行業報導 - 2021年9月24日
1、內地落實「能耗雙控」 多地限電停產 浙染布廠即日停工 粵製造商「開一停六」
員工工資高爐重啟 損失難料
有深滬上市公司 被迫停產
資料來源:香港經濟日報 (2021年9月24日)
2、貨運需求續旺 FedEx美運費明年加價
事實上,全球航運仍處於危機之中,由於供應鏈延遲和消費者需求攀升,運輸集裝箱已不勝負荷,這使公司運送貨物成本大幅提升。上個月,美國郵政署要求在假期旺季前,臨時提高各種郵件服務的價格,以抵銷不斷上漲的運輸成本;FedEx亦從11月1日起,針對某些貨件也將收取燃油附加費,包括FedEx Express、FedEx Ground以及FedEx Freight的貨件。
此外,電子商務近年發展蓬勃,貨運則是成敗的其中一項關鍵因素。有見及此,FedEx Express在亞太、中東和非洲地區推出FedEx International Connect Plus(FICP)服務,專為電子商貿而設的全新國際託運服務,並承諾於限定日期內遞送貨件。
推FICP服務 提升跨境電商質素
資料來源:香港經濟日報 (2021年9月22日)
3、還息不還本研退出 為銀行減壓
支援剛延長半年 金管謀下一步
資料來源:信報財經 (2021年9月22日)
香港文匯報訊(記者 鄭治祖)多名選舉委員會紡織及製衣界界別分組委員昨日出席業界分享會,與來自香港貿發局、業界及院校的約150位代表共同探討紡織及製衣界所面對的機遇及挑戰。香港紡織業聯會副會長羅正傑在會上表示,國家「十四五」規劃下,紡織及製衣業邁向「工業4.0」大有可為,17位業界選委早前已向行政長官提交了業界建議書,並提出四點建議,包括編撰行業報告、協調跨領域合作、支援本地設計師,及見面交流。
資料來源:文匯網 (2021年9月24日)
5、施政報告或倡建鐵路 新界北連接前海
加強兩地往來 議員稱有迫切性
北環綫延伸段 設4站洪水橋轉乘
資料來源:香港經濟日報 (2021年9月18日)
6、港時裝設計師 夥大企推環保時尚 產品設計至銷售 貫徹可持續發展理念
環保時裝設計師徐逸昇(Angus)分享,中學時曾經接觸時裝設計活動,發現自己對時裝具有濃厚興趣,畢業後便決定選讀時裝設計。後來透過參加不同比賽累積經驗,於2014年創辦ANGUS TSUI個人可持續時裝品牌。
融入科幻元素 盼呈現故事性
供可持續解決方案 瞄準網購
ESG概念熱 企業願增支援
疫下曝光率減 品牌更重教育
資料來源:香港經濟日報 (2021年9月23日)
7、越南生產物流有阻滯 UNIQLO新品延遲開售
迅銷發言人表示,受影響的產品是預期於周五(17日)起在日本全國門市及電子商務網站開賣、品牌「UNIQLO U」約80項商品中的4項,推出時間將延至9月下旬到10月中旬。
資料來源:信報財經 (2021年9月18日)
8、Vietnam Approves 8th Vaccine; Big Win for Factories?
Vietnam has a new weapon in the fight against Covid-19 and its ensuring lockdowns and factory closures.
On Friday, the country’s Ministry of Health granted emergency approval of Cuba’s Abdala Covid-19 vaccine, the eighth Covid-19 inoculum approved for emergency use in Vietnam.
The government will initially purchase 10 million doses, on top of last week’s decision to supplement budget to procure 20 million doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.
According to reports from VN Express International as of Sunday, the country has administered at least 27.9 million vaccine doses so far, with only 6.18 million people (6.6 percent) getting two doses to be fully vaccinated.
In August, the Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association (VITAS) reported that the outbreak had forced about one-third of the country’s footwear and apparel factories to suspend operations, which also put more than 3 million garment workers out of work. The closures have done a number on the sectors’ supply chains, namely since so many brands source their products in Vietnam. Overall, shipments from the Southeast Asian country to the U.S. were down 8 percent to 359.72 million square meter equivalents (SME) in July compared to a year earlier, according to Commerce Department’s Office of Textiles & Apparel (OTEXA).
