep as Thanksgiving and Black Friday. Looking at the five-day weekend as a whole, Sensormatic said traffic decreased 49 percent compared to 2019.
“Despite the low traffic numbers, this doesn’t predict the results for the rest of the holiday shopping season, and weekday traffic should be watched in the coming weeks,” Brian Field, senior director of global retail consulting at Sensormatic Solutions, said in a statement. “All of our data suggests that more shoppers are using their work-from-home status to visit physical stores during the week. It appears this trend will continue into the holiday season.”
The holiday season ahead
NRF’s holiday forecast calls for spending to increase between 3.6 percent and 5.2 percent to between $755.3 billion and $766.7 billion. This compares with 4 percent growth last year and an average 3.5 percent rise over the past five years. The federation’s forecast includes online sales, which it expects to expand between 20 percent and 30 percent to between $202.5 billion and $218.4 billion.
Still, NRF chief economist Jack Kleinhenz cautioned that the pandemic remains “the largest uncertainty and biggest risk the economy is dealing with.” If Thanksgiving gatherings seeded further spread of the virus, renewed business restrictions may follow.
“The near-term concern is the long shadow cast on the economy by the surging virus and expiring government support,” Kleinhenz wrote in the December issue of NRF’s Monthly Economic Review. “Every virus indicator across the United States is elevated and accelerated, which could pump the brakes on the momentum we have seen and have consequences for spending.”
Source: www.sourcingjournal.com (2 Dec 2020)
13、H&M-Backed Plan Plots Circular Future for Bangladesh Textile Waste
Bangladesh wants to turn its linear model of clothing production into a circular one. A new initiative, which took off Monday, aims to jump-start that process.
Led by the Global Fashion Agenda (GFA), the Circular Fashion Partnership will marshal the expertise of a slew of stakeholders—including P4G, Reverse Resources, the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) and brands such as Bestseller, H&M Group and OVS—to capture the country’s post-production fashion waste and channel it into the creation of new fashion products.
The project, which will run until the end of 2021, will consist of two parts, beginning with mapping waste streams and ending with finding scalable and tangible solutions for reincorporating cutting scraps and excess stock into the value chain.
“We’ll be working together to really test out and develop a playbook for circularity, to identify the roadblocks that are currently preventing circularity from scaling up and how we can overcome them,” Holly Syrett, senior sustainability manager at GFA, said at a press briefing Monday. “And the roadblocks may be in mapping and knowing where waste streams are, having access to data or traceability. [There may also be] regulatory roadblocks, and maybe the need for investment to scale innovations.”
One crucial effort is establishing segregated waste streams from the get-go in order to “valorize” the materials’ maximum value, said Nin Castle, co-founder and recycling lead at Reverse Resources. Brands, which will ultimately need to take responsibility for the recycled products they create, need a simple way of identifying the provenance, fiber composition and chemical or dye content of any textile waste they adopt. Traceability starts with the factory producing the waste.
“The waste is sort of mixed together and sold cheaply and quickly [but] mixing the waste together means it loses its value instantly,” she said. “So the key part is setting up these basic segregation processes in the factories themselves. You can have formal waste-handling partners already established in Bangladesh that can then provide the services of logistics, storage, further quality checking, any further cleaning and so on and so forth, accumulating volumes from different locations to then send out to recyclers. And then of course we have the recyclers at the other end.”
As the second-largest exporter of clothing after China, Bangladesh’s garment sector generates roughly 400,000 metric tons of manufacturing waste every year, yet less than 5 percent is recycled through disparate and largely informal systems, said BGMEA president Rubana Huq. Some 65 percent of this waste comprises cotton knits, which are valuable feedstock for both traditional mechanical and emerging chemical recyclers.
“[What we need] is actually a comprehensive circular economy policy in Bangladesh…to regulate the highly unregulated informal businesses that circle around the landscape of waste in Bangladesh,” she said.
