行業報導 - 2021年8月27日
資料來源:紡織網 (2021年8月24日)
2、BDI指數11年高 運費續看漲 乾散貨貿易復甦 加重船租成本
據波羅的海交易所(Baltic Exchange)數據顯示,載貨量約15噸的好望角型船(Capesize carriers)每日租金周一升2%至50708美元(約39.55萬港元),是至少2014年以來的最高水平,遠期合約亦顯示乾散貨運費前景持續看漲。
有150年歷史、擁有500艘貨船的丹麥航運公司D/S Norden,其行政總裁林德博(Jan Rindbo)表示,今年較早前,市場仍以為運費只是短暫飆升,但現在愈益相信是結構性和更長期的上漲。
據全球最大船舶經紀商Clarkson旗下的Clarkson Research Services預測,今年全球鐵礦石的海運貿易量將增加4%,創2017年來最大增幅,至15.6億噸,整體乾散貨貿易料升4.2%,明年續增1.7%,反觀今明兩年乾散貨載運力僅分別漲3.3%及1.4%。
DNB Bank股市分析員利安(Joergen Lian)坦言,現時的市場形勢非常有利乾散貨運輸業,市場從去年夏天開始復甦,步伐隨着今年全球貿易回暖而加速。
Pareto Securities航運分析員哈瓦爾森(Eirik Haavaldse)強調,只要商品市場保持強勁,乾散貨輪運費將持續高企;由於北半球冬季將至,煤炭的進口急增,相信這個趨勢會在今年餘下日子持續。
Precious Shipping董事總經理哈希姆(Khalid Hashim)在訪問中稱,原材料需求正在攀升,尚未見頂,而中國內地港口因實施嚴格的防疫限制導致港口擠塞,變相減少了船隻供應並推高船租。
用於載運氧化鋁的靈便型乾散貨船(Handysize carrier)租金過去一年狂飆超過3倍,Alumina認為這是因為港口擠塞、船員不足和燃料價格上漲所致,認為要全面回復至合理市場,要視乎能否解決疫情相關阻礙。
資料來源:信報財經 (2021年8月25日)
3、外貿下半年放緩 明年形勢料嚴峻 商務部:加強跨周期調控 積極考慮入CPTPP
中國已成為全球第一貿易大國、第二大消費市場,將堅持擴大內需及對外開放,加快與各國的自由貿易協定談判,積極考慮加入CPTPP(Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership,《跨太平洋夥伴全面及進展協定》)。
力擴開放 加快與各國自貿談判
第二大消費市場 吸外資逆勢增
資料來源:香港經濟日報 (2021年6月30日)
建高端智庫引國際專才 優勢產業集群齊頭並進
資料來源:香港經濟日報 (2021年8月26日)
5、駱惠寧指香港要牢牢抓住新一輪歷史發展機遇 籲「做好今天才能贏得明天」
【十四五規劃綱要】林鄭月娥指「十四五」規劃設港澳專章 為港帶來千載難逢機會
【十四五規劃綱要】黃柳權指林鄭月娥展示事不避難精神 相信她能團結社會各界砥礪奮進
資料來源:香港經濟日報 (2021年8月23日)
6、供應鏈智能化 助香港從亞太物流業突圍
對於供應鏈而言,過去十年艱難重重。 2020年,疫情的蔓延及蘇伊士運河堵塞事件更為全球供應鏈帶來前所未見的風險,一連串的挑戰更加突顯出加強數碼韌性、成本控制及可持續發展的重要性。
Orange在今年一月發佈的報告《Real time intelligence and the future of the supply chain》發現,疫情的蔓延令40%的跨國企業供應鏈受到嚴重打擊,有見及此,83%的企業指出,與一年前相比,他們現時更加了解供應鏈中繼可引致的風險。
人工智能(Artificial Intelligence)、機器學習(Machine Learning)等數碼工具能大大幫助供應鏈轉型,提升可預測性及靈敏度,從而令供應鏈更有韌性。
Harvard Business Review Analytic Services的調查發現,將供應商的數據數碼化是企業領導在2021年的首要任務。可是,我們發現在應用數碼工具方面,香港物流業未有充足準備。根據Google 香港在2020年公佈的準備度指數》,香港物流業對人工智能認知及應用方面的準備程度只得53分(100 為滿分),是調查中涵蓋的四個行業之中最低。
超級自動化將成為供應鏈技術上的新趨勢,結合了人工智能、機器學習、物聯網(Internet of Things)和機械人流程自動化(Robotic Process Automation)等科技,取替人手處理供應鏈中重複性的工作,以減少出錯機會,更可騰出時間,讓企業員工親自處理較為複雜的任務,從而使供應鏈運作更有效率和更安全。
資料來源:香港經濟日報 (2021年8月23日)
7、Shanghai airport terminal closure leads logistics firms to expect cargo delays
Dive Brief:
● Freighter suspensions that began Friday remain in effect at Shanghai Pudong International Airport after the Shanghai Health Commission reported five new COVID-19 cases among cargo workers.
