行業報導 - 2020年12月18日
1. 出發前請瀏覽2019冠狀病毒病專題網站(https://www.coronavirus.gov.hk/chi/exempted-persons-faq.html),以確認入境香港時的檢測及其他安排。
2. 在可行的情況下,你必須從廠房所在的城市乘搭直航航班前往香港。
3. 如廠房所在的城市沒有直航機前往香港,你可以在另一城市的機場乘飛機前往香港,但你只可以因此原因前往和短暫停留該另一城市不多於24小時,否則會被視作違反「只可以前往及逗留於在內地的生產作業的廠房所在的城市」的豁免條件而不獲豁免強制檢疫。
4. 在未確定機位前,不應該離開廠房所在的城市。
5. 在檢測安排方面-
(a) 如於出發來港前48小時內,在擁有ISO15189認證或獲當地政府認可的檢測機構接受2019冠狀病毒病核酸檢測並取得陰性結果,須從機場來港後到衞生署的臨時樣本採集中心進行2019冠狀病毒病檢測後方可離去;或
(b) 如於出發來港前48小時內,未有在擁有ISO15189認證或獲當地政府認可的檢測機構接受2019冠狀病毒病核酸檢測,則須從機場來港後到衞生署的臨時樣本採集中心進行2019冠狀病毒病檢測,並於指定地點或採集中心等候檢測結果。
6. 衞生當局有可能向你詢問來港前的行程和交通安排,及要求你出示相關證明。如衞生當局對你有否違反豁免條件有合理懷疑,衞生當局保留權利取消你的豁免授權,以及要求你接受十四天強制檢疫。
1. 出發前請瀏覽2019冠狀病毒病專題網站(https://www.coronavirus.gov.hk/chi/exempted-persons-faq.html),以確認入境香港時的檢測及其他安排。
2. 如廠房所在的城市在廣東省,豁免人士回港前三天內必須到位於廠房所在的城市內一間獲粵港兩地政府認可的醫療檢測機構進行2019冠狀病毒病核酸檢測(檢測樣本需取自在到達香港的當日,或在該日之前的三日內),並取得陰性結果。粵港兩地政府認可的醫療檢測機構名單如下:https://www.coronavirus.gov.hk/pdf/List_of_recognised_laboratories_GD.pdf 。
3. 如廠房所在的城市在廣東省以外,豁免人士可短暫停留廣東省,以到任何一間獲粵港兩地政府認可的醫療檢測機構進行2019冠狀病毒病核酸檢測。取得檢測結果後,務必盡快啟程回港。如因其他理由逗留在廣東省,將會被視作違反豁免條件而不獲豁免強制檢疫。
4. 在廣東省出發回港前24小時內,可透過「粵康碼」將有效核酸檢測陰性結果傳送到衞生署的電子健康申報系統,並填妥其他所需資料,以縮短入境所需時間。豁免人士亦需帶備陰性檢測結果報告(電子版本或紙本均可)以供查核。
5. 衞生當局有可能向你詢問來港前的行程和交通安排,及要求你出示相關證明。如衞生當局對你有否違反豁免條件有合理懷疑,衞生當局保留權利取消你的豁免授權,以及要求你接受十四天強制檢疫。
資料來源:工業貿易署 (2020年12月15日)
2、深圳擬限制港跨境貨車入境 運輸業:影響貨物供應
資料來源:信報財經 (2020年12月17日)
3、冠華遭美制裁 3億貸款違約 附屬涉侵犯新疆維族人權 銀行融資被削
3不利因素夾擊 致現金流惡化
疫情打擊全球製造業 紡織成衣業成重災區
資料來源:明報 (2020年12月15日)
4、馮國經促港加入 可成RCEP中心
RCEP涵蓋15個國家,涉及全球經濟增長速度最快的貿易區域,馮國經說,雖然香港已跟亞太區多國簽訂貿易協議,但RCEP的門檻較低,對其他國家加入態度亦較開放,相信往後會有其他國家簽署, 包括印度及歐洲等。RCEP給予成員國零關稅等政策,可促進區域貿易及投資,香港憑藉優越的地理位置,可成為RCEP的中心,冀本港盡快加入,促進貿易及出口發展。
資料來源:信報財經 (2020年12月12日)
5、本港經濟欠多元化 科技園倡再工業化
要有創科相關工種 留住人才
資料來源:香港經濟日報 (2020年12月14日)
6、創科路遙困難重重 邱達根冀政府支援
(星島日報報道)新經濟當道!在新冠疫情下,網上購物、遙距會議及教育、居家工作興起,令新經濟產業需求急升,大量新經濟股亦順應潮流在本港上市,造就今年本港新股市場暢旺,焦點新股浪接浪。雖然新經濟股熱炒,但資金主要在股市炒作流轉,實際落入推動本港科研發展的不多,資金流入新經濟只是「好睇唔好食」。本報訪問科創業界及人事管理專家,剖析如何吸引資金支援及推動本地創科界發展,及加強人才境訓。 記者:李曉琳、梁安琪、蔡璿驩
據熟悉本港創科投資,慧科資本聯合創辦人及董事總經理、Innovate for Future召集人邱達根接受本報專訪時表示,香港不少初創公司仍處培育期,未達到上市階段,至於較大的科技公司,雖然符合上市要求,但目前在私人市場仍募到資,不用急於上市。如主打擴增實境(AR)的獨角獸商湯科技,至今仍在私人市場募資,傳商湯曾在今年8月再進行新一輪融資,至今融資額達40億美元(312億港元),公司估值高達100億美元(780億港元),內地媒體早前報道,商湯最快在3年內「A+H股」上市。
疫情至今未平,初創企業亦難免受影響,邱達根指,仍處發展期(成立3至5年)的公司,尤以未推出產品的公司最難捱,現階段較難接觸新客讓他們試用產品,公司未有收入,如處研發期,資金負擔相對大。現時不少企業靠政府援助,或藉着數碼港和科學園的免租計畫「吊命」。他形容「猶如放了一年gap year。」不過有危也有機,初創企業並非一面倒受疫情影響,如經營檢測、網購相關及網上學習平台的創科公司,或許在疫市中受惠。
資料來源:星島日報 (2020年12月15日)
7、「灣區號」列車深圳首發 打通歐市場
載跨境電商貨物 赴匈牙利
班列通關 隨到隨查隨放
資料來源:香港經濟日報 (2020年12月15日)
