INDUSTRY NEWS - 2021.01.15
資料來源:香港工業總會珠三角工業協會 (2021年1月11日)
2、UNIQLO母企迅銷集團首季盈利跌0.75% 中台等大中華業務溢利增
UNIQLO、GU母企迅銷集團 (06288) 公布截至去年11月底的第一季度業績,季度錄得純利703.8億日圓,按年減少0.75%。季內綜合毛利率52.4%,較上年度同期改善2.2個百分點。
資料來源:香港經濟日報 (2021年1月14日)
3、ZARA母企Inditex三大品牌關閉中國所有分店 加強網上銷售
受歐洲疫情拖累,Inditex早前公布11月收入按年下跌19%,並於12月首10日下跌13%,去年財報亦曾透露,集團計劃關閉旗下1,000至1,200家門店,關閉實體店成為集團調整業務的策略之一。Inditex在中國線下門店僅保留Zara、中端品牌Massimo Dutti、內衣品牌Oysho和家具品牌Zara Home。
資料來源:香港經濟日報 (2021年1月8日)
4、威富重整亞太業務 營運中心由港遷滬
市值逾2600億元的威富公司,旗下服飾品牌包括潮牌Dickies、Supreme、Vans、運動品牌THE NORTH FACE、Timberland等;目前公司在上海約有900名辦公室及門市員工,威富公司董事長Steve Rendle解釋,今次的業務轉型計劃,再次體現威富投資亞太區的決定,從而幫助公司達成以消費者為導向、以零售為本及高度數碼化的企業目標。
資料來源:信報財經 (2021年1月12日)
金邊特別經濟區(PPSP)最近與中國針織服裝製造商Marvel Garment簽訂了租賃協定,額外徵用3.7公頃土地。
PPSP主席Tan Kak Khun上個月與中國領先的服裝製造商申洲國際集團控股有限公司當地分支機搆Marvel Garmen的總經理閆德林簽署了交易。
PPSP新聞稿稱,隨著更多生產線的建成,PPSP表示,Marvel Garment正在加緊準備宿舍和周圍設施,以在年底之前容納其10,000名工人的目標。
資料來源:紡織網 (2021年1月11日)
這幾年中美大打貿易戰,中國的關鍵零部作被美國切斷,加上去年新冠肺炎疫情全球爆發,製造業發展受挫,亦令全球意識到供應鏈過於集中單一市場的風險。到底誰能取代中國的「世界工廠」地位?外媒引述哈佛甘迺迪學院經濟學教授Gorden Hanson預測,答案暫時仍是個謎,但他推論,若勞動密集型工業從內地大城市往內地其他地區擴散,取代中國的,可能就是中國本身。
歐美和日本企業確實開始推動分散供應鏈,但更多人發現要放棄中國存在困難,因為中國基礎建設條件難有匹敵國家,品質已經穩定,而且價格具有競爭力,因此催生「中國+1(China Plus One)」策略,將大部分業務保留在中國,但部分分散到越南等國家。
資料來源:東網 (2021年1月11日)
7、港產品輸美受打壓影響微 內銷和東盟市場成香港品牌出路
資料來源:香港經濟日報 (2021年1月8日)
8、港設計師網上直播吸客 款多量少突出品牌風格
受到疫情影響,全球各地不少時裝店相繼結業,在香港長大的鄧曉滔曾經歷沙士,見證過師傅Lu Lu Cheung如何在絕望中奮鬥,捱過難關。這些經歷造就他不易言敗的工作態度,即使面對疫情下門店幾乎「零人流」的情況,亦堅持每季推出新系列的傳統。
資料來源:hkmb.hktdc.com (2021年1月8日)
9、just-style’s online magazine
Time for change: How might apparel supply chains reset post-pandemic?
Issue 08 - December 2020
Source: www.just-style.com (8 Jan 2021)
10、Outlook 2021 – Apparel industry challenges and opportunities
2021 should be a year of winners and losers. The fallout from the coronavirus pandemic means there will be continued volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity, with fewer retail brands, stores and malls……
Source: www.just-style.com (14 Jan 2021)
11、Without Government Aid, Bangladesh Garment Sector Could ‘Collapse’
Garment manufacturers in Bangladesh have demanded that the government extend the moratorium on the salary stimulus package by six months and delay repayment terms by a year, saying that the failure to do so would push the industry past the brink of destruction.
