行業報導 - 2021年8月13日
越南疫情進一步爆發蔓延,近期單日新增確診病例近萬例,19城繼續封鎖;工業生產受阻,大量工廠關閉;港口擁堵嚴重,堆場已近飽和,凱萊港(Cat Lai)和越南新港蓋梅國際港碼頭(TCIT)通知暫停接收進出口集裝箱。
資料來源:紡織網 (2021年8月11日)
2、越南疫下供應鏈癱瘓 Adidas料下半年營業額損失46億
據路透社報道,Adidas財務長Harm Ohlmeyer警告,越南供應鏈問題及亞洲實施封城等因素,將導致該公司下半年銷售額損失超過5億歐元(約46億港元)。Adidas上週發表財報時更稱,希望當地8月15日管制措施結束後,能重啟越南生產線,並同時正努力將部分產能轉移到其他國家,據悉現時越南佔Adidas採購量28%。
資料來源:香港經濟日報 (2021年8月9日)
資料來源:信報財經 (2021年8月12日)
4、舟山港疫下局部封閉 恐加劇擁堵
塞港缺櫃 中美海運價新高
資料來源:香港經濟日報 (2021年8月13日)
深中通道擬2024年通車 深圳到中山車程減為20分鐘
資料來源:文匯網 (2021年8月9日)
6、再工業化資助計劃」批出新項目 將建立兩條智能靜電紡絲生產線
港府去年7月推出「再工業化資助計劃」,旨在資助生產商在香港設立新的智能生產線。創新科技署今日(12日)表示,該計劃向本港生產商Nanoshields Technology Limited批出「建立納米纖維過濾材料的智能靜電紡絲生產線」項目,資助額為1,500萬元,生產線將設於明年在將軍澳工業邨建成的先進製造業中心。
16宗申請獲原則上支持 總資助額約1.8億
資料來源:香港經濟日報 (2021年8月12日)
7、Cambodia garment workers ask global brands for pandemic aid
Unions say total of $393m in wages and severance have been lost
PHNOM PENH -- Cambodian garment workers are demanding the world's biggest clothing companies help recover millions of dollars worth of wages and benefits lost amid the coronavirus pandemic.
Their call comes as part of a broader movement by the region's garment workers, underscoring the tough conditions facing the industry even as demand for clothing and shoes rebounds in the U.S. and other major markets.
A collective of 33 unions and labor rights groups from Cambodia this week wrote to major brands -- including Adidas, H&M, Levis, Nike, Puma, Target, Gap, C&A and VF Corp. -- calling for action.
They say $117 million in wages were lost during Cambodia's lockdown in April and May, a figure based on a study of 114 factories undertaken by local unions and the Clean Clothes Campaign.
The group calculated Cambodia's more than 700,000 garment workers were owed $393 million in outstanding wages and severance since the start of the pandemic.
One reason for the much larger number, the groups say, is that factories are failing to pay severance as stipulated in the country's labor law. The Labor Ministry last year advised factories closing because of economic hardship that they do not have to pay damages or make prior notice payments.
Worker rights advocate Kun Tharo said this advice violated the law but was being used by the sector's mediation mechanism to deny adequate payouts.
"While workers are not getting a decent living wage, brands need to be held accountable and come up with concrete actions," said Tharo, of the Center for Alliance of Labor and Human Rights.
The Labor Ministry did not respond to Nikkei Asia's request for comment as of publication.
Global brands, many of whom have seen their earnings sharply improve this year, say they have attempted to limit the impact of the pandemic on garment workers.
Adidas told Nikkei Asia that the German company was committed to fair wages and had helped key suppliers secure bank finance to weather the pandemic.
"The vast majority of our supplier factories [have] retained their workforce, albeit with reduced working hours due to lockdowns or suspensions," it said.
Puma, meanwhile, said the Cambodian unions' letter did not mention factories supplying Puma and that the company had sought to avoid order cancellations as much as possible.
"In Cambodia, we only canceled 0.2% of our apparel orders," a spokesperson told Nikkei Asia. "The number of factories we work with did not decrease during the pandemic."