The Circular Fashion Partnership’s goal, Castle added, is to prove that by setting up segregation and having one formal waste-handling partner instead of myriad middlemen, the scheme can increase earnings for factories, decrease costs for recyclers and provide “completely traceable waste feedstocks for those recycling technologies, which at the moment is not possible.”
And finally, the idea is to bring the recyclers and the brands together to reintroduce the textile waste back into the supply chain, break down market barriers and make recycled yarns competitive with their virgin counterparts. The timing of the project is particularly apt with the coronavirus pandemic, which has led to a massive glut of castoff garment and textile stock from canceled, suspended and unsold orders.
“There isn’t currently a marketplace for Bangladesh for deadstock fabrics and overstock garments piled up from Covid-19,” Castle said. “So we’re looking at how we can co-create and test potential business models here. How can we reuse these valuable waste streams in the same locations where they’re stored? How do we create the systems and information flows for enabling brands or agents, or whoever it is, to reuse those textiles themselves? And how can this be done easily and at scale?”
Success doesn’t have to be limited to Bangladesh, Syrett noted, and the project has the potential to scale to other markets, including Vietnam and Indonesia.
Source: www.sourcingjournal.com (1 Dec 2020)
14、Xinjiang Cotton Giant Slapped with Customs Detention Order
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has issued a new Withhold Release Order on cotton merchandise from the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (XPCC), a paramilitary organization that produces one-third of China’s cotton, employs 12 percent of Xinjiang’s population and generates 17 percent of the region’s gross domestic product.
“CBP issued the WRO based on information that reasonably indicates that XPCC and its subordinate and affiliated entities use forced labor, including convict labor, to produce cotton and cotton products,” CBP acting commissioner Mark A. Morgan said at a press briefing Wednesday afternoon. The WRO applies to all cotton and cotton-derived items produced by the XPCC and its subordinate and affiliated entities, including clothing, textiles, cottonseed oil and paper, regardless of their country of origin.
“It should be clear and simple: any product having a nexus to forced labor will not [and] should not make it to our borders and be introduced into our supply chain, period,” Morgan said.
The WRO on XPCC cotton products is the sixth enforcement that CBP has announced in the past three months against goods made by forced labor from the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in northwestern China, where up to 1.8 million Uyghurs, Kazakhs and other Turkic Muslims are believed to be held in “re-education” camps as part of a broader campaign of torture and indoctrination to compel them to renounce their religion and assimilate into Chinese society. Experts say that the Chinese government has also transferred tens of thousands of Uyghurs and ethnic minorities out of Xinjiang to work in factories across China, sometimes directly from detention centers and often against their will.
“As Americans, we believe each individual’s granted inalienable rights by our creator,” said Ken Cuccinelli, acting deputy secretary at the Department of Homeland Security. “It’s because we value these rights so highly that we prioritize values like freedom, justice and equality under the law.”
China’s security apparatus profits from this repression by “holding financial stakes in companies that benefit from the forced labor,” he said. “This kind of forced labor is antithetical to American values, negatively impacts both consumers and businesses, undermines legitimate trade and competition, and threatens American workers. No matter how you view it. This is a threat that impacts each and every aspect of our society. And we can’t afford to ignore it.”
The WRO dovetails with sanctions against the XPCC, which the Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) placed into effect Monday. The move is potentially the “largest single action in OFAC’s history,” according to corporate intelligence platform Sayari, which combed through Chinese public records to find more than 862,600 direct and indirect holdings—including minority, majority, control and non-control positions—through different XPCC divisions.
“These companies touch 147 countries, including the United States, Germany and the U.K., and offshore jurisdictions like the British Virgin Islands,” Sayari analyst Alex Bate wrote in a blog post in August. “They reach as far as 34 layers of ownership from the XPCC.”
While the OFAC’s sanctions target business relationships, the CBP will focus on barring XPCC merchandise from entering the United States, according to Morgan. “That’s why it’s called a Withhold Release Order,” he said. “Everything that enters the country in terms of products comes into the hands of the CBP. [We] take custody of it and then we release it into the market. So an WRO would stop that release into the U.S. market.”