In an open letter published Thursday, Rubana Huq, president of the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA), the country’s largest trade group of factory owners, wrote that the central bank of Bangladesh has asked commercial banks to arrange repayments by the third week of January, despite the “deep plunge into uncertainty” triggered by the unabating Covid-19 crisis. Without the additional assistance or deferment of repayments, she said, “the industry will collapse.”
Overall exports for ready-made garments tumbled 9.6 percent in December, according to the Export Promotion Bureau of Bangladesh, contributing to what Huq described as an “unprecedented” decline of 16.9 percent for 2020. Woven garment exports slid 18 percent, resulting in the worst performing month since June. Only knitwear exports maintained a “relatively stable position” with -0.5 percent growth because of buoyed demand for home goods, she said. Shipments to the United States, the single largest export market for Bangladesh’s products, stumbled 12.6 percent year over year, trade data showed.
“So, given the effect of lockdowns in Europe and U.S.A. and their impact on retail and demand, the worst-ever Christmas sales the world has seen and, most of all, the effect of price decline (which is around 5 percent since September 2020), it was a dark year for the industry that we have seen,” Huq wrote. “As the uncertainties and stresses caused by the second wave still persists, coupled with the unavailability of [a] vaccine, and the impact on global economy it would leave, this downtrend in export will probably continue till April of this year.”
With the jobs of Bangladesh’s 4.1 million garment workers on the line, the perception that the industry is on the mend and “getting all the favors from the government,” she added must “kindly be reassessed.”
Factory owners borrowed 10,500 crore taka ($1.2 million) from the stimulus packages announced last March to pay workers’ wages for the months of April, May, June and July on the condition that they would repay the amount at 2 percent interest in 24 monthly installments beginning this month. In October, the BGMEA asked the finance ministry to draw out the repayment period to five years.
A survey published in December by Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB) contended, however, that 42 percent of the garment workforce, or 1.4 million workers, have not benefited from the stimulus payments despite the fact that the vast majority do not have savings. Factory owners employed some 84 percent of the incentives to address their own financial needs, TIB said. The report also claimed that 21,000 workers in 64 factories that accepted incentives did not receive their owed wages due to layoffs.
“The stimulus package was given from the public money, but the interests of the workers were not considered as a priority,” Iftekharuzzaman, executive director at TIB, said at a virtual press conference. Huq has refuted the report, citing the accuracy of TIB’s data.
Bangladesh was particularly hard hit at the outset of the pandemic. Amid the first wave of the coronavirus, Western brands and retailers canceled or suspended $3.1 billion in orders, roiling a country that counted on apparel for 84 percent of its overall exports. Besides the pared-back orders, factories have had to grapple with new post-coronavirus buyer behaviors, such as demands for steep discounts and extended payment terms that leave suppliers front-loading all of the costs of production.
In June, Huq estimated an “irrecoverable” loss of $5 billion due to the economic fallout.
Source: www.sourcingjournal.com (11 Jan 2021)
12、JCPenney Is Working to Clean Up its Fashion Supply Chain
JCPenney is partnering with the Apparel Impact Institute to improve its supply chain sustainability performance.
The work with the institute (Aii) will help improve performance related to energy, water and chemicals in 2021 and beyond.
“We are pleased to see JCPenney take this leadership position by recognizing the serious environmental impacts of wet processing activities in Tier 2 production by joining our Clean by Design program,” Lewis Perkins, Aii’s president, said. “As the world seeks to build back with better solutions, JCPenney is ‘leaning in’ to this opportunity to improve existing facilities in the ways that will have the most positive impact for both sustainability and production cost.”
Aii is a strategic partner of the Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC), an industry collaboration of brands and retailers. SAC’s Clean by Design program helps members like JCPenney, Target, Gap and Levi Strauss provide strategic suppliers with subsidized environmental engineering support. The support is aimed at improving energy efficiency, as well as the transition to more sustainable fuel sources, such as biomass and solar energy. Costs of programs are shared between the company, supplier and Aii.
JCPenney has been a participant in the Clean by Design program since 2015. It began working with a select group of Chinese suppliers and is now in collaboration with Daysun, Masood, Nishat and Soorty to enroll four additional facilities into the program in Pakistan and Vietnam. The mass merchant said in a company blog post on Thursday that the selected mill and laundry facilities are strategic production partners for the retailer’s private brands, and are located in “high water stress communities.” These facilities “have demonstrated a commitment to improving their sustainability performance. These types of Tier 2 facilities often represent the largest emissions hot spots, making them prime candidates for Aii’s Clean by Design program,” JCPenney said, adding that enrollment in the program will continue on a yearly basis.
