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The 14th Asian Financial Forum (Online)

AFF is Asia's premier platform for global leaders in government, finance and business to exchange insights, intelligence as well as business and investment opportunities. More than 3,500 C-suite financial and business leaders gathered at AFF 2020 for thought leadership and business networking, as well as to experience the latest fintech innovations and next-generation business ideas.

In the forum, the AFF Deal Flow Matchmaking Session connects sources of funds with sources of deals from around the world via one-to-one meetings based on their shared areas of interest. Over the years, 5,800+ meetings have been arranged for 3,500+ companies, including investment project owners, private equity firms, investors, high-net-worth individuals and senior professionals from intermediaries and professional services providers.

In addition, the Fintech ShowcaseFintechHK Startup Salon and InnoVenture Salon, featuring a plethora of financial innovations, cutting-edge solutions and ground-breaking business ideas from financial institutions, technology firms and startups worldwide, are staged to empower entrepreneurs and connect them with potential investors and mentors.

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