行業報導 - 2021年1月22日
1、春運前疫情升溫 增126本土個案 滬兩月來首現確診 當局促完善通報機制
上海有居民區 推封閉管理
東莞14+7隔離期 須5次檢測
外來人口多 嚴防爆疫
資料來源:香港經濟日報 (2021年1月22日)
2、優衣庫將啟動應用支付功能Uniqlo Pay 母公司迅銷集團開發
新浪科技訊 1月19日上午消息,據報導,優衣庫的運營商,日本時尚巨頭迅銷集團(Fast Retailing)將在其智能手機應用中增加支付功能,讓消費者可以更加輕鬆地在店內進行支付,順帶幫助優衣庫提高銷售的效率。
此前,優衣庫消費者在線下門店使用電子支付時,支付由第三方服務處理。而如今,Fast Retailing將通過優衣庫的手機端應用自己處理這些電子支付。
日本目前規模最大的移動支付應用仍是PayPay,PayPay曾獲軟銀集團投資,目前擁有3500萬註冊用戶。而相比之下,優衣庫應用截至目前的下載量大約為3000萬次,這意味著,在增加了支付功能后,Fast Retailing將成為日本最大的擁有移動支付功能的零售商。
Fast Retailing與三井住友銀行合作開發了這個名為Uniqlo Pay的移動支付服務,該服務將於周二正式上線。用戶可以將自己的銀行卡或信用卡信息與應用程序進行連接,在客戶前往收銀台結賬的時候,會生成一個付款二維碼用於掃碼支付。這個支付服務在日本幾乎所有優衣庫門店內都可使用,日本目前的優衣庫門店數量大約為800家。今後,Uniqlo Pay還可以用於線上購物,在非Fast Retailing門店內,該服務無法使用。
資料來源:新浪網 (2021年1月19日)
3、香港製衣業式微裁縫手藝失傳 環保時裝助本地青年發展設計事業
時裝品牌「PHVLO」創辦人何志恩(Johanna)1997 年開始投身時裝。她說:「當時我曾與日本財團合作在日本開了十多間舖,但有一件事是我一直以來都很不喜歡,便是時裝很多時都不環保。如果經過多次減價都賣不出,為了騰出店舖空間,衣服、髮夾等等所有貨品在轉季時都會通通丟棄,最後進了焚化爐。所以當日本合約完了後,我便開始做環保時裝,在大約 2010 年時起步,因為在香港購入環保物料是很貴而且很少人做,所以當時都很吃力。」
直到 2017 年,何志恩創辦 PHVLO,以可持續發展時裝為營運宗旨。她表示,環保不是單看物料會否污染環境,當然,在漂染、排污方面能秉持低污染,物料能完全降解等原則非常重要,但可持續時裝的最大重點是良性循環。
PHVLO 憑藉著何志恩的人脈與努力成功在英國嶄露頭角,在當地舉辦了時裝比賽後,更將兩位優勝者,中央聖馬丁藝術與設計學院的碩士生帶回香港,陪同他們在香港尋找環保布料、找到成衣工廠、監控生產過程,最後向香港連卡佛推銷成品,貨品後來更成功在全香港及中國部分連卡佛銷售。
2018 、2019 年 PHVLO 分別跟 izzue、Adidas 合作不同項目,但對何志恩來說最希望的仍是幫助香港年青人,提高其設計能力,讓香港的時裝業做到可持續發展,她說:「香港很多人修讀設計,但同時對製衣的基礎非常薄弱,例如紙樣、裁剪等等基本上都是盲區。有時設計交去工廠,師傅甚至無法做出來,又或者做出來效果未如理想。最大的原因在於設計者與裁縫沒有交流。我希望能夠成為他們的橋樑。」
資料來源:香港經濟日報 (2021年1月19日)
4、綠色哲學融入設計 永續時尚 履行百年承諾
【明報專訊】面對每况愈下的生態環境,人類開始反思自己的所作所為,認真和急切關注環保議題。近10年來,時尚界極力推動可持續時尚概念,透過品牌的影響力提升大眾對於「永續時尚」的意識,希望力挽狂瀾,拯救世界。此刻才談環保不知是否太遲,但早在上世紀,Ermenegildo Zegna創辦人已體會到人類與大自然之間的關係,展開環境保護計劃,如今品牌後人亦繼續履行與自然的這份承諾,讓這份社會責任深深植根品牌中。
每當聽到Zegna的名字,總會讓人想起品牌面料上乘的西裝,矜貴的紳士造型。在奢華背後,創辦人Ermenegildo Zegna自1910年創立品牌時,早已具備環保意識。他認為追求產品品質同時,亦應該讓自己的家鄉及身處的世界變得更美好,致力推動環境與景觀再造,為後代保存珍貴的大自然資源。這份理念,成為世代傳承的承諾,時至今天,品牌依然以他的願景為核心宗旨,每一步都以關注環境作準則。去年品牌踏入110周年紀念的里程碑,進一步擴闊可持續發展的承諾。