● One of the airport's terminals, PACTL, closed due to the new cases, with around one-third of flights out of PVG airport affected, according to Ligentia. Before the closure took place, Shanghai Pudong airport was only operating at 33% capacity due to China's quarantine measures.
● "It is still unknown when flights will operate again," Matt Castle, vice president of air freight products and services at C.H. Robinson, said in an email Monday.
Dive Insight:
Affected freighter flights won't operate out of the airport again until the area is considered safe due to "China's zero-tolerance Covid-19 policy," Castle said. China has implemented strict measures to contain the spread of COVID-19, leading to strains on already limited air cargo capacity out of the country.
"At Shanghai Pudong, for example, staff have been asked to work for seven days, quarantine in a hotel for seven days and then quarantine at home for a further seven days," Ligentia said. "As a result of staff quitting, long handling times (2-3 times longer than normal) have been recorded and some cargo flights have taken off with very little or no cargo over the weekend."
Logistics companies expect delays and longer transit times due to the suspensions. Shanghai Pudong International handles more than 3.1 million tons of cargo annually and "is one of the main loading nodes in China," according to ShipHub. Mechanical and electrical products, along with automobiles, make up a large share of Shanghai's exports in 2020, the city said in a news release.
"The impact of this suspension will see a serious backlog in PVG in the coming days," SEKO Logistics said on Twitter. "Airlines are diverting flights to airports to the South or West of China."
SEKO also said some forwarders are considering alternative export methods, such as shipping via ocean to Singapore and flying out of Singapore Changi airport. Maersk said in a customer advisory Friday it's adding capacity with flights in less affected airports to reduce the impact to customers.
Some cargo flights have already been diverted to Hong Kong, and the closure of the terminal's cargo operations will lift airfreight rates from China further, according to Ligentia.
Airfreight rates from China were at $8.10 per kilogram as of Aug. 16, an almost 6% increase from a month ago, according to the TAC Index, with a tight ocean freight market and peak season preparations driving demand. The Asia-to-North America airfreight market is in "critical" status after seeing capacity drop while spot rates are trending up, C.H. Robinson said in a freight market update.
Source: www.supplychaindive.com (23 Aug 2021)
8、Bangladesh Accord Goes Global in Long-Awaited Renewal, But Who’s on Board?
Apparel brands and labor unions reached a deal on Wednesday for a tentative agreement that will maintain and continue the work of the Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh while expanding it to other garment-producing countries.
Like its predecessor, the new International Accord for Health and Safety in the Textile and Garment Industry will be legally binding. Slated for two years to begin with, it goes into effect on Sept. 1, one day after a three-month extension of the Transition Accord is set to expire. The work of the International Accord will be overseen by the Accord Secretariat, a fully independent body invested with the authority to verify and enforce brand compliance. Critically, only brands that sign this new agreement will be able to partake in services from the Ready-made Garment Sustainability Council (RSC) in Bangladesh, the tripartite national body that has taken over the monitoring and inspection responsibilities of the Accord in the country.
“This agreement will begin the long-awaited expansion of this model that holds brands legally accountable to other countries where workers’ lives continue to be at risk,” said Ineke Zeldenrust, international coordinator at the Clean Clothes Campaign, the garment industry’s largest consortium of labor unions and nonprofits. “In many of these countries, unions and labor rights organizations have been asking for effective action in the field of workplace safety for years. We are happy this agreement will now become truly international and look forward to it being expanded soon to the countries where the need is highest and the demand is greatest.”
As its name implies, the scope of the International Accord is broader, covering general health and safety rather than fire and building safety alone. The program will begin in earnest in Bangladesh, where the first Accord emerged in the aftermath of the 2013 collapse of the multi-factory Rana Plaza complex, which killed 1,134 garment workers and injured scores more. Signatories will commit to extending those efforts to at least one another country within the first two years, with feasibility studies commencing immediately after signing. The agreement will also address human-rights due diligence, a growing liability concern for businesses as supply-chain legislation in the European Union and elsewhere ramps up.
