US : Section 301 Tariffs on Mainland Products Worth US$300 billion – Finalised Tariff Lists and Implementation Dates for 10% Tariffs
(1 September 2019 and 15 December 2019)
Further to our Textiles Trader Registration Notification of 2 August 2019 regarding the US' planned additional tariffs of 10% on Mainland products worth approximately US$300 billion under the Section 301 investigation (List 4) scheduled for 1 September 2019, the US Trade Representative (USTR) announced on 13 August 2019 two finalised product lists for the 10% additional tariffs to take effect on 1 September 2019 (List 4A) and 15 December 2019 (List 4B). Both lists include textiles and clothing products. For List 4B, products include, among others, cell phones, laptop computers, video game consoles, certain toys, computer monitors, and certain items of footwear and clothing. Same as the previous three product lists, the USTR intends to conduct an exclusion request process for products subject to the additional tariff under Lists 4A and 4B. We shall keep the trade informed if there is further development. For details, please refer to the following CIC:
CIC No. 614/2019:
Source: Trade and Industry Department (14 Aug 2019)
USTR Announces Next Steps on Proposed 10 Percent Tariff on Imports from China
The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) announced yesterday (13 August) that it will exclude some Chinese imports from 10 percent tariffs and delay duties on others until 15 December 2019.
According to USTR's Statement, while the new Section 301 tariffs on around US$300 billion worth of Chinese products will go into effect on 1 September 2019, as announced by President Trump earlier this month, certain products are being removed from the tariff list based on health, safety, national security and other factors and will not face additional tariffs of 10 percent.
Further, as part of USTR’s public comment and hearing process, it was determined that the tariff should be delayed to 15 December for certain articles. Products in this group include, for example, cell phones, laptop computers, video game consoles, certain toys, computer monitors, and certain items of footwear and clothing.
USTR will conduct an exclusion process for products subject to the new tariffs and more details would be made announced on USTR’s website as well as in the Federal Register.
<List_4A_(Effective September 1, 2019) P.49-79>
<List_4B_(Effective December 15, 2019) P.5-11>
More Details: https://ustr.gov/about-us/policy-offices/press-office/press-releases/2019/august/ustr-announces-next-steps-proposed
Source: The Office of Hon. Felix Chung Kwok-pan, Member of LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL (14 Aug 2019)