立信德豪會計師事務所董事林鴻恩表示,資產類型公司,如房地產、公用設備,被視為舊經濟股份,市盈率(PE)及每日交投低,股價及整體市值,較總資產的合理估值偏低,現股份均是以折讓形式交易(trade at a discount),成為私有化的誘因。大股東在此時提出私有化,雖作價較市價有溢價,但仍能用低於資產公允價值的價錢購買,對其仍有利可圖。
資料來源:星島日報 (2020年12月15日)
9、Fung Business Intelligence Publications
Dual Circulation Series Issue 4
China Apparel Market Series Issue 1
Asia Sourcing South and West Asia Dec 20
Dual Circulation Series Issue 4: Export manufacturers turning to domestic market (II) - With support of government and e-commerce platforms
China Apparel Market Series Issue 1
Asia Sourcing South and West Asia Dec 20
For more Fung Business Intelligence publications, please visit: https://www.fbicgroup.com/?q=reports
Source: www.fbicgroup.com (16 Dec 2020)
10、The Mills Fabrica: The Tech Lifestyle Issue Fall 2020
Fabrica.Wave _The Tech Lifestyle Issue Fall 2020
For more The Mills Fabrica publications, please visit: http://www.themillsfabrica.com/platform/publications/
Source: www.themillsfabrica.com (18 Dec 2020)
11、JCPenney’s Closing More Stores Later This Month
JCPenney has made its first big post-bankruptcy move—this time adding 15 new closures to the 160 stores already shed from its base this year.
In January, the pre-bankruptcy chain announced plans to close six store locations before filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in May. It subsequently revealed that closures could reach 200, but closed just 154 while operating under bankruptcy court oversight. The mass merchant recently exited bankruptcy through a sale of the operating business to its two largest landlords, Simon Property Group and Brookfield Asset Management.
A spokeswoman for the retailer on Thursday confirmed the store closures, noting that the new doors that will be closing are part of its store optimization plan to close up to 200 locations.
“As part of our store optimization strategy that began in June with our financial restructuring, we have made the decision to close an additional 15 stores,” she said, adding that liquidation sales will commence before the end of December and “close to the public in mid to late March.”
“While store closure decisions are never easy, our store optimization strategy is intended to better position JCPenney to drive sustainable, profitable growth and included plans to close up to 200 stores in phases throughout 2020,” she said.
Regarding its store closings, a JCPenney company blog last updated on Dec. 11 said that the retailer has announced “more than 170 store closures in 2020.”
The six doors pre-bankruptcy, plus the 154 during Chapter 11 and now the additional 15 locations brings the store closure total to 175 doors.