JCPenney’s retail operations are now owned by Simon Property Group and Brookfield Asset Management, and the retailer is searching for a new CEO.
Source: www.sourcingjournal.com (14 Jan 2021)
13、M&S to Sell Jaeger Fashion Online After IP Deal
Marks & Spencer has acquired the upscale fashion brand Jaeger out of administration.
Terms of the transaction for the intellectual property assets were not disclosed, but U.K.’s Evening Standard has estimated the purchase price to be in the neighborhood of 5 million pounds ($6.8 million). Since M&S is buying only the IP, the Jaeger stores shut due to lockdown restrictions in the U.K. will likely stay closed as they have been since the brand collapsed into administration in November. Staff who worked at the company will likely lose their jobs as well. About 63 stores and concessions were left after the closure of 13 locations once Jaeger entered into administration. The company had nearly 250 employees on its payroll.
Jaeger and sister company value-chain Peacocks both fell into administration in November. The brands were part of the retail empire of Sir Philip Day. His Edinburgh Woolen Mill Group already saw the collapse into administration of Edinburgh Woolen Mill and the Ponden Home business near the start of November. The expectation is that M&S will sell the Jaeger brand on its website, but probably not open standalone stores.
“We have set out our plans to sell complementary third-party brands as part of our Never The Same Again programme to accelerate our transformation and turbocharge online growth,” Richard Price, head of the M&S clothing and home division, told Sky News on Monday. “In line with this, we have bought the Jaeger brand and are in the final stages of agreeing the purchase of product and supporting marketing assets from the administrators of Jaeger Retail Limited. We expect to fully complete later this month.”
M&S last week provided an update on third quarter sales, noting that although apparel sales were down, sleepwear and leisure apparel were standouts during the November and December holiday period.
Source: www.sourcingjournal.com (12 Jan 2021)
14、2021’s First Bankruptcy: Christopher & Banks to Shut Hundreds of Stores in Chapter 11 Collapse
Christopher & Banks Corp. has become the first fashion bankruptcy of 2021 after filing a voluntary Chapter 11 petition Wednesday that will close hundreds of stores.
The filing in a Newark, N.J., federal bankruptcy court comes after the women’s fashion chain warned last month that it faced the possibility of going out of business. In a regulatory filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission, Christopher & Banks blamed the Covid-19 pandemic for its financial misfortunes, and said it might not be able to repay its loans.
A statement on its website Thursday says the retailer plans to close a “significant portion, if not all, of its brick-and-mortar stores.” Christopher & Banks has already started as liquidating stores but said operations will continue in the “ordinary course” in the near term. A seller of value-priced apparel and accessories, the company is in talks with potential buyers to sell its e-commerce business and related assets. Retail Ecommerce Ventures, known for scooping up and digitally relaunching bankrupt retailers from Stein Mart to Dressbarn, would seem to be a good suitor for Christopher & Banks.
Meanwhile, liquidation expert Hilco Merchant Resources said it will be conducting store closing sales at all 449 locations, and will offer a variety of fashion merchandise in misses, women’s and petite sizes at 40 to 60 percent off original prices. “Christopher & Banks online sales will continue. Closing discounts will not apply to online purchases,” Hilco said.
Christopher & Banks president and CEO Keri Jones said chain has “taken aggressive steps” to steer the business through the Covid-19 storm and had hoped to fend off a bankruptcy.
“Despite the tremendous advancements we have made in executing our strategic plan, due to the financial distress resulting from the pandemic and its ongoing impact, we elected to initiate this process and pursue a potential sale of the business in whole or in part to position the company for the future,” Jones added. “I want to extend my deepest gratitude to our dedicated associates, loyal customers and supportive partners for their commitment to Christopher & Banks throughout these challenging times.”
The company last month hired B. Riley Securities Inc. as investment banker and BRG, LLC as its financial advisor.
Based in Plymouth, Minn., and in operation since 1956, the retailer in its Chapter 11 filing listed total assets of $166.4 million and total debts of $105.6 million. Among the top dozen on its unsecured creditors list was a combination of landlords and vendors from China. It also listed as a contingent liability a $10 million PPP loan. Simon Property Group was listed as being owed $2.1 million, with Brookfield at $1 million and Tanger Property at $831,022. It owes Blueprint Clothing Corp, factored with CIT, $2.2 million, and Letys Fashion Design Inc., factored with Rosenthal & Rosenthal, $989,718. Also on the list was Salesforce.com, owed $1.2 million for the retailer’s e-commerce site, and FedEx, at $830,532, for freight services.