“This International Accord is an important victory towards making the textile and garment industry safe and sustainable,” said Valter Sanches, general secretary of IndustriALL Global Union. “The agreement maintains the legally binding provision for companies and most importantly the scope has been expanded to other countries and other provisions, encompassing general health and safety. Now, the textile and garment companies must show their commitment and sign the renewed International Accord.”
To say that the negotiation process has been long and arduous would be an understatement. As talks heated up over the summer, several of the Accord’s earliest champions threw their support not behind a renewed agreement but rather the RSC, drawing criticism from labor organizations for failing to use their “considerable power to ensure that advances on supply chain factory safety are maintained” and endangering workers’ lives as a result. In May, IndustriALL Global Union and UNI quit the RSC, citing its ineffectiveness as a worker-safety organization because of its lack of enforceability, individual brand accountability and independent monitoring. They rejoined after the three-month extension for the Accord was inked.
While labor campaigners told Sourcing Journal that a “first wave” of names will be announced at the International Accord’s launch next week, several of the Bangladesh Accord’s nearly 200 original, mostly European signatories, including H&M, C&A and Zara owner Inditex, confirmed their participation. (Whether American companies such as Gap and Walmart, which flocked to the voluntary—and some say watered-down—Alliance for Bangladesh Worker Safety, now known as Nirapon, will climb aboard is a big question.)
“As one of the first signatories of the original Accord on Fire and Building Safety, Inditex is delighted to be one of the brands leading the formation of this new agreement,” an Inditex spokesperson said. “This will allow the industry to build globally on the progress made in Bangladesh, and will deliver new commitments to the safety of workers across the supply chain.”
Martijn van der Zee, chief merchandise and sourcing officer at the C&A, said that signing the agreement underlines the Belgian-Dutch-German retailer’s “commitment to working with labor unions and the industry to create lasting change in fire and building safety in Bangladesh.”
H&M, which initially promoted the RSC—and by extension self-regulation—as an alternative, appeared to swerve at the final minute.
“For me, living and working in Bangladesh, it has been evident what remarkable change the textile industry has gone through thanks to the Accord,” said Masarrat Quader, the Swedish retailer’s public affairs and stakeholder engagement manager. “I’m proud to have been a part of fruitful and important discussions with other brands and trade unions leading up to this ground-breaking agreement. I’m convinced it will not only honor all the great work being done so far but also mean a significant step forward with regards to safeguarding the work environment in the industry.”
Overall, there’s a palpable sense of relief.
“Today is a win for the workers in Bangladesh because the Accord saves lives,” said Nazma Akhter, executive director of Awaj Foundation and a member of Sommilito Garments Sramik Federation. “I hope all major brands sourcing from Bangladesh sign on to the new agreement.”
The international coverage of the new Accord is one that labor advocates have fought hard for. The Accord’s efforts have made the world’s third-largest exporter of apparel—after China and, more recently Vietnam—one of the safest to manufacture clothing. Others are less fortunate. In this past year alone, 28 workers died in an illegal textile facility in the northern Moroccan city of Tangier after they were trapped by heavy floods. The next month, 20 people died and 24 were hurt in a fire that tore through a four-story garment factory in the Al Qalyubia province north of Cairo. A few weeks after that, 25 people perished and 75 others suffered injuries following the implosion of a 10-story building that housed an unlicensed garment factory in Cairo’s Gesr El Suez district. Other fires have consumed facilities in India, South Africa, the Philippines and elsewhere.
Pakistan has faced its own share of industrial horrors, including a fire that killed more than 250 garment workers in 2012, mere months before the Rana Plaza disaster.
“In absence of efficient implementation of labor laws, the extension of the Accord to Pakistan can help in improving the labor-rights situation in Pakistan,” said Khalid Mahmood, director of the Labour Education Foundation. “Global brands have to share the responsibility of providing freedom of association, living wages, social protection and safe working conditions to garment workers across the supply chain. A legally binding Accord can be an effective tool for securing basic rights of workers but it can only be effective with meaningful participation from an organized labor force.”
Labor groups said that every brand that “places any value” on the lives of workers who sew its clothes will sign the new Accord and that it is “especially important” that the “reckless” companies that did not sign the original Accord put their pens to this one.
“Garment workers in Bangladesh used to die in the dozens and hundreds making T-shirts and sweaters for the world’s leading apparel brands,” said Scott Nova, executive director of the Worker Rights Consortium. “The Accord put an end to that horror. Provided enough brands sign, this new agreement will ensure it never returns.”
Source: sourcingjournal.com (25 Aug 2021)