Importers encountering an WRO have two options: They can remove the products from the American market or they can present evidence to the CBP commissioner demonstrating that the merchandise was not created using forced labor. Because of the scope and complexity of the XPCC’s reach, however, it’s unclear how the CBP will ensure compliance. Morgan referred to undefined technologies and said the agency will be expanding its efforts to identify the provenance of the products it handles. But the onus of responsibility, he said, should be on corporations to police their own supply chains.
“Both American and international businesses [that] wish to do business and sell in the U.S. market [have] been on a notice of this problem for quite a long time,” Morgan said. “Many of them are enthusiastic partners in policing their own supply chains to avoid the danger of slave labor entering into their products. Others are not so much and we look forward to partnering with them.”
The idea of a regional WRO that covers all of Xinjiang or China is not off the table yet, but an WRO on XPCC is “almost akin to a regional [WRO] because it’s so massive,” he added.
CBP issued 13 WROs during fiscal year 2020, including eight WROs on goods made by forced labor in China. Federal statute 19 U.S.C. 1307 prohibits the importation of merchandise mined, manufactured or produced, wholly or in part, by forced labor, including convict labor, forced child labor and indentured labor.
Labor rights groups have been quick to praise the announcement, calling it the largest economic challenge to the Chinese government’s human-rights abuses to date.
“CBP’s action is a body blow to every brand that intends to continue sourcing cotton from the Uyghur Region,” Scott Nova, executive director of the Workers Rights Consortium, a member of the End Uyghur Forced Labour coalition, said in a statement. “This order will likely impact the supply chains of virtually every major apparel retailer—from Amazon, to Target, to Zara. A ban on all cotton from the region is warranted, and CBP’s action therefore represents a partial step, but the scope is large enough to have a major impact on the apparel industry.”
Sanctions on the XPCC “should be global,” but today’s action is a “good start,” according to Omer Kanat, executive director of the nonprofit Uyghur Human Rights Project. “International companies are now on notice: if you import any goods produced by the XPCC, you are complicit in human rights crimes,” Kanat said. “Uyghurs have long suffered under massive human rights violations by the XPCC.”
In a joint statement, the American Apparel and Footwear Association, National Retail Federation, Retail Industry Leaders Association and the U.S. Fashion Industry Association applauded CBP’s “clearly defined” WRO that is “based on specific and actionable intelligence.”
The groups “look forward to working with CBP to build a detailed and practical implementation strategy to make sure today’s actions are effective, enforceable and focused on the bad actors who insist upon exploiting slave labor and do not harm trusted traders or our supply chain partners who are working tirelessly to stamp out forced labor,” they said.
The new WRO “reinforces the need for a unified and comprehensive approach to this human-rights crisis, and we want to renew our calls for the U.S. government to build and lead a coalition involving all stakeholders and allied countries to put pressure on China to end forced labor, and the wider campaign of repression it fuels, immediately,” they added. “U.S. unilateral action can only succeed in ending these forced labor practices if it is accompanied by a ‘whole of world’ approach.”
CBP’s announcement is likely another gut punch to brands like Nike, Apple and Coca-Cola, which are reportedly among the major companies lobbying Congress to water down some of the provisions of the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act because of the potential repercussions to their China-centric supply chains, according to the New York Times Sunday.
Greg Rossiter, director of global communications at Nike, told the newspaper, however, that it “did not lobby against” the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act but rather conducted “constructive discussions” with congressional staff aides over protecting human rights.
The bill, which passed the House in September, would prohibit certain imports from Xinjiang, require firms to disclose dealings with the region and impose sanctions on “any foreign person who ‘knowingly engages’” in forced labor using Uyghurs or other Muslim minority groups.
Source: www.sourcingjournal.com (2 Dec 2020)