In a declaratory statement filed as part of the bankruptcy case, Jones said the debtors are the “latest victims of the retail apocalypse that was first created by a customer migration away from brick-and-mortar stores and most recently, the Covid-19 pandemic.” She said the pandemic provided the proverbial “nail in the coffin,” following years of adverse market trends. While Christopher & Banks took action to increase liquidity, such as reducing operating costs and negotiating lease concessions and deferrals, “given the continued operating losses, decline in sales and the limited runway, the debtors were unable to execute on any out-of-court solution for their liquidity constraints,” Jones said.
Jones said that based on market feedback with advisors, the company determined that a sale of the traditional brick-and-mortar business wasn’t viable or achievable under current circumstances.
At the date of its bankruptcy filing, Christopher & Banks reported 2,991 employees, comprised of 1,044 full-time salaried staff and 1,947 hourly employees.
Source: www.sourcingjournal.com (14 Jan 2021)
15、Xinjiang Cotton Faces Sweeping New Western Sanctions
The United States has imposed a sweeping regional ban on all cotton products and tomatoes from the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in northwestern China, where authorities are widely believed to hold at least 1.8 million Uyghurs, Kazakhs and other Turkic Muslim minorities in internment camps and prisons as part of a broader campaign of religious and cultural oppression.
The move, announced by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) on Wednesday, is just the latest salvo in a series of sanctions targeting Beijing and its use of extrajudicial imprisonment, torture, forced sterilization, forced labor and other repressive measures to mold ethnic minority groups into model Communists—claims the Chinese government has vociferously denied. A recent study by the Center for Global Policy, a Washington, D.C.-based think tank, estimates that half a million Uyghurs are forced to pick cotton by hand through a state-sponsored labor transfer and “poverty alleviation” scheme.
“CBP will not tolerate the Chinese government’s exploitation of modern slavery to import goods into the United States below fair market value,” acting commissioner Mark A. Morgan said in a statement. “Imports made on the cheap by using forced labor hurt American businesses that respect human rights and also expose unsuspecting consumers to unethical purchases.”
Importers will be responsible for ensuring that the products they plan to import do not exploit forced labor at any point along their supply chain, including the production or harvesting of the raw material.
Ken Cuccinelli, acting deputy secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, told reporters at a briefing that “‘Made in China’ doesn’t just indicate country of origin—it’s a warning label.” He used the same turn of phrase in October, when the CBP issued a Withhold Release Order (WRO) on cotton merchandise from the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (XPCC), a paramilitary organization that produces one-third of China’s cotton, employs 12 percent of Xinjiang’s population and generates 17 percent of the region’s gross domestic product.
This more encompassing ban formalizes what Morgan had described at the time as “almost akin to a regional [WRO]” because of the scale of the XPCC’s operations. With Xinjiang accounting for some 85 percent of China’s cotton, the regional ban will effectively impact 20 percent of the apparel industry’s global cotton supply.
In January, the Fair Labor Association, a multi-stakeholder initiative whose affiliates include Adidas, Uniqlo owner Fast Retailing, Gildan, Hanesbrands, Lululemon, Nike, Patagonia and Under Armour, blacklisted any sourcing and production of goods, whether directly or indirectly, from Xinjiang, citing the “unique human rights and labor violations that defy conventional due diligence norms.”
The United States imported $9 million in cotton products from China in 2020, Brenda Smith, executive assistant commissioner at the Office of Trade, said in the briefing. Worker Rights Consortium (WRC), a labor-rights group and member of the End Uyghur Forced Labour coalition, estimates that U.S. brands and retailers import more than 1.5 billion garments that contain Xinjiang cotton every year, accounting for more than $20 billion in retail sales. These include items exported from countries such as Bangladesh, Cambodia and Vietnam, as well as the rest of China—every one of which is “now barred from entry.”
“CBP’s action is a high-decibel wake-up call to any apparel brand that continues to deny the prevalence and problem of forced-labor produced cotton from the Uyghur Region,” said Scott Nova, executive director at the WRC. “This ban will redefine how the apparel industry—from Amazon to Nike to Zara—sources its materials and labor. Any global apparel brand that is not either out of Xinjiang already, or plotting a very swift exit, is courting legal and reputational disaster. The days when any major apparel brand can safely profit from Xinjiang cotton are over.”