The blog also said, “We will continue to operate the majority of our stores and our flagship store, jcp.com, to ensure our valued customers continue to have access to the products and brands they need and want.”
Source: www.sourcingjournal.com (17 Dec 2020)
12、Fast-Fashion Giants H&M, Inditex Tout Sales Momentum Despite Covid
Fast-fashion titans H&M Group and Zara owner Inditex saw an upswing in sales in fourth- and third-quarter earnings reports, respectively, fueled by digital growth.
The two fast-fashion chains both cited strong recovery in sales once stores began reopening after the first wave of coronavirus, or Covid-19, outbreak, noting that positive momentum continued until the period between Oct. 19-22 when a second wave of coronavirus infections drove additional restrictions and new temporary store closures.
Despite what the two chains touted about how sales have steadily improved until the second wave struck, it would appear that the battle shows Inditex having the edge.
The two follow different business models, with H&M focused on selling more full-price items and containing costs to hit its quarterly profit goal. It’s also had issues with too much inventory. Inditex in turn has been focused on inventory control and has pivoted to proximity sourcing and a single-inventory position to fulfill online orders.
It wasn’t until October that H&M announced plans to shutter 250 stores next year, hinting at a greater focus on digital. In contrast, its Spanish fast-fashion competitor made the tough decision to close up to 1,200 stores back in June. And in a presentation on its current earnings report, Inditex touted how “outstanding growth in online sales continues,” noting it was “fully confident” in its unique business model and strategy that combines store and online integration, digitization and sustainability. The Spanish giant also noted its prowess in managing the supply chain.
Fast-fashion firms H&M and Zara parent Inditex tout sales gains despite increases in Covid infections forcing temporary lockdowns again.
A look at the entrance to the H&M store in a landmark building of the Melbourne General Post Office on Bourke Street Mall.
H&M Group
Net Sales: For the fourth quarter ended Nov. 30, net sales fell 10 percent in local currencies to 52.54 billion Swedish krona ($6.26 billion).
The company said it started the year “strongly and with positive momentum until the first wave of Covid-19 had an impact.” Foot traffic dropped in the second quarter amid temporary store closures and social distancing mandates. The third quarter recovery continued for much of the fourth quarter. Between Sept. 1 and Oct. 21, sales fell 3 percent in local currencies, but were down 22 percent between Oct. 22 and Nov. 30, due to a slowdown as a result of the pandemic’s second wave.
For the full year, net sales fell 18 percent in local currencies, to 187.03 billion Swedish krona ($22.27 billion).
Earnings: The company will report its full-year results on Jan. 29.
Net Sales: For the third quarter ended Oct. 31, sales fell 10 percent in constant currency to 6.05 billion euros ($7.35 billion) from 7.00 billion euros ($8.50 billion). Inditex said gross margin reached 60.5 percent versus 60.8 percent in the year-ago period. Online sales grew 76 percent in the quarter.
Inventory decreased 11 percent, helped in part by both operating performance and active supply chain management.
The company noted as an example of its recovery that sales in constant currency between Oct. 1 to 18 “already reached the historic highs of the same period in 2019.” From Oct. 19 and thereafter, a “new phase of closures and restrictions began in various markets until the first week of December.”
For the nine months, sales in constant currency fell 26.9 percent to 14.1 billion euros ($17.13 billion) from 19.8 billion euros ($24.05 billion)in the year-ago nine-month period. Online sales rose 75 percent over the nine-month period, with online visits up 44 percent to 3.4 billion visits. Inditex said 97 percent of the growth was organic.
During the interim nine-month period, the company opened 25 doors and operated a total of 7,197 stores.
Earnings: Net income for the third quarter fell 13 percent in constant currency to 866 million euros ($1.05 billion) from 1.17 billion euros ($1.42 billion) in the year-ago period.
For the nine months, net income fell 75.3 percent to 671 million euros ($815.0 million) from 2.72 billion euros ($3.30 billion) a year ago.
Source: www.sourcingjournal.com (15 Dec 2020)
13、What Does ‘Transparency’ Mean? 74% of Bangladesh RMG Manufacturers Aren’t Sure
The 2013 collapse of Rana Plaza in Bangladesh marked a watershed moment for accountability in the garment supply chain, ushering in a new level of transparency for fire, electrical and building safety conditions and driving a significant—even unprecedented—degree of improvements.
Despite the proliferation of social initiatives such as the Fair Wear Foundation and innovations like Brac University’s Mapped in Bangladesh, clothing brands, manufacturers and workers in the South Asian nation continue to face “significant barriers” to achieving greater transparency, a new report says.
