行業報導 - 2021年6月4日
1、廣東錯峰用電礙製造業生產 工廠「開四停三」 恐延續至年底
資料來源:信報財經 (2021年5月29日)
資料來源:www.moneydj.com (2021年6月2日)
3、亞洲多國製造業擴張放緩 疫情反撲原材價漲 窒礙出口勢頭
疫情對亞洲區製造業的打擊愈來愈明顯,泰國多家工廠發現感染個案,當地傳統硬碟(HDD)生產商泰金寶,近日傳出旗下一家工廠多達2400名工人染疫,需要停工14天。卜蜂食品關閉一家廠房,乳膠手套製造商Sri Trang Gloves也有兩家工廠暫停運作,影響該公司一半生產力。
泰國銀行公會理事長巴榮(Payong Srivanich)指出,出口是泰國經濟目前唯一的主要增長動力,如果更多工廠因為疫情爆發而關閉,出口表現勢受到打擊。他呼籲政府加快推動疫苗接種,以免疫情摧毀製造業。
儘管如此,彭博的貿易追蹤指標顯示,全球貨物貿易仍然蓬勃。滙豐經濟研究亞太區聯席主管范力民(Frederic Neumann)認為,短期通脹壓力的確增加,隨着西方國家經濟逐步重啟,亞洲大部分地區則仍在與病毒搏鬥,未來幾個月供應瓶頸情況可能惡化,對亞洲區經濟增長構成阻力,但相信僅屬暫時性。
資料來源:信報財經 (2021年6月2日)
4、自創食用時裝 環保可降解
資料來源:東方日報 (2021年5月31日)
5、Bangladesh Accord extended by three months
The Bangladesh on Fire and Building Safety Accord, which was set to expire on May 31 2021, has been extended for another three months.
The accord is a legally binding pact signed by more than 200 fashion companies that aims to improve factory safety for workers following the 2013 Rana Plaza building collapse which resulted in the deaths of over 1,100 garment factory workers.
The accord was set to expire in May, by which time it would be superseded by a new body, backed by the Bangladesh government, called the Readymade Sustainability Council (RSC).
But trade unions and NGOs have warned that RSC is not ready to take over, citing concerns that it will not implement the same legally binding obligations for individual brands that were present in the Bangladesh Accord.
On Sunday, UNI Global Union, IndustriALL Global Union and a negotiating committee representing leading fashion announced they had agreed to a three-month extension of the commitments of the 2018 Transition Accord to allow negotiations to continue.
Christy Hoffman, UNI general secretary, said in a release: “We welcome this extension, which will allow us more time to negotiate a successor agreement to the Accord. We must put the mechanisms in place to ensure the success and credibility of the RSC as well as a safe workplace for millions of workers.”
Source: fashionunited.uk (31 May 2021)
6、Lever Style Strives to be the Fast, Flexible Go-To Supplier Across All Apparel Categories
The state of the apparel supply chain has certainly changed throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, but for Lever Style, staying out in front of these changes has been a five-year process. Within that time span, the Hong Kong-based apparel manufacturer and supplier has committed to a faster, nimbler operation by pivoting to work primarily with flexible digital natives and designer labels focused on manufacturing smaller-batch orders.
With an array of expertise and services at its disposal and base values focused on strong factory compliance, on-time delivery and premium quality, Lever Style has made it a mission to become the “indispensable partner of choice” for these brands.
While the company offers a wide range of solutions for apparel, design, development, sourcing and manufacturing, Lever Style’s true value proposition lies in extending these services across all apparel product categories, according to executive chairman Stanley Szeto.
“In our industry, the top players tend to be specialized—shirts, denim, sweaters, tailoring or soft-woven products,” Szeto said. “If they grow they might have two or three product categories at maximum, whereas we cover pretty much the entire range. Our clients don’t just buy one product category; they are all lifestyle brands and platforms that purchase across a wide range of categories.”
During the pandemic, Lever Style stepped in to fill an even bigger role for its clients, especially as many sought out common ground with their suppliers, whether through compliance, speed to market or product quality. In select cases, the company served as the only apparel supplier for brand partners, and thus needed to help augment their sourcing and production capabilities. Lever Style’s breadth of categories allows brand partners to reduce overhead costs and fill in gaps when necessary, especially if they have a small sourcing and production team, or none at all. This positioning was essential during the pandemic as manpower budgets were dwindling, according to Kimberly Wallis, vice president of product development and sales at Lever Style.
