INDUSTRY NEWS - 2020.10.09
1、Zara、Adidas等品牌紛紛下訂客製口罩 歐美時尚防疫大單來了 紡織巨頭學繞個彎做生意
時尚防護衣技術高 染劑不影響抗菌劑,成門檻
瞄準附加功能 大廠推涼感口罩、口罩項鍊
最早傳出捷報的是旭榮集團。四月初,美國總統川普在一場記者會中公開稱讚內衣大廠Hans Brand,為全美民眾提供了數億個針織布口罩。業界消息指出,這批口罩的主力供應商正是旭榮,針織布出貨量約超過350萬公斤。
填產能、固客源 這場防疫戰,比的是應變力
資料來源:商業周刊 (2020年10月7日)
2、疫情副作用奢侈品滯銷 LVMH把庫存變業績
根據美國普查局(United States Census Bureau)資料顯示,即使沒有疫情影響,美國成衣業者的庫存依舊年年上升。以往,成衣業者有2種方式來消化庫存,一是銷毀,一是折扣出清。銷毀就是切碎後送去掩埋或是焚化;折扣出清就是透過零售通路或是直營Outlet店降價促銷。
LVMH表示,已與專業回收商Nordechets合作,避免沒有賣出去的商品直接銷毀。Nordechets同樣位於法國,當收到賣出去的奢侈商品時,設立於羅亞爾河谷(Loire Valley)的工廠會先回收珠寶和貴金屬,再切碎有品牌字樣的產品,重新化身為纖維或絕緣材料。
隨著成衣業的庫存量大增,有回收產業受惠,當然也有產業遭受打擊。以英國為例,二手衣市場就飽受打擊,使得二手衣無處可去,只能走焚毀一途,成為另類受害者。英國紡織品回收協會(Textile Recycling Association)擔心,在東歐,沒賣掉的庫存衣將取代二手衣,由於疫情的關係,英國最大的二手衣外銷市場肯亞已禁止進口,只有等候疫情解除。
追根究柢,當今的疫情不過是更加劇服裝業早就存在的庫存問題,也暴露這產業供應鏈高碳排放而浪費資源的問題。國際社會責任認證組織(Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production, WRAP)指出,服裝業的全球供應鏈在服裝送達消費者之前,就已經浪費了80萬噸,同時,服裝業占全球碳排放高達10%。
H&M成為率先承諾付款給供應商的知名品牌之一,並表示將配合「促進建立可持續的社會保障體制」,為分擔供應商減少浪費和減碳的責任跨出一大步。Burberry也對降低庫存有所回應,宣佈今年春夏系列的多餘存貨將在Outlet折扣促銷,同時也以折扣賣給員工,接著再捐給慈善機構或者回收。美國品牌Michael Kors為了貼近顧客的生活和購物方式,宣佈每年展示和生產2個系列,採取逐步且分批上架方式,門市風格也改為簡約。
資料來源:https://times.hinet.net (2020年10月6日)
3、【SME學堂】虛擬消費市場潛力大 Gucci搶推「虛擬時裝」顧客更願意埋單?