Commissioned by the Laudes Foundation, the philanthropic arm of retail chain C&A, research for “Transparency Assessment: Examining the Transparency Journey for the Bangladesh Apparel Sector” was conducted before the Covid-19 pandemic hit. Yet “its conclusions and recommendations are more relevant than ever” for the world’s second-largest exporter of garments after China, its authors wrote.
One key finding: “Transparency,” which the study defines as the public disclosure of data, can suggest different things to brands, manufacturers and workers, resulting in a “lack of shared vision” among stakeholders.
In a survey of 104 apparel manufacturers in Dhaka, Gazipur, Narayanganj and Chattagra, for example, 74 percent said they’re uncertain what transparency means. For 87 percent of those polled, transparency is defined as the “public disclosure of information on some labor issues/working conditions and safety-related compliance.” Nearly two-thirds of manufacturers (65 percent) consider transparency to be the “public disclosure of all information by different stakeholders in the supply chain,” and 58 percent believe transparency is the public disclosure of “any” information that can make stakeholders more accountable. More than half (55 percent) think transparency refers to the creation of a platform where buyers, factory owners and workers can “interact and communicate for a win-win situation.”
Many manufacturers also said they consider information to be transparent if they disclose it to their respective brand customers or to monitoring authorities such as the Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh (replaced by the RMG Sustainability Council), the Alliance for Bangladesh Worker Safety (now Nirapon) and the Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishment.
“Greater consensus is therefore needed among stakeholders regarding which issues should be disclosed,” the authors wrote, since misalignment can build barriers to the degrees of disclosure.
More than 67 percent of manufacturers indicated that information sharing tended to flow one way: Buyers may know manufacturers’ costs, for example, but manufacturers do not know what brands pay in their respective segments of the supply chain. Roughly half of manufacturers reported a scarcity of data about brands’ purchasing practices in the public domain, along with insufficient information about procedures for matters such as dispute settlement. Manufacturers also pointed to a dearth of factory-specific safety information in one consolidated public platform (26 percent) and a lack of effective dialogue between factory management and workers and worker representatives (42 percent).
One concern raised by the report is the mixed feelings many manufacturers have about transparency. Most of those surveyed expected more public disclosures to bring positive impacts: 73 percent believed greater transparency will result in more favorable terms from brands, 67 percent said it will improve trust among managers, workers and business partners, and 66 percent said it will attract new orders.
There are limits, however, to what manufacturers are comfortable sharing in public. Most of the time, manufacturers only want to be more open with the specific brands with which they do business. In addition, 74 percent said greater transparency could result in a loss of business. Just under two-thirds (64 percent) worried transparency could lead to increased worker dissatisfaction, since employees might compare their income with revenue earnings without accounting for the non-negotiable costs of operating the business. Half of respondents (52 percent) said brands may use disclosed information to bargain for lower prices.
“Despite growing efforts to expand the depth and breadth of transparency in Bangladesh, this study reveals a confusing landscape where there is still insufficient understanding of transparency and its benefits,” the authors wrote. “Along with targeted actions for each stakeholder group, industry interventions should focus on the principle of reciprocity, coordinating effort and building consensus.”
Brands, manufacturers and workers, they added, are all in a position to provide, receive and benefit from transparent information. Wherever possible, the principle of reciprocity should be applied when examining opportunities for greater transparency.
As the Bangladesh garment industry emerges from the coronavirus crisis, new standards of transparency will serve it well in the future, they said, noting that the absence of “critical, transparent information” about factory re-openings and wage payments contributed to “considerable human suffering.”
“Across the supply chain, transparency does not always mean the same thing,” the authors said. “A cultural change is required so all stakeholders share the same understanding and participate in promoting transparency. This will help maintain a balance in the RMG value chain so that transparency is not used by one party to disadvantage another.”
Source: www.sourcingjournal.com (14 Dec 2020)
14、New Xinjiang Report: More Than 500K Uyghurs Forced to Pick Cotton
More than half a million ethnic minority workers in China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region are forced to pick cotton by hand through a state-sponsored labor transfer and “poverty alleviation” scheme, new research claims.
Previous evidence for forced labor in the northwestern region, where the Chinese government holds some 1.8 million Uyghurs, Kazakhs and other Turkic Muslim minorities in internment camps and prisons, involved only low-skilled manufacturing, such as the production of textiles and apparel, according to the report, which was published Tuesday by the Center for Global Policy, a Washington, D.C.-based think tank.
This report, on the other hand, “provides new evidence for coercion specifically related to cotton picking,” wrote Adrian Zenz, the study’s author. “These findings have much wider implications, affecting all supply chains that involve Xinjiang cotton as a raw material.”
