行業報導 - 2021年7月16日
1、紡織面料訂單增多 紡織企業為何愁眉不展?
資料來源:www.sohu.com (2021年7月9日)
資料來源:www.sohu.com (2021年7月9日)
3、商務部:推動內地港澳 共建單一自貿區
挺港有序參與 境外經貿合作
健全外商投資 國安審查制度
資料來源:香港經濟日報 (2021年7月10日)
4、Uniqlo首推「東京製造」 柳井正「三不」原則成迅銷成敗關鍵?
日媒報道,疫情持續影響日本的零售業,因此迅銷集團在銷售策略上作出調整,其實其關閉旗下全球旗艦店亦是策略的部分之一。集團今年春季對在位於東京有明的總部進行了內部改裝,並新增了攝影棚和客服中心。同時,僅距離總部10分鐘左右車程的首座自主工廠「創新工廠(Innovation Factory)」已於今年4月正式投產。這是集團董事長柳井正親自規劃的「有明計劃」的一部份。
「Made in Tokyo」的背後
報道指,柳井正追求的終極目標是「消費者想要的服飾,只做消費者想要的數量。作為首款「東京製造(Made in Tokyo)」產品為無縫立體「3D針織衫」,該產品共3款產品包括售2,990日圓(約210港元)的「3D棉質圓領衫(Cotton Crewneck Sweater)」,即將在東京旗艦店和網店上架。
而今後東京增設自主廠房後,產品開發的負責人可每周定期到廠房了解,令溝通更緊密。新品開發所需的時間,亦可以由3個月,縮短至1個月內。目前「創新工廠」所生產的「Made in Tokyo」新產品,除了能夠率先送到Uniqlo東京旗艦店限定發售,更可根據消費者的購買行為,即時作出調整及改善,減少多餘的生產,最後將「最終版商品」交到海外量產代工廠生產,節省時間。這正正實現柳井正「不做、不賣、不搬運無用商品」的終極目標。
資料來源:香港01 (2021年7月14日)
5、美參院通過禁新疆貨進口 中方斥嚴重破壞全球供應鏈
眾院料力撐 拜登簽署始作實
提出該法案的參議員魯比奧(Marco Rubio)在聲明中呼籲加快推進法案,稱一旦眾議院通過該法案並由總統簽署,美國將有更多的工具來防止強迫勞動生產的產品進入美國的供應鏈。魯比奧揚言,美國不會對共產黨持續進行的反人類罪行視而不見,亦不會容許企業從恐怖的侵權行為中獲取利益。
資料來源:信報財經 (2021年7月16日)
6、Joe Biden confirms that warning to US businesses in Hong Kong will come on Friday
‘The situation in Hong Kong is deteriorating and the Chinese government is not keeping its commitment it made on dealing with Hong Kong,’ the US president says
Speaking at a press conference with German leader Angela Merkel, he says their nations ‘will stand up for democratic principles and universal rights’
US President Joe Biden on Thursday confirmed his plan to issue a new advisory this week warning American companies about the risks of doing business in Hong Kong.
“Let me talk about the business advisory,” Biden said at a joint press conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, after he was asked for details about the warning his administration was reported to be issuing “tomorrow”.
“The situation in Hong Kong is deteriorating and the Chinese government is not keeping its commitment that it made [about] how it would deal with Hong Kong,” Biden said. “And so it is more of an advisory as to what may happen in Hong Kong. It’s as simple as that and as complicated as that.”
First reported by the Financial Times, the business advisory is slated to highlight China’s ability to access data stored by companies in Hong Kong, as well as the risk of being targeted by a new Chinese law that could punish firms for complying with sanctions by foreign governments.
The Biden administration has largely maintained – or in some cases, such as the upcoming advisory, escalated – many of the pressure points enacted during the tenure of former US president Donald Trump.
Last week, Biden extended a national emergency designation over Beijing’s tightening control on Hong Kong, which he described as an “extraordinary threat” to American security and economic interests.
The emergency declaration, which grants the president sweeping sanctioning powers, came one year after Beijing forced a sweeping national security law upon Hong Kong, legislation that critics say has further chipped away at the city’s autonomy and undermined its rule of law.
This week the Financial Times also reported that the Biden administration was weighing fresh sanctions against Chinese officials in Hong Kong, though Biden on Thursday made no mention of particular punitive measures beyond the business warning.
Barely two months into Biden’s presidency, his administration issued sanctions against 24 Chinese officials over what it described as efforts to undermine Hong Kong’s autonomy, including a drastic overhaul of the city’s electoral system. Enacted under the authority of the Hong Kong Autonomy Act, the sanctions also target any foreign financial institution that does business with the blacklisted individuals.