你願意花 1 萬美元買一件沒無法真的穿上身的「虛擬時裝」嗎?奢侈品牌 Gucci 賭你真的會!時裝界睇準「虛擬時裝」商機,明知顧客在現實中穿不到,仍推出「數碼時裝」,這種方式反而能夠令千禧世代願意購買。
《Fast Company》報道,Gucci 即將在官方流動應用程式(app)上推出 Sneaker Garage 區塊,用戶可用平台上提供的模型設計球鞋。此外,,平台更有一對由品牌創意總監 Alessandro Michele 設計的「數碼球鞋」,用戶可用擴增實境 (AR) 功能觀看它穿在自己腳上的效果。
不過,即使顧客心動,也買不到實體版本,因為 Gucci 並沒有生產球鞋的實體版本。雖然品牌推出數碼版產品是為了刺激顧客購買實體產品的慾望,但 Gucci 這招反而令人摸不著頭腦,而事實上有人真的會購買這些虛擬產品。
Adidas 前總監 Ryan Mullins 設計了一個遊戲《Aglet》,玩家可以在上面以遊戲幣或現實金錢購買來自 Nike、香奈兒(Chanel)和巴黎世家(Balenciaga)等品牌稀有鞋款的虛擬版本,有玩家花了 15,000 美元(約港幣 116,250 元)買下多對鞋款。有外國公司亦推出虛擬時裝平台 Tribute Brand,用家可在平台上選購服飾並可以觀看服飾穿在自己身上的效果。
千禧世代成消費主力 重視數碼體驗
「虛擬時裝」雖然不能在現實中穿著,但在千禧世代(約指八、九十後)的市場有巨大的發展空間。據 2019 年精品全球消費者洞察報告(True-Luxury Global Consumer Insight)指,千禧世代將在 2025 年前主導精品消費市場。電貿推廣公司 KAMG 創辦人 Kas Andz 指,千禧世代是跟科技一起長大的,他們在屏幕前學習、歡笑,比起店內體驗,他們更重視數碼體驗。
資料來源:香港經濟日報 (2020年9月29日)
【明報專訊】疫情下全球商貿活動幾陷停頓,貿發局先後舉行多次網上展覽,為中小企尋找新買家及訂單,獲得良好評價,不過仍有七成受訪買家更願參加實體展,可見傳統展覽難以取代。貿發局副總裁周啟良亦認為,全球採購模式因這次疫情漸趨數碼化,日後展覽也會以實體與網上混合模式舉行,O2O(Online To Offline)採購將會成為新趨勢。
下月採購匯 參展商可免費覓商機
資料來源:明報 (2020年10月7日)
5、施政報告2020|港珠澳橋放寛「南車北上」 港車免兩地牌可抵拱北
料放寬檢疫措施後才見成效 陳恒鑌:有助港人北上大灣區旅遊
資料來源:香港01 (2020年10月8日)
6、內循環新國策 免稅店大茶飯
阿里入股Dufry 合營拓內地
根據合作協議,阿里首先將斥資約2.5億瑞士法郎(約21億港元),認購Dufry 9.99%股權。然後雙方會在內地成立合營公司,由阿里和Dufry分別持51%和49%股權,作為Dufry在內地經營的主體,同時Dufry會把現有的內地業務注入該合營公司。換句話說,日後Dufry在中國的生意將由阿里佔大頭(51%股權),Dufry自己反而佔小頭(49%),後者似乎很「蝕底」。
政府保外滙 免肥水流走
內地早有精打細算網民計過數,現時在海南省免稅店購買名牌手袋、名錶、 化妝品,計及機票和酒店開支後,往往比來港掃貨更划算,只不過款式暫時未及本港專門店豐富。
資料來源:信報財經 (2020年10月7日)
7、內地「雙迴圈」非自我封閉 最終為加大開放
外媒「誤讀」 違內地當前政策走向
增設多個自貿區 為國內大循環清障
資料來源:明報 (2020年10月4日)
8、馬雲:傳統工業時代的全球化正終結 真正的數字時代全球化剛開始
阿里巴巴 (09988) 創辦人馬雲認為,2020年非常特殊,未來一定是一個歷史的分水嶺。「今天是真正的全球化開始的時候,今天是昨天的、原來的、傳統的工業時代的全球化正在終結,新的真正的數字時代的全球化才剛剛開始。」
馬雲:中國企業應走向而非征服全球 「要贏回來尊重」
感謝美國帶動全球化 「中國14億人內需驅動下輪全球化」
資料來源:香港經濟日報 (2020年9月30日)
9、17 retailers that could go bankrupt as the COVID-19 era wears on
The industry is approaching a record for filings this year, and others are still vulnerable as the economy, pandemic and retail evolution take their toll.
Retail bankruptcies may hit a painful high-water mark in 2020. Multiple analysts have noted filings are likely to reach their highest number in a decade. Some weeks during the summer brought multiple filings by major names in the industry.
In a kind of chorus, the cohort of filers have pointed to the tribulations brought by COVID-19 in explaining their predicaments, citing massive revenue drops from store closures, pressure from landlords, and white-hot cash burn.
Many of them, though, entered the year in a vulnerable state and may have filed anyway. Filings have been elevated since 2016, when declines in mall traffic, e-commerce penetration, market share theft by discounters and mass merchants, and a host of other issues began combining to tip into Chapter 11 those retailers with the highest debt levels and worst sales trends.