The revelations, he added, have “potentially drastic consequences” for the global supply chain: Xinjiang produces 85 percent of China’s cotton, which in turn comprise roughly one-fifth of the world’s supply.
Evidence gathered by Zenz through government documents and state media reports showed that the Uyghur-majority prefectures of Aksu, Hotan and Kashgar marshaled at least 570,000 people to pick cotton in 2018. Labor transfer of ethnic minorities from other districts, along with prison labor, is likely to add “several hundred thousand” to that number. “While not directly related to the campaign of mass internment, these labor transfers can include persons who have been released from internment camps,” he said.
The news comes two weeks after U.S. Customs and Border Protection issued a Withhold Release Order blocking all imports from the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (XPCC), a sprawling paramilitary organization that produces one-third of cotton in China, over concerns about the use of forced Uyghur labor to farm and process the fiber. The Treasury Department has also placed the XPCC on its sanctions list, prohibiting all American companies and citizens—or non-American companies and citizens subject to U.S. jurisdiction—from engaging with the organization, whether directly or indirectly.
Though mechanized harvesting in XPCC regions reached a share of 83 percent in 2019, more than 70 percent of the high-quality long-staple cotton predominantly cultivated in southern Xinjiang is still processed manually, Zenz said. State policies touting “poverty alleviation through employment,” he said, have bolstered the numbers of local minority pickers while reducing the area’s reliance on outside Han Chinese migrant laborers.
“The intensive two- to three-month period of cotton picking represents a strategic opportunity to boost rural incomes, and therefore plays a key role in achieving the state’s poverty alleviation targets,” he wrote, though he noted that cotton picking is “grueling and typically poorly paid work.”
Workers are closely monitored with on-site surveillance by government officials—and, on occasion, police officers—to ensure that pickers have a “stable” state of mind and “administer political indoctrination sessions” designed to “lead all ethnic workers to obey the law and to proactively resist illegal religious activities,” Zenz said, quoting a government notice. Some districts place Uyghur children and seniors into centralized care while working-age adults are dispatched to pick cotton.
“The report brings sharper clarity to our understanding of forced-labor risk in the apparel supply chain, providing significant new evidence that forced labor is not only present in Xinjiang’s all-important cotton sector, but that it is systematic,” Scott Nova, executive director of the Worker Rights Consortium, a member of the End Uyghur Forced Labour coalition, told Sourcing Journal.
“Any brand or retailer that imagines it can credibly justify continuing to source cotton from the Uyghur Region should read this report.”
Representative Jim McGovern (D-Mass.), sponsor of the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act, which would assume all goods manufactured in Xinjiang are made with forced labor unless “clear and convincing evidence” demonstrates otherwise, called on the Senate Tuesday to shepherd the legislation into law following its passage in the House of Representatives in September.
“We know forced labor is widespread and systematic in Xinjiang,” he said in a statement. “We also know that many global corporations are complicit in the exploitation of Uyghur forced labor and these products continue to make their way into global supply chains and our country. It is long past time for the Senate to stand up to the Chinese government and stop listening to corporate lobbyists who are working to weaken the legislation.”
The New York Times previously wrote that Apple, Coca-Cola and Nike are reportedly lobbying the Senate to weaken or kill the legislation despite claiming zero tolerance for forced labor in their supply chains. In July, the Coalition to End Forced Labor in the Uyghur Region urged brands to sever ties with suppliers complicit in modern slavery and end all sourcing from Xinjiang, from cotton fiber to finished garments.
Brands that have cited the strength of their codes of conduct and social auditing efforts will be increasingly hard pressed to prove compliance with federal statutes, which prohibit the importation of merchandise mined, manufactured or produced, wholly or in part, by forced labor, including convict labor, forced child labor and indentured labor. A number of supply-chain auditing firms, including Bureau Veritas and Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production, said they are no longer conducting inspections in Xinjiang because they’re unable to acquire the necessary amount of access to conduct due diligence. The Better Cotton Initiative stopped auditing and certifying farms in Xinjiang due to similar apprehensions.
“Companies need to come clean about their corporate lobbying on this bill and the Senate must pass this bill as is,” said Cathy Feingold, international director at AFL-CIO. “By uncovering back room attempts to water down the bill, the public now knows that household brands have spun lie after lie to cover up their ties to factory camps in the Uyghur region and skirt corporate liability. Without these public disclosures or accountability, we can only assume their goal is to continue to profit off the forced labor of the Uyghur people.”
Source: www.sourcingjournal.com (15 Dec 2020)