Industry analyst Sheng Lu says brands are becoming more confident as economies recover and vaccination programs in the U.S. and Europe progress.
Nevertheless, major challenges, including uncertainty and increased costs, remain, he said.
"Everything becomes more expensive this year, from shipping and logistics cost, textile raw materials to labor," he said. "The unexpected resurgence of COVID cases in summer 2021, especially the delta variant, has caused new market uncertainties."
In Vietnam, which last year surpassed Bangladesh as the world's second biggest garment exporter after China, surging COVID-19 rates have forced 30% to 35% of the country's apparel and footwear factories to suspend operations, according to a report by the Vietnam News Agency.
In Cambodia's case, the pandemic compounds other trade woes. Last year it lost some of its European trade preferences due to human rights violations. Its exports to the EU of clothes, footwear and related products shrank 14% on the year in the first five months of 2021.
Myanmar, meanwhile, has seen the growth of its promising garment sector devastated following the military takeover in February. Year-on-year exports to Europe dropped 17% in the first five months and 2% to the U.S.
Lu, who surveyed 31 major fashion companies about the coup, said some brands had already shifted to Cambodia and were unlikely to return.
Bangladesh, the world's third-biggest clothing exporter, this week reopened factories after a two-week forced closure implemented after record COVID-19 infections and deaths.
As the region's factories struggle to return operations to normal, they should expect more uncertainty ahead, Lu said.
"Overall, the world textile and apparel trade recovery process from COVID-19 will differ from our experiences during the 2008 global financial crisis," he said. "It is the pandemic that sets the agenda."
Source: asia.nikkei.com (7 Aug 2021)
8、BGMEA urges buyers to nominate more shipping lines, private docks
The Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) last week urged global buyers to nominate more shipping lines and private docks to help ensure timely shipment of export containers. BGMEA president Faruque Hassan made this request during a meeting with various stakeholders, including representatives of main line operators and global buyers.
The meeting discussed ways to address a container backlog and vessel shortage that are affecting garment exports.
Hassan said many export containers loaded with garment items sit idle for as many as 10 to 15 days at their respective inland container depots before being sent to the Chattogram port.
This is to select shipping lines, freight forwarders and off-docks being nominated for the job by international buyers, he said.
Many global retailers and brands that import billions of dollars worth apparel products from Bangladesh nominate only one or two shipping lines and freight forwarders to transport their cargo, he said.
The container backlogs also occur since most international buyers chose just four or five off-docks to handle their cargo before shipping.
"This causes delays in shipment as well and exporters are forced to bear additional charges for the delay," Hasan was quoted as saying by a newspaper report in the country.
There are 19 inland container depots in and around Chattogram, where the country's premier seaport is located.
At the beginning of last month, most inland container depots were overwhelmed with export containers staying longer than usual.
During a meeting between Chittagong Port Authority (CPA) and various stakeholders on July 12, held for solving the container crisis, it was decided that the BGMEA should convince global buyers to refrain from nominating select shipping liners, freight forwarders and off-docks.
Source: www.fibre2fashion.com (9 Aug 2021)
9、Meiyume develops a manufacturing system for bespoke products
Fung Group subsidiary Meiyume has unveiled a manufacturing system dedicated to personalising beauty products as demand increases.
The system delivers small batches of made-to-order formulations tailored to the preferred active ingredients, fragrance and colour, shortening the production runs of liquid beauty products.
“The one-size-fits-all approach has given way to the ultra-personalisation model in beauty,” said Chin Wooi Cheang, executive director of global manufacturing operations at Meiyume.
“With our new offering, we can add in different elements that resonate with your brand identity and packaging finishes to give your products a bespoke touch.”
There are 60 ready-to-go formulas and packaging with turnaround times of five to seven days from order placement to delivery once set up. Customers can also customise hundreds to thousands of formulations which can be paired with Meiyume’s ready-to-go packaging solutions.
“What you get is an end product that is perceived as more sophisticated and valuable, creating greater customer stickiness,” Cheang said.
Source: insideretail.asia (10 Aug 2021)