Some of the biggest names to enter Chapter 11 this year have made numerous appearances on Retail Dive's past bankruptcy watch lists. That includes J. Crew and Neiman Marcus, which, until they filed, appeared on every past watch list Retail Dive has published since it began doing so in the summer of 2017. J.C. Penney, one of the largest bankruptcies this year in terms of company revenue, has appeared on every watch list since 2018.
Companies with stressed balance sheets and poor sales trends came into 2020 with little room for error and then got clobbered by a massive, unprecedented event, one that took its toll even on relatively healthy companies.
Nor is the bloodletting over. Bankruptcies have largely slowed as the industry heads into the holiday season. But depending how the holidays shake out, 2021 could bring another wave.
Meanwhile, consumers continue to shift their shopping habits as the pandemic wears on. Foot traffic is still depressed in many sectors, especially mall-based retail. Supply chains have gone through tremendous financial stress along with retail. More consumers have been shopping online than ever. Target and Walmart have seen large sales and market share gains as they lean on the combination of digital platforms and stores. Federal stimulus measures that helped prop up the economy and retail sales in the spring and summer have run out.
According to data provided by CreditRiskMonitor, 17 companies are at heightened risk of filing for bankruptcy in the next 12 months. As of Sept. 29, eight retail companies had a FRISK score of 1, indicating the highest risk, with an estimated 10% to 50% chance of filing for bankruptcy.
More than half of those have seen their FRISK scores drop to the riskiest level since March, among them Express and Chico's (with the largest drops in FRISK scores) as well as Francesca's, Destination XL and iMedia Brands.
Another nine retailers had FRISK scores of 2, with a 4% to 10% chance of bankruptcy. Those scores are based on credit ratings, stock volatility, financial metrics and proprietary data around the use of CreditRiskMonitor's platform. Among them, Vince, L Brands, Christopher & Banks, Children's Place, Caleres and Designer Brands all saw their scores drop to a 2 since the COVID-19 crisis began. Express, Chico's and Francesca's all dropped from scores of 3 or 4 to 1 in the same period.
Because FRISK scores only cover publicly traded companies, they don't cover the full universe of retail and potential risk. Among private retailers rated by Moody's not listed above, six carry a C-level rating indicating high default risk: Joann, Belk, NMG Holding Company (the reorganized Neiman Marcus), 99 Cents Only, Petco and Guitar Center. There are still other major retailers at risk not captured by that data either.
J. Jill
Apparel seller J. Jill has already dodged bankruptcy once this year. In the spring, when the COVID-19 closures hit industry revenue like a meteor, J. Jill joined the retailers issuing "going concern" warnings, accounting language that signals to investors they might not be able to remain solvent. That disclosure represented a breach of J. Jill's loan terms, forcing it into forbearance with lenders.
After numerous forbearance extensions, J. Jill produced a deal that would extend debt maturities and boost its liquidity. Without enough support for the agreement, J. Jill would have had to file for Chapter 11, the company said. Later, in mid-September, it announced that it had enough support among its lending base to complete the out-of-court deal.
The company still has an uphill climb ahead of it. In the second quarter, J. Jill's sales were down nearly 50% year over year. What's more, J. Jill had problems going into the pandemic. In 2019, the retailer posted a comparable sales decline of 3.6% and net loss of $128.6 million.
Party City
Graduations, weddings, birthdays, sports celebrations — cancelled. COVID-19 not only forced Party City to close its stores this spring, it also attacked the very heart of its business: social gatherings.
As with most others with heightened risk scores, Party City's problems started well before the pandemic. Comparable sales in 2019 fell 3% as the retailer racked up a loss of more than half a billion dollars. It is also saddled with some $1.7 billion in debt, a hangover from a previous private equity buyout.
The pandemic has exacerbated all of the retailer's woes. Even as BOPIS sales exploded by 500% in May, the retailer's overall sales were still down by 19%. The company has bought itself some time with a debt deal in June that extended maturities and eased its balance sheet.
But it still has a tough road ahead. Halloween, which accounts for 20% of Party City's retail sales and was a "disaster" for it in 2019, is fragmented this year amid the pandemic. Party City plans to open less than a tenth of the pop-up Halloween City stores that it did last year, though it's boosting staff at individual stores to support omnichannel services.