It’s now up to the incoming Biden administration and new Congressional leadership, Nova said, to “up CBP’s game on enforcement.”
“The complexity and opacity of the brands’ supply chains create major challenges and CBP’s track record on enforcement is mixed, but it can be done,” he said. “The effective and transparent enforcement of this order should be among the immediate regulatory priorities of the new administration.”
Likewise, the Uyghur Human Rights Project, a Washington, D.C., nonprofit that promotes human rights and democracy for Uyghurs, also welcomed the decision.
“This is the right decision, and more steps are needed,” executive director Omer Kanat said in a statement. “UHRP has been calling for a complete ban on imports tainted by China’s atrocity crimes against Uyghurs. With the genocidal campaign that is soon to enter its 5th year, Uyghurs don’t understand how ‘business as usual’ has continued as long as it has.”
In a joint statement, the American Apparel & Footwear Association, National Retail Federation, Retail Industry Leaders Association and the U.S. Fashion Industry Association said that the announcement dovetails with its members’ “accelerated commitment in this region,” and it looks forward to working with the new Congress to develop a “holistic approach that provides all stakeholders a clear, effective, and enforceable path forward.” It urged CBP officials, however, to share the evidence they gathered, and the evidentiary thresholds they employed, that resulted in the decision.
“The industry is pioneering and implementing new technologies and innovative approaches to decipher where supply chains are susceptible to forced labor, particularly as it relates to XUAR,” the statement said. “We look forward to working with U.S. Customs and Border Protection to make sure enforcement is smart, transparent, targeted and effective. … Additionally, we ask CBP to share enforcement actions so that industry can further inform their due diligence and amplify and expand CBP’s enforcement efforts.”
The National Council of Textile Organizations said it is closely reviewing the scope of the Xinjiang cotton and cotton product ban and the “associated enforcement mechanisms announced by DHS today.”
“The abuses against the China’s Uyghur Muslim population are well-documented, having spurred both congressional action and several withhold release orders in recent months by U.S. Customs and Border Protection,” said president and CEO Kim Glas in a statement. “It is critical that forced labor in China and the systemic abuse of the Uyghurs and other minority groups is abolished and systematically addressed.”
The news came just as the British government announced new measures to ensure that U.K. companies do not profit from forced Uyghur labor, including “new, robust and detailed guidance” about the specific risks faced by companies with links to Xinjiang and the challenges of conducting effective due diligence in the region. It will also introduce fines for firms that fail to disclose imports tied to Xinjiang.
“Our aim, put simply, is that no company that profits from forced labour in Xinjiang can do business in the U.K., and no U.K. business is involved in their supply chains,” Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab wrote in a statement to the House of Commons on Tuesday. The government will also be conducting an “urgent review” of export controls as they apply specifically to Xinjiang to prevent exports that could directly or indirectly contribute to human-rights violations.
“Let me say that we in the United Kingdom–I think rightly–take pride in the overwhelming majority of British businesses that do business, do so with great integrity and professionalism right around the world. That’s their hallmark, it’s part of our USP [unique selling point] as a Global Britain,” Raab said. “It is precisely because of that, that any company profiting from forced labor will be barred from government procurement in this country.”
Venerable British department store Marks & Spencer said earlier this month that while it has neither suppliers in nor sourcing relationships with Xinjiang, it backs a call to divest from the region entirely.
“At M&S, sourcing ethically and sustainably is core to how we do business and the promise we make to our customers, that’s why we do not source cotton from Xinjiang,” Richard Price, its managing director of clothing and home, said in a statement. “When it comes to sustainable and ethical clothing, we can only achieve real change at scale by working with others, which is why we are proud to be formally supporting the coalition and providing additional assurance to our customers they can purchase from M&S with confidence.”
Source: www.sourcingjournal.com (13 Jan 2021)
16、SPINEXPO B2B event HONG KONG @D2 Place - Spring/Summer 2022
To discover the exhibitor’s list, please visit: http://registration.event-reg.biz/HkparisE/elist/elisthk.aspx
Pre-registration: http://spinexpohk.event-admin.biz/
[Deadline: 20 Jan 2021, Wednesday]
More details: http://www.spinexpo.com/hongkong2021
Source: www.spinexpo.com (12 Jan 2021)