Camilo Lyon, a financial analyst at the investment firm BTIG, estimated that Nike would lose 160 million pairs of shoes in 2021 to the pandemic-induced halt on manufacturing throughout the country. Lululemon said the outbreaks impact as much as 20 percent of its second-half inventory.
Brands and retailers such as Uniqlo, Abercrombie & Fitch, Caleres, Dick’s, Crocs, Adidas and Under Armour have warned of production delays or expect further impact from the closures. Any efforts that would get factories up and running would mitigate some of the uncertainty around second-half inventory, but brands will still have to handle the bevy of other supply chain concerns, such as continually rising shipping costs, low container capacity and port congestion.
Aside from potential factory reopenings, health data seems to indicate that the pandemic might be moving in the right direction. The average number of Covid-19 deaths reported each day in Vietnam fell by more than 100 over the last three weeks, 26 percent of its previous peak, according to the Reuters Covid Tracker. And infections are declining as well, with 10,171 new infections reported on average each day, or 74 percent of the peak on Sept. 2. Vietnam’s health ministry, meanwhile, confirmed 8,681 cases Monday.
The Vietnamese government has sought to accelerate vaccinations, particularly in critical economic zones. On Sept. 5, the administration set a deadline for all adult residents in Ho Chi Minh City, the epicenter of the nation’s outbreak, as well as the capital of Hanoi, to have at least one shot by Sept. 15.
Government regulations were already in place as factory suspended operations, with the country allowing facilities to stay open as long as they followed a “3 on-site” rule that required working, eating and sleeping to occur on premises.
The regime has sought to alleviate the supply chain’s constraints in other ways, with state-owned Vietnam Railways (VNR) opening a new direct rail freight from Hanoi to Belgium in July that can carries shipping containers filled with garments, textiles and leather shoes.
Cuba first approved emergency use of the Abdala vaccine on July 9 after manufacturers announced in June that the vaccine was more than 92 percent effective when three doses were given. The Abdala vaccine, technically named CIGB-66, is developed by Cuba’s Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology.
Abdala is the eighth Covid-19 vaccine approved for emergency use in Vietnam, following AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Moderna, Pfizer-BioNTech, Sputnik V, Sinopharm and Hayat-Vax. Vietnam hopes to secure 150 million doses to cover 70 percent of its 96 million population.
Vietnam said it would start producing the Abdala vaccine after its Institute of Vaccines and Medical Biologicals (IVAC) receives the necessary production technology.
Source: sourcingjournal.com (20 Sep 2021)
9、ETI and Fair Wear join forces on Myanmar impact assessment
A staged coup by the Myanmar military in February has led to perpetual violence and fear in the country.
The Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) is working with the Fair Wear Foundation to develop a human rights impact assessment of the evolving situation in Myanmar.
It follows a call by the ETI and global unions earlier this month for businesses to reassess their presence in Myanmar over concerns for garment worker safety.
A staged coup by the Myanmar military in February has led to perpetual violence and fear in the country. Coupled with the ongoing Covid-19 epidemic, borders began to shut down and factories faced difficulties sourcing raw materials while international brands began cutting business ties to distance themselves from a brutal military regime.
The assessment by the ETI and Fair Wear Foundation will include an evidence-based comparison of the impacts of divestment from Myanmar and the impact of continued sourcing from the country’s garment sector.
It will assess whether sourcing can be continued responsibly, both in terms of direct impact for workers and the local industry, and given the wider context, the case for disinvestment and what impact this would have.
The assessment is designed to help determine what would constitute responsible action as informed by the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) and their focus on actual human rights outcomes for affected stakeholders on the ground. By engaging with a broad set of stakeholders, both local and international, the two organisations aim to provide insights as to the key human rights questions for responsible business in Myanmar at this time.
“Since February this year, the world has watched the situation in Myanmar continue to deteriorate,” says ETI and FWF. “The impacts of the military coup have come at great cost to the country’s people, and have been most severely felt by its resistors – among them, union leaders seeking to protect workers and support a return to democracy.
“ETI has worked with its members to track the situation, ensure workers did not lose out on wages earned, and provide advice on responsible business conduct. Alongside this work, we have also consulted with stakeholders to consider the wider role of responsible business in terms of whether continued presence risks underpinning continued presence of the military.”
In the interim, ETI is encouraging all companies operating in or sourcing from Myanmar to answer the call by local and global unions, by working to ensure they hold no direct or indirect business, commercial, or financial ties to the Myanmar military regime.