創建毛紡廠 植樹50萬棵
要說品牌的環保理念,應從Zegna起源地說起。1910年,品牌創辦人Ermenegildo Zegna選擇在阿爾卑斯山脈創建毛紡廠,他深明品牌是否成功,跟與當地社區建立積極關係有着密切關係。他懷着對當地人民、社群和地區的責任感,於1930年代開始發起一項艱巨的環境再造計劃,在毛紡廠周圍的群山間種下近50萬棵針葉樹,將一片貧瘠的山地改造成自然保護區,為美好的未來奠定基礎。如今這片「Zegna綠洲」已發展至佔地達100平方公里,從意大利北部比耶拉阿爾卑斯山脈(Alpi Biellesi)的特里韋羅(Trivero)小鎮一直延伸到塞沃山谷(Valle Cervo),成為一座免費的自然公園,為遊客提供一年四季接觸大自然的機會。除此之外,具有遠見的Ermenegildo Zegna還建造一條長達26公里的「Panoramica Zegna」公路,連結當地村莊、特里韋羅與周圍的自然美景,為世人塑造永續的享樂環境。於他而言,自然環境之美與人類的健康福祉,對有志於長期成功的企業而言必不可少。
回收廢舊面料 循環再造
作為延續品牌可持續發展理念的一部分,品牌去年與英國的Green Pea公司合作,選址位於意大利都靈(Turin) 的Green Pea購物中心,建造出全球首個綠色零售園,設立全新的「店中店」專門店。能夠入駐Green Pea的品牌,都需要遵循可持續發展原則,Zegna是當中少數的奢侈時裝品牌之一。專門店佔地達200平方米,店外的露台位置特別設有迷你版「Zegna綠洲」自然公園,種有10多種不同植物,讓顧客感受被綠意環繞的愜意。店內陳列一系列Zegna的簽名式產品,包括使用創新技術回收廢舊面料作為原材料的#UseTheExisting系列,生產過程均通過循環利用資源,避免浪費製造鏈中的任何材料——這願景正與Green Pea的使命不謀而合,致力於採用與自然和諧共生的原料製作高品質的產品,實踐可持續發展的承諾。
以Z Zegna 2020秋冬系列的#UseTheExisting背心與外套為例,以可回收纖維或纖維混紡為主要面料,採用超輕的可回收尼龍纖維作內裏填充,塑造出羽絨般的輕盈感。其面料編織技術,為可再生尼龍面料注入防水與保暖功能,抵禦潮濕寒冷天氣。品牌透過自家研製的創新工藝,實踐時尚可持續理念。
查詢:Ermenegildo Zegna 2295 0828(中環IFC店)
資料來源:明報 (2021年1月21日)
5、商務部:力擴自貿網絡 積極考慮加入CPTPP
【本報訊】中國為打破美國圍堵及推動國內國際雙循環戰略,積極與各國拓展自由貿易協定。商務部新聞發言人高峰表示,中國將加快推進中日韓自貿協定談判,推動與海合會(即海灣阿拉伯國家合作委員會)、以色列、挪威等自貿談判進程,積極考慮加入跨太平洋夥伴全面進步協定(Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership,簡稱CPTPP)。
資料來源:香港經濟日報 (2021年1月22日)
錢慧敏指出,疫情使線下消費加速向線上消費轉移,消費者對電商的依賴性增強,消費市場的回溫將提振2021年零售業銷售額,預計2021年社會消費品零售總額將以10%以上的速度增長,「十四 五」期間將出台一系列新舉措,以提振消費、擴大內需,建立新的消費模式。
Ten Highlights of China’s Commercial Sector 2021
資料來源:星島日報 及 Fung Business Intelligence (2021年1月19日)
7、Fung Business Intelligence : China Sourcing Update Dec 2020
China Sourcing Update: Major Price Indicators (December 2020)
Source: Fung Business Intelligence (18 Jan 2021)
8、Outlook 2021 – What next for apparel sourcing?