“Many of the services that we already provided were utilized more during the pandemic,” Wallis said. “Instead of just seeking fabric sourcing, many companies also started requesting design work. They had to downsize and really needed our support. We also saw that many companies weren’t able to present to their clients in person when lockdowns and travel restrictions kicked in, so we stepped in to help them create virtual presentations through our 3D Browzwear software.”
With this back-end support, including an in-house design studio and extensive fabric library, Lever Style aims to free brands up to focus on their core competencies on the front end of the business, such as distribution or marketing, Szeto said.
Lever Style’s services have expanded since going public in late 2019, acquiring four companies in the past eight months and rolling them into its ecosystem. But while Lever Style has benefited from its new performance apparel, knitwear, denim and technical activewear offerings, the future and success of its brand partnerships will continue to evolve as shopper data becomes more pivotal to the apparel experience. Lever Style analyzes sales data provided by e-commerce partners as well as market intelligence from international trend shows and mill partners to inform future trends and product development.
“It’s an art and a science. The science part is getting all the data. On the art side, we work hard to stay on top of the market and understand the needs of high-end brands so we know exactly what is coming down the pipeline in terms of trends,” Szeto said. “We can marry data with the intel research we gather from these various resources to produce the most relevant products for our brands.”
As apparel brands rush to prioritize digital transformation within their supply chain, especially if they don’t have an established IT infrastructure, Lever Style can even serve as their turnkey supply partner. The company offers solutions including Browzwear, supply chain compliance and quality platform Pivot88, Centric PLM and ERP platform Microsoft Dynamics 365.
“We become the main part of the IT ecosystem, and the brand can just access Browzwear or the PLM in one terminal,” Szeto said. “We can make it into one holistic experience so that a small brand using us exclusively as a turnkey solutions provider won’t need to implement anything.”
Although Szeto described the apparel industry at large as only in the “early stage of digital transformation,” he has set a high goal for Lever Style: capitalize on the “winner-take-all” environment that permeates among digital platforms, such as Uber in ridesharing and Airbnb in home rentals.
Source: www.sourcingjournal.com (28 May 2021)
7、Polyester Yarn From 4 Asian Nations Dumped in US, Gov Rules
The U.S. Department of Commerce has ruled that imports of polyester textured yarn from Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam are being unfairly sold below their fair value in the United States at margins ranging from 2.67 percent to 56.08 percent.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection will now begin collecting antidumping duties (AD) in the amount equal to the dumping cash deposits rates for imports from each country. Importers will be required to post duty deposits at these AD rates on the date the preliminary determinations are published in the Federal Register.
These deposits will be collected until the Commerce Department and U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC) conclude their investigations later this year. At that time, the duties could change, Commerce said.
Imports of polyester textured yarn from China and India are currently subject to significant double- and triple-digit AD and countervailing duties as a result of prior investigations that concluded in January 2020.
Two major U.S. synthetic yarn producers–Unifi Manufacturing Inc. and Nan Ya Plastics Corporation America–filed petitions with the Commerce Department and the USITC in October alleging that dumped imports of polyester textured yarn from Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam were causing material injury to the domestic industry.
The Commerce Department initiated the investigations in November and the USITC preliminarily determined in December that imports from the four countries were causing injury to the U.S. domestic industry.
The product covered by the investigation, polyester textured yarn, is synthetic multifilament yarn that is manufactured from polyester (polyethylene terephthalate). Polyester textured yarn is produced through a texturing process that imparts special properties to the filaments of the yarn, including stretch, bulk, strength, moisture absorption, insulation and the appearance of a natural fiber.
This scope of the ruling includes all forms of polyester textured yarn, regardless of surface texture or appearance, yarn density and thickness; number of filaments; number of plies; finish; cross section; color; dye method; texturing method or packing method.
The merchandise subject to this investigation is properly classified under subheadings 5402.33.3000 and 5402.33.6000 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS). Although the HTSUS subheadings are provided for convenience and customs purposes, the written description of the merchandise is absolute and conclusive, Commerce noted.
The petitioning companies are represented by Kelley Drye & Warren LLP.
Source: www.sourcingjournal.com (1 Jun 2021)
8、Fung Business Intelligence: Asia Sourcing Update - Southeast Asia
12-month Sourcing Outlook
Slightly positive: Pakistan, Turkey
Neutral: Bangladesh, India
Click here to read the full report.
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Source: Fung Business Intelligence (28 May 2021)