According to data from the US International Trade Commission, the coup has hurt the country’s apparel exports significantly. Total US apparel imports enjoyed a robust recovery in the first half of 2021 (up nearly 27%), the value of US apparel (HTS chapters 61 and 62) imports from Myanmar dropped by 0.4%. Myanmar’s top apparel exports to the US ALL suffered a notable decline or much slower growth in 2021 than the trend before the military coup. As US fashion companies switch sourcing orders from Myanmar to other suppliers, Myanmar’s market shares fell from 0.5% in 2020 to only 0.3% in the first half of 2021.
Source: www.just-style.com (23 Sep 2021)
10、Gap Inc. Unveils UK Joint Venture
Gap Inc. has a new franchise partner across the pond.
Beginning in 2022, Next Plc will operate Gap’s online business in the U.K. and Republic of Ireland through a joint venture. The partnership affords Gap the “benefit of their extensive omni platform and their e-commerce expertise as the U.K.’s number one online clothing retailer,” Mark Breitbard, head of Gap Brand Global, and Adrienne Gernand, head of franchise and strategic alliances, said in a statement on Friday.
The deal spans Gap.co.uk, Gap product on the Next website, and Gap-branded shop-in-shops at Next flagship locations. Breitbard said the venture will offer “extensive click-and-collect options for online customers” but won’t add freestanding Gap stores on British high streets.
The arrangement makes good on Gap Inc.’s asset-light European strategy, with Breitbard describing franchise partnerships as a “strong and cost-effective way to amplify the brand.”
Last month, Gap Inc. delivered its highest second-quarter net sales in more than a decade, with Old Navy and Athleta the biggest contributor its sales gains. Digital sales climbed 65 percent versus the comparable 2019 quarter, accounting for one-third of the San Francisco company’s business.
Gap Inc. recently closed 19 U.K. and Ireland stores when their leases expired. And by the end of September, it will have closed all 81 of its company-operated Gap and Gap Outlet stores in that saem territory
Breitbard didn’t include any information on how the ownership percentage would be split for the franchise partnership. However, Next will likely take a 51 percent stake in the venture, with Gap owning 49 percent, similar to Next’s past deals, like its tie-up with L Brands after Victoria’s Secret’s UK arm went bankrupt.
According to Breitbard, Gap is exploring a partnership that would allow Hermione People and Brands to own and operate Gap stores in France and build its franchise operations there.
“Pending regulatory approval, we plan to transfer 21 French stores and the majority of Gap France employees to Hermione People and Brands in October 2021,” Breitbard said.
What’s more, the company is in “exclusive negotiations with a partner to take over company-operated Gap stores” in Italy, he added.
Breitbard credited European colleagues brand-building efforts for giving Gap a solid foundation through which “we can now amplify our reach through strategic partnerships that will make us even stronger and able to continue to deliver incredible products and experiences to our customers in Europe and around the world.”
The news comes after Gap Inc. announced debt refinancing plans earlier this week.
The company queued up an early retirement of all tranches of its $2.25 billion debt.
Gap on Monday said it would sunset $500 million of its 8.375 percent senior secured notes due 2023, $750 million of its 8.625 percent senior secured notes due 2025 and $1.0 billion of its 8.875 percent senior secured notes due 2027.
So what’s the benefit?
At the same time Gap pays down the debt, the specialty retailer will raise $1.5 billion in new senior secured notes at a lower rate. Wells Fargo retail analyst Ike Boruchow estimates that the new rate could be between 4 percent to 4.5 percent versus the average interest rate of 8.681 percent for the tranches being retired.
Consequently, the refinancing could generate an estimated $125 million in annual interest savings for Fiscal Year 2022. That’s the difference between the current estimated annual average interest rate burden of $195 million for the notes that will be retired and the new estimated annual interest burden of $65 million for the new notes, Boruchow said, noting new momentum in the heritage company.
The interest savings potential could possibly add 25 cents in upside to Fiscal Year 2022 earnings per share.
As corporate leadership plans to grow Old Navy and Athleta, management will also shrink the store network for Gap and Banana Republic. The company expects to reduce its North American fleet by 35 percent by 2023, and shift their doors to 80 percent off-mall locations.
Source: sourcingjournal.com (17 Sep 2021)