How is the sourcing landscape likely to shift in 2021, and what can apparel firms and their supplies do to stay ahead, remain competitive a ……
Read More: https://www.just-style.com/analysis/outlook-2021-what-next-for-apparel-sourcing_id140472.aspx
Source: www.just-style.com (18 Jan 2021)
9、Asian Manufacturers Fight Back Against Payment Terms
In an unlikely move for such disparate and competitive countries—Asian manufacturers banded together on Monday to launch an initiative to work collaboratively from the region that accounts for more than 60 percent of global sourcing of garments and textiles.
Restless after Covid-19, and the immense pressure they have been facing from all sides to keep labor employed, manage sudden cancellations of orders, manage costs and sudden bankruptcies, and meet pressure for best practices, manufacturers are determined to handle the second wave, and the coming years, differently.
“This common position will be powerful,” Miran Ali, spokesperson for the initiative, told Sourcing Journal. A prominent factory owner in Bangladesh, Ali is also on the board of directors of the Bangladesh Garment and Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA), and the RMG Sustainability council (RSC). “We have all had similar experiences during the Covid-19 crisis, which has brought us closer together. The situation has been difficult before, but Covid-19 changed everything.
“However, it does not end with Covid-19,” he added.
Dubbed the STAR Network, the grouping from six countries—China, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Myanmar, Pakistan, and Cambodia—includes nine member manufacturer organizations, and aims to ensure better purchasing practices in the textile and garment industry. China, Bangladesh and Vietnam are among the top five exporters of textiles and apparel worldwide.
Talks with other countries for inclusion in the initiative are still underway.
Although it seems an unlikely alliance—as these countries in Asia have been bitter rivals competing for business from global brands and retailers, undercutting pricing, with efforts to be stronger on the supply chain, and other issues—Ali said that the bigger common objective takes precedence.
“We will always compete for business—that will always be there. So, among the things we are looking at are not items on specific pricing, for example, but rather a focus on payment terms—like the 180-day payment cycle, the cancellation of orders, etc. By working in this way, we can make sure the business becomes more transparent, more responsible as a whole,” he said.
The focus will be on better purchasing practices in the textile and garment industry, which has been characterized by a power imbalance between the brands and buyers on the one end and the textile and garment producers on the other, he said, with a look at how a correction can be made.
Immediate action begins with defining ‘red lines’: the areas that have not been previously crossed, such as a focus on payment and delivery practices, third-party negotiations that often leave the manufacturer in the lurch, and better ways to focus on sustainability that can work as much in favor of the manufacturer as the buyer and the end consumer.
Although the STAR network has already existed as an entity funded by GIZ, the new entity has an additional collaboration with the International Apparel Federation (IAF).
GIZ, (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH), is a German development agency headquartered in Bonn and Eschborn that provides services in the field of international development cooperation; IAF is a global federation for apparel manufacturers, brands, their associations, and the supporting industry.
The secretariat for the new initiative is to be based out of Netherlands.
Source: www.sourcingjournal.com (18 Jan 2021)
10、Asia apparel groups push for better buyers
In a show of solidarity, the Garment Manufacturers Association in Cambodia (GMAC) joined forces with eight competing Asian textile and garment lobby groups to demand better purchasing practices in an industry wrestling with Covid-19 production and supply chain disruptions.
The Sustainable Textile of the Asian Region (STAR) Network is the first inter-Asian network of producer associations of the textile and garment industry, which came together on January 12, marking the start of a new initiative, STAR Network said in a January 18 press statement.
The central focus of the network is to raise questions surrounding purchasing practices, such as payment and delivery terms, from the perspective of manufacturers and the associations that represent them as a true, unbiased bottom-up initiative, it said.
It listed the organisations as GMAC, Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA), Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BKMEA), China National Textile and Apparel Council (CNTAC) and Pakistan Towel Manufacturers Association (PTMA).
The remaining groups are Pakistan Hosiery Manufacturers and Exporters Association (PHMA), Towel Manufacturers Association of Pakistan (TMA), Myanmar Garment Manufacturers Association (MGMA) and Vietnam Textile and Garment Association (VITAS).
“We want to come together as associations and manufacturers in Asia, to agree on common positions regarding payment and delivery terms so that we have a stronger voice in individual and in collective discussions with brands and buyers on improving purchasing practices.
“This common position will be powerful”, said STAR Network spokesperson Miran Ali, who estimates that the network represents over 60 per cent of all global apparel exports by manufacturers.
GMAC secretary-general Ken Loo explained that payment terms in the garment industry differ greatly from other sectors.
Citing a litany of issues such as “exceedingly long credit terms” and an “unhealthy bias in favour of buyers”, Loo said these put merchants in a cash flow dilemma and expose them to financial risks.
Backed by a letter of credit or just a sales contract, the credit term that suppliers are obliged or compelled to grant buyers is between 30 and 150 days after shipment, he said.
