行業報導 - 2021年10月8日
1、《彭博》:中國能源危機波及全球 對全世界製造業帶來滯漲衝擊
「如果電力短缺和減產持續下去,可能會成為造成全球供給側問題的又一個因素,特別是如果它們開始影響到出口產品的生產,」牛津經濟研究院高級亞洲經濟學家Louis Kuijs說。
「這看起來像是製造業的又一場滯漲衝擊,不僅是對中國,而且是對世界,」Pantheon Macroeconomics首席中國經濟學家Craig Botham說。「價格的上漲目前看來相當廣泛,這是中國深深捲入全球供應鏈的結果。」
資料來源:香港01 (2021年10月8日)
警告各國不放寬防疫出入境限制 必需品年底短缺加劇
回家過節拒簽新約 人手更缺
信中亦提到,目前所有運輸界別都缺人手,工人在疫情期間所受的待遇惡劣,預料會流失更多人手,勢令供應鏈面臨更大威脅。ICS秘書長普拉滕(Guy Platten)說,面對港口關閉和旅遊限制不斷改變,船員或不想冒無法回家過聖誕的風險,而拒簽新約,料人手短缺問題或惡化至年底。這點恐令供應鏈進一步受壓,如英國近日就因脫歐和疫情加劇貨車司機短缺,影響燃油運輸,日內將出動軍人協助運送燃油。
各地認可不一 有船員打6針
司機檢測頻繁 通關樽頸難解決
病毒檢測亦是工人面對的難關,尤其是陸路。德國2月在邊境實施強檢,貨車司機不獲豁免,意大利等鄰國亦隨之實施類似限制,以免數千司機滯留在國內。這個措施嚴重影響貨車司機,尤其在連接意大利和奧地利的布倫納山口(Brenner Pass),許多司機被迫在零下低溫環境等候數天,後來歐盟推出數碼新冠通行證,令有關問題得以緩和,但樽頸仍未解決。來自美國的船員馬查爾(Karynn Marchal)亦稱,她與其他船員上月在7天內接受了10次檢測,才可進入新加坡的造船廠維修,但隨着港口爆發疫情,維修工作延誤一周,料最快10月中才可離開,其間船員須留在船上。
資料來源:明報 (2021年10月1日)
資料來源:信報財經 (2021年10月8日)
資料來源:信報財經 (2021年10月7日)
出口信用保險公司裕利安宜(Euler Hermes)報告指出,隨着各地政府開始撤回疫情期間推出的救助措施,全球企業破產個案預計在連跌兩年後,2022年將增加15%,但仍較2019年低4%。
裕利安宜指出,2020年全球破產個案按年跌12%,2021年估計會再挫6%。該公司行業及破產研究主管萊默爾(Maxime Lemerle)表示,從破產水平看來,政府的救助措施成功幫助企業應對了危機,在2020年,西歐每兩家公司便有一家因為大規模的政府補助而避過破產,美國則每3家有一家逃過破產命運。
資料來源:信報財經 (2021年10月7日)
資料來源:信報財經 (2021年10月7日)
7、India nears widespread power crunch on coal shortage
TOKYO/MUMBAI -- India stands on the brink of widespread power shortages as most of the country's coal-fired plants have enough fuel for only a few more days, the latest reports show.
More than half of India's 135 coal plants will run out of fuel in less than three days, the Financial Times and Reuters wrote over the weekend, citing government sources. As of Friday, the stockpiles of all coal plants averaged four days.
Coal-fired plants account for about 70% of India's power source mix.
Though New Delhi recommends having at least two weeks' worth of coal stocks on hand, the average shrank to 13 days in early August. As the country's economic activity picked up with the declining rate of coronavirus infections, industrial demand for electricity mushroomed.
Power consumption in August and September exceeded the volumes from the same months in the pre-pandemic year of 2019. The government, anticipating that demand will remain at current levels, ordered power companies to boost their stockpiles of coal.
But supplies have been tight as global coal prices rise. India is the second-largest importer after China, taking in the fuel mainly from Indonesia and Australia.
Spot prices for Australian thermal coal, an Asian benchmark, surpassed $200 per ton as of early October. The value broke the record of about $185 set in July 2008.