L Brands
As profits turned negative at L Brands last year, executives unveiled a plan to revive Victoria's Secret. A few months later, the company planned to unload a majority stake in the lingerie giant to private equity firm Sycamore Partners as CEO Lex Wexner announced he would step down.
And then the pandemic upended the deal, which would have brought in cash and freed the company to focus on its successful Bath & Body Works banner. L Brands is once again stuck with a massive brand in decline as competitors ascend and Victoria's Secret's sexualized marketing loses traction. As L Brands tries to manage that decline, it has said it will close 250 Victoria's Secret stores this year.
During the shutdown period, the company, like many others in retail, took on hundreds of millions of dollars in new debt after it drew down its revolver and issued new bonds in an effort to raise cash with stores closed. Since then, though, L Brands has also bought back some of its outstanding bonds due to mature in the coming years to take some debt off its balance sheet.
In June, women's apparel retailer Francesca's disclosed to investors that it might have to file for bankruptcy if it runs into financing constraints. That followed a "going concern" disclosure that warned about its ability to survive as a business.
Survival is tough for apparel retailers right now. Mall traffic remains well below last year's levels, which were already then — in a growing economy — troubled. Francesca's, with a relatively large store portfolio, has struggled in that environment. Last year, the company moved to close stores and its chairman departed as its stock price plummeted on continued sales declines and profit losses.
COVID-19 only made things harder. In the second quarter, even after most stores reopened, sales were down by nearly 30% and the company was still generating profit losses from its operations. Executives said that they are exploring strategic alternatives, which could include debt restructuring.
Like Francesca's, Chico's has struggled in the world of mall-based apparel. Sales have been on a steady decline since 2015, and profits turned negative last year. In 2019, the retailer announced it would close 250 stores in an effort to refocus around omnichannel.
This year has brought even deeper difficulties. By Q2, sales had improved from the period before, which included the pandemic closures, but still remained down nearly 40% from the year before.
The retailer has named a new CEO and moved to slash costs as it tries to navigate the COVID-19 era. In August, the retailer's Canadian arm filed for bankruptcy after its stores in the country never reopened.
Some analysts, though, see hope for the retailer, which also runs the White House Black Market, Soma and TellTale brands. "We anticipate performance to start to meaningfully improve as consumers start returning to stores or moving to online purchases due to pent-up demand," B. Riley FBR analyst Susan Anderson said after Q2 in an emailed note. "We also believe the shift to more comfortable and versatile assortment will help entice the CHS consumer to spend."
Source: www.retaildive.com (8 Oct 2020)
10、H&M Brings Garment-to-Garment Recycling to the People
H&M wants its customers to see how old clothes can be transformed into new.
On Oct. 12, the Swedish retailer will launch Looop, a container-sized garment-to-garment recycling system that will debut in one of its Drottninggatan stores in Stockholm, where it will mechanically shred castoffs into fibers, spin them into new yarn and then reknit them into “new fashion finds.”
Part of a partnership with the Hong Kong Research Institute of Textiles and Apparel (HKRITA) and Hong Kong-based yarn spinner Novetex Textiles, the system is similar to a setup that rolled out in the Tsuen Wan neighborhood of Hong Kong in 2018. Like its predecessor, Looop uses no water or chemicals, making the process of remaking garments less of a strain on the environment than creating clothing from scratch. Some virgin material is still needed, but H&M says it will work to make this share “as small as possible.”
For 100 Swedish kronor ($11.26), members of the retailer’s loyalty club can watch Looop turn “their old garment into a new favorite.” For non-members, the price is 150 Swedish kronor ($16.89). All proceeds will benefit projects related to research on creating more circular materials. H&M did not specify how long customers will have to wait for their new threads, but the Hong Kong system was able to recreate looks in as little as four hours.
As a stand-alone structure that is only nominally pegged to any scaled-up program, Looop, in its current form anyway, is more theater than strategy, and one that would be hard-pressed to keep up with the 29,005 tons of textiles H&M collected in 2019 through its take-back program. But the retailer says it’s part of a bigger ambition to become “fully circular and climate positive.” By 2030, H&M aims for all its materials to be either recycled or more sustainably sourced. The figure, as of 2019, stands at 57 percent.