Beijing routinely rejects criticism from western countries of its handling of Hong Kong, dismissing concerns about the impact of the national security law on Hong Kong’s rule of law as attempts to interfere in China’s internal affairs.
Asked about the upcoming business advisory this week, foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said the move was “a typical case of political manipulation and hypocrisy.”
“Hong Kong’s Basic Law and other relevant laws clearly protect the rights and interests of foreign investors,” Zhao said, referring to the city’s mini-constitution.
Such claims have done little to assuage the concerns of a number of western nations, including the US.
“A healthy business community relies on the rule of law, which the national security law that applies to Hong Kong continues to undermine,” State Department spokesman Ned Price told reporters on Tuesday. “Rule of law risks that were formerly limited to mainland China are now increasingly a concern in Hong Kong. That’s of great concern to us.”
The administration’s upcoming advisory comes on the heels of government guidelines issued this week to companies about the risks of operating in China’s Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, telling firms that they could wind up violating US laws given the alleged presence of forced labour and other human rights abuses in the region.
Both Xinjiang and Hong Kong have emerged as focal points for the Biden administration as it crafts a China policy centered on multilateral pressure and actions coordinated with allies in Europe and elsewhere.
Earlier in Thursday’s briefing, Biden referenced China first in an affirmation of solidarity with Germany in a new “Washington Declaration”, a document meant to codify cooperation in formulating policies meant to confront threats to democracy”.
“Both our nations understand the imperative of proving that democracies can deliver the needs of our people in the second quarter of the 21st century,” Biden said. “We will stand up for democratic principles and universal rights when we see China or any other country working to undermine free and open societies.”
Source: www.scmp.com (16 Jul 2021)
7、Bangladesh apparel factories to close as part of two-week Covid-19 lockdown
Bangladesh apparel factories will need to close from 23 July as part of a two-week complete lockdown to reduce the rising numbers of Covid-19.
The Bangladesh government is enforcing a complete lockdown, which means all apparel factories will have to close for two weeks after Eid-ul-Azha to reduce the number of Covid-19 cases, according to the Daily Sun.
The Daily Sun explained the fresh lockdown in Bangladesh will take place following the relaxing of rules for Eid celebrations and it will include the closure of all types of factory.
The fresh lockdown will start from 6am on 23 July and will end at midnight on 5 August.
The publication pointed out the relaxation of rules for eight days is specifically for Eid celebrations as prior to Eid the country was already in a strict lockdown to try and combat the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.
The closure of Bangladesh’s border with India has been extended until 31 July and according to the country’s 21-point directive, all factories must close during the new two-week lockdown.
Public transport in the form of rail, waterway and domestic aircraft, as well as all types of motorised vehicles, will be suspended as part of the lockdown.
Trucks, lorries, covered vans and cargo vessels used for transportation of goods will be exempt from the ban and all ports, including air, sea, naval and land will also be exempt from the ban.
Agricultural emergency services such as fertilizer, seeds, pesticides, equipment, crops and transportation, relief distribution, health services and other emergency and essential products and services related offices, their employees and vehicles can move showing their institutional identity cards.
Source: www.just-style.com (15 Jul 2021)
8、SPINEXPO B2B event HONG KONG @ D2 Place (Autumn/Winter 2022/23)
Date: 28-29 July 2021 (Wednesday to Thursday)
Opening Hour: 10am - 6pm
Venue: 2/F, The Space, D2 Place One, Lai Chi Kok
● Exhibitor’s List: http://registration.event-reg.biz/HKParisE/elist/ElistHK.aspx
● Pre-registration: http://spinexpohk.event-admin.biz/
For more details, please visit https://www.spinexpo.com/.
Source: www.spinexpo.com (16 Jul 2021)
9、International Woolmark Prize 2022 application now open
The International Woolmark Prize is the world's most prestigious talent development award for rising fashion stars looking to shape a positive future for the fashion industry.
Open to independent designers from across the globe, applicants are required to:
Have produced commercial ready-to-wear or couture apparel for a minimum of 2 years and a maximum of 8 years
Demonstrate consistent experience in working with apparel supply chains and show yearly growth in sales
Demonstrate an innovative use of fabrics, textiles and design approach
The application portal for the 2022 International Woolmark Prize is open until 31st July, 11:59pm EST.
Apply and learn more details here.
Source: www.woolmarkprize.com (12 Jul 2021)