Not only has Asian coal demand surged as economies revive, Western nations increasingly are procuring coal as a substitute for natural gas, which is also experiencing price gains.
The record prices caused Indian imports of coal to drop more than 30% in August and September from the average in July and previous months. Indian electric companies tried to make do by purchasing cheaper coal produced domestically, but those plans were dashed when last month's torrential rain caused production cuts at mines.
Coal India, a state-backed enterprise, produces over 80% of the country's coal, but supplies from the company have not offset the losses in imports.
In neighboring China, the coal crunch has triggered serious power shortages affecting at least 20 provinces. Blackouts have occurred in Liaoning and other northeastern provinces. Suppliers for Apple in eastern Jiangsu Province suspended factory operations.
China is moving to secure fossil fuels, looking to avert power shortages during winter. Asian coal prices are expected to jump higher due to that pressure, and coal supplies in India might not recover for some time.
"Imports remain the only option to meet demand" in the near term, Indian credit rating agency Crisil, part of the S&P Global group, wrote in a recent report. "In our view, coal inventory at thermal plants will improve only gradually by next March."
No major power outages have been confirmed. But if industrial sectors face electricity shortages, India's economic reopening would be delayed.
One source at a steelmaker said operations are not expected to be impacted immediately, but the situation is being monitored.
Coal India will boost supplies for power plants, but cut back on deliveries for companies that use in-house generators, such as metal and cement makers. Some businesses are reportedly considering downscaling production.
An aluminum industry group has sent Coal India a letter urging the company to maintain supplies, according to a local newspaper.
"Although the higher prices of imported coal are putting upward pressure on production costs of steel and other products, household electricity demand from air conditioners will diminish going into winter," said Ram Giri, researcher at Mitsui & Co. Global Strategic Studies Institute. "India's power crunch will not deteriorate to China's level, so the risk of blackouts will likely be limited."
Source: asia.nikkei.com (5 Oct 2021)
8、Gap Inc acquires AI start-up CB4
US specialty clothing retailer Gap Inc has acquired AI start-up Context-Based 4 Casting Ltd (CB4) that uses machine learning tools to transform retail operations, increase sales and improve customer experience through predictive analytics and demand sensing.
The acquisition of New York and Tel Aviv-based CB4 was brokered by Gap Inc’s Strategic Growth Office, a unit of the company that seeks out opportunities to fuel growth and accelerate new capabilities across its portfolio of brands.
“We believe artificial intelligence and machine learning will shape the future of our industry,” says Sally Gilligan, chief growth transformation officer and head of the Strategic Growth Office at Gap Inc. “Gap Inc has experience working with CB4’s world-class data scientists, so we understand the impact and the wide applications their science can have across sales, inventory and consumer insights, as well as its potential to unlock value and enhance the customer experience.”
CB4’s technology makes recommendations that support new sales and more satisfied customers. Funded by investors including Sequoia Capital, CB4’s technology has been implemented by retailers including Levi’s, Urban Outfitters, Lidl, and Kum & Go.
In February, market research firm CB Insights named CB4 to its inaugural Retail Tech 100 ranking, which showcases the 100 most promising B2B retail tech companies in the world.
As part of the acquisition, CB4’s team will join Gap Inc as full-time employees.
“CB4’s AI helps lift sales and enhance customer experiences. As we join Gap Inc, I’m excited to see how our team can drive even broader and deeper impact at the company’s global scale,” adds CB4 CEO Yoni Benshaul.
Since moving to the Cloud in October 2020, Gap Inc has increased investments in technology to enable growth and innovation that can impact its entire portfolio of brands.
Earlier this year, the Strategic Growth Office led Gap Inc’s acquisition of Drapr, an e-commerce startup that powers 3D-fit technology and virtual fitting rooms to reduce online returns, and also participated in the latest funding round for obé fitness, a digital fitness platform that partners with Gap Inc’s Athleta Brand to bring entertainment, pop culture, and design to fitness.
Gap Inc recently released its 2020 Global Sustainability Report in which it said it is on track to meet its goal of sourcing 100% renewable energy by 2030 for globally owned and operated facilities.
Source: www.just-style.com (5 Oct 2021)