In a recent survey of its members, GMAC found that 40 per cent of respondents cited buyers requesting longer credit terms during Covid-19, he said.
Adding insult to injury, more than 40 per cent of respondents said buyers had low-balled them, threatening to cancel orders, he added.
“This is an evolving issue, from bad to worse. The current system is not sustainable and needs revising because it benefits the buyers to such an extent that they are untenable for the future.
“We recognise that each party has its own difficulties, but buyers are surely in a better financial position, unlike the manufacturers who are financially weaker and have to deal directly with their workers’ wages.
“There can’t be deferred payment in workers’ wages, or factories will have to sustain damaging strikes,” Loo said.
Cambodian Labour Confederation (CLC) president Ath Thorn said better payment practices would help to alleviate the plight of the Covid-19-ravaged industry.
“I do agree with the associations’ call for better payment practice from buyers, suppliers here also need the money to pay for workers.
“However, I also do encourage the suppliers to pay their workers once they’ve received the oft-delayed payment from their buyers,” he said.
The STAR Network pointed out that the nine associations will be working in five working groups, defining their “red lines”, requests and recommendations on topics such as payment and delivery practices, planning and information exchange and third-party negotiations until March.
Based on the output of the working groups, the second phase of the initiative will drive a roll-out in the industry, the network said.
According to Loo, the volume of Cambodian garment, footwear and travel goods exports dipped 10 per cent in the first 10 months of 2020 over the corresponding period in the previous year.
Source: www.phnompenhpost.com (21 Jan 2021)
11、BGMEA plans biometric database for factories
The Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) is planning to roll out a biometric database on factory owners to ensure a smooth digitised services for its members……
Read More: https://www.just-style.com/news/bgmea-plans-biometric-database-for-factories_id140513.aspx
Source: www.just-style.com (20 Jan 2021)
12、President Biden Gives Fashion and Americans Hope
Out with the old, and in with the new, as Joseph R. Biden, Jr. on Wednesday was sworn in as the 46th president of the United States.
The retail sector and the fashion industry have high hopes for the new Biden Administration, as First Lady Dr. Jill Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, the first woman, the first Black person and first person of South Asian descent to hold the office, selected symbolic looks from emerging American designers. Dr. Biden wore a blue tweed coat and dress designed by Alexandra O’Neill of the budding label Markarian. Harris wore a purple dress and coat by Christopher John Rogers, a young Black designer who was the winner of the 2019 CFDA/Vogue Fashion Fund award. Both President Biden and Second Gentleman Douglas Emhoff wore traditional dark suits by Ralph Lauren.
CFDA CEO Steven Kolb said there is a lot to be excited about in what they wore and the message they sent in promoting American fashion. The industry contributes $383 billion to the U.S. economy, he noted.
“The business side of fashion is in critical need of support and there is reason to be optimistic that Joe Biden understands that it is an engine for American jobs,” Kolb said. “Already, we see how he is prioritizing an economy rescue package with the $1.9 trillion stimulus and the expedited vaccine roll-out plan as he enters the office. Both will help overall economic recovery, and should also bode well for the fashion and retail sectors which have been especially hard hit by the pandemic.”
Kolb also noted that duties and tariffs were a challenge in the last administration and that the industry looks to Biden to “reduce these to provide fashion businesses with opportunities for long-term success.”
The CFDA chief said that sustainability is a key pillar of the CFDA, and the new administration’s commitment to it—Biden has made the environment and climate change a priority—will be good for fashion.
“Immigration reform is needed that supports a robust fashion industry workforce from factory workers to foreigners looking to establish brands in the US. We are encouraged by plans to give undocumented immigrants and refugees a path to citizenship,” Kolb said.
Kolb urged the industry to “stand with the new President in uniting and healing our country. The next four years will bring change. Change is always good. As a powerful industry, American fashion can be part of that change.”
As one of his first acts as president, Biden signed an Executive Order that protects Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients and other aimed at reversing some of former President Trump’s actions.
“President Biden’s immediate attention to immigration reform is welcomed news for the 700,000 plus DACA beneficiaries who make significant positive impacts on the retail industry and to their respective communities. The retail industry employs thousands of DACA program recipients, and these individuals deserve dignity, respect, and a clear legal pathway to citizenship,” Brian Dodge, president of the Retail Industry Leaders Association, said.
“Dreamers’ contributions are particularly evident as we fight COVID-19, as Dreamers are among those helping to keep stores open, stocked, and safe. These hardworking individuals are part of the social fabric of America and part of the retail family; they are our friends and neighbors,” he added. “Today’s executive order gives these workers some hope that the program they depend upon to work legally in the country that is their home is preserved. RILA implores Congress and the Biden Administration to seek an immediate and long-term remedy to address the legal status of DACA participants.”
In his speech, President Biden described the inauguration as “democracy’s day, a day of history and hope, of renewal and resolve.”
“Through a crucible for the ages, America has been tested anew,” he said. “And America has risen to the challenge. Today, we celebrate the triumph, not of a candidate, but of a cause—the cause of democracy. The people, the will of the people, has been heard, and the will of the people has been heeded. We’ve learned again the democracy is precious. Democracy is fragile. And, at this hour, my friends, democracy has prevailed.”
Biden, who is pushing for a national minimum wage of $15 an hour, also picked up on a theme in his American Rescue Plan, which is that fighting the pandemic as a nation will also help pave the way for a U.S. economic recovery.
And he said that “American has been tested, and we’ve come out stronger for it. We will repair our alliances and engage with the world once again. Not to meet yesterday’s challenges, but today’s and tomorrow’s challenges.”
Outgoing and now former President Trump elected to leave town before the swearing in. Most believe that Biden will focus first on the pandemic and the economy, keeping intact for now trade policies that are currently in place.
Source: www.sourcingjournal.com (20 Jan 2021)
13、H&M to Pilot ‘Digital Fitting Room’ This Summer
With fitting rooms still temporarily closed across its stores, H&M is looking to dive deeper into the virtual realm to offer its shoppers an alternative in-store experience.
H&Mbeyond., the Swedish fashion giant’s Berlin-based innovation lab responsible for developing and piloting new products and services, is collaborating with augmented reality and virtual reality technology provider Nexr Technologies to develop a “digital fitting room” enabling customers to try on apparel digitally, quickly and easily.
The first prototype is planned for summer. In select stores in Germany, customers will be able to have their bodies scanned and receive their personal avatar, an exact digital image of their physical likeness.
With the aid of an app, customers will be able to try on matching styles on their own avatar, thus assuring their purchase decision.
The technology is based on a 3D photogrammetry scanner developed by Nexr, which was further developed in cooperation with H&Mbeyond. The tech company’s 3D Instagraph team develops and distributes the in-house developed scanner systems, which create photorealistic 3D avatars in seconds. Meanwhile, its OnPoint Studios team offers all services around motion capture and animation and can animate the avatars directly and individually from the 3D scanner.
While H&M wants to offer customers an exciting virtual shopping experience with Nexr’s digital fitting room, the retailer also believes the technology may be able to help give a better understanding of how scanning solutions could impact returns behavior.
“We are always searching for innovative solutions and technologies that make the shopping experience in stationary retail more attractive and exciting,” said Oliver Lange, head of H&Mbeyond. “With the pilot project, together with our customers, we want to test whether ‘digital fitting rooms’ can help them choose styles, dress sizes and ultimately make a purchase decision—NeXR is a great partner for this.”
More companies are trying their hand at virtual fitting rooms as stores remain hesitant to bring back fitting rooms entirely. In May, as stores were starting to reopen after their temporary closures during the Covid-9 pandemic, body measurement app 3DLook said that 61 percent of consumers prefer to shop with a store that has an AR experience in place, and adding this component can boost conversions by 83 percent.
This is far from the first time H&M has dabbled in some sort of mixed, virtual or augmented reality experience, with the fast-fashion retailer introducing six AR filters on Instagram as part of its September promotion of a Kangol collection inspired by 1990s streetwear. The retailer has had ongoing collaborations with virtual reality and special computing company Magic Leap at numerous events since 2018, most recently at the 2020 NRF Big Show, but the partnership hasn’t been taken into stores or been positioned for a customer-facing environment.
In 2018, H&M first tested high-definition AR holograms for its Monki brand that could be viewed through a smartphone or tablet via nine outfits with “enhanced with digital effects.” This has been the more traditional use of AR in recent years, since customers could view these holographic fashions right in the room with them, offering a new way to get closer to the product without visiting a store.
Now, with the Nexr partnership in hand, H&M hopes it could bring the value of mixed-reality applications both outside the store and within it.
Nexr Technologies offers both hardware and software expertise, with its business units crossing areas such as 3D scanner systems, motion capture and animation and VR experiences to deliver “future-oriented” services and products that are connected within a unique value chain. The company’s agency, VRriday, is tasked with integrating the avatars into VR experiences and offers consulting, implementation and publishing of the VR experiences within partner businesses.
Source: www.sourcingjournal.com (21 Jan 2021)