H&M Foundation, the company’s charitable arm, has also provided funding for HKRITA’s efforts to solve one of textile recycling’s biggest challenges: how to tease apart post-consumer cotton-and-polyester-blended fabrics and recover their constituent components. That technique uses heat, water and less than 5 percent of “biodegradable green chemicals” to degrade the cotton fibers into cellulose powder and separate them from the entangled polyester.
“We are constantly exploring new technology and innovations to help transform the fashion industry as we are working to reduce the dependency on virgin resources,” Pascal Brun, head of sustainability at H&M, said in statement. “Getting customers on board is key to achieve real change and we are so excited to see what Looop will inspire.”
On Oct. 12, Swedish retailer Hennes and Mauritz will launch Looop, a container-sized garment-to-garment recycling system with HKRITA.
H&M, perhaps in response to criticisms about the profligacy of so-called fast fashion, has doubled down on textile recycling, investing heavily in startups like Re:newcell and Infinited Fiber in its quest to crack the code on waste and shrink its virgin footprint. Because of the limitations of mechanical recycling, only 1 percent of all clothing is currently recycled into new ones, according to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation. Brands looking to boost their eco bonafides are betting on green-chemistry firms, however nascent, to eventually fill the breach.
“We must innovate materials and processes while inspiring customers to keep their garments in use for as long as possible,” Brun said.
Source: www.sourcingjournal.com (8 Oct 2020)
11、Marks & Spencer to Bring Back Clothes Recycling ‘Shwopping’ Scheme
Sustainable practices that were put on pause due to the Covid crisis are seeing a resurgence.
Just ask Marks & Spencer, which is relaunching its popular “Shwopping” clothing recycling program after months of inactivity. On Oct. 1, the British retailer will revive the 12-year-old upcycling and resale scheme after shutting it down in March amid the retail lockdown.
Shwopping has found a new home or use for 35 million clothing items since its inception, M&S says. Apparel is donated through bins at 287 of the company’s retail stores and sent to charitable collective Oxfam, which brings together more than 20 global charities in an effort to alleviate poverty.
The charity resells the clothing in one of its shops or on the web, while some donations are sent to its social enterprise in Senegal. Unsalable merchandise is sent to M&S’s Wastesaver facility to be recycled into new materials, like filling for mattresses. Since 2008, Shwopping has raised 23 million pounds ($29.5 million).
The company’s decision to stop accepting donations this spring stemmed from a need to focus on enacting safety measures across its store locations. And like most retailers, M&S has faced hardship because of declining foot traffic. In August, the retailer announced that it would be slashing about 7,000 jobs over the ensuing three months, in addition to the 950 positions eliminated earlier this year.
But as U.K. shoppers have spent more time holed up at home, many have become desperate to clear their wardrobes of unwanted shoes, apparel and accessories.
“At M&S, our goal is to source all our products with care and ensure nothing we make goes to waste,” said Carmel McQuaid, head of sustainable business for the British chain. “We want our customers to be confident that the clothes they buy at M&S are made to last, but if they finish wearing their old favorites, we make it easy to give them a new purpose through Shwopping.”
The effort should prove particularly timely for shoppers who have been anxious to declutter their closets, McQuaid added.
Fee Gilfeather, head of audience and strategic planning at Oxfam, said the program was designed as a simple solution for customers and the general public to donate unwanted garments, and that Shwopping “helps to extend the lifecycle of clothes and reduce the number of items of clothing going to landfill.”
“The return of Shwop drops to M&S stores means that there are more ways for people to donate to Oxfam and support our work fighting poverty and helping vulnerable communities around the world,” she said.
The pandemic has forced the program’s evolution, however, and new processes have been put in place to ensure the safety of those who come in contact with the garments and accessories. All items donated through M&S stores will be quarantined for 48 hours before being sent to Oxfam to lessen any risks of infection.
The retailer has also taken steps to support a more sustainable shopping journey online. M&S has begun including details about the eco-friendly raw materials it uses on its product pages, totaling 4,000 so far, and touts itself as the first major U.K. retailer to publish information about each of its factory partners, available through a web-based interactive map.
Shoppers also have an opportunity to make a donation to one of the retailer’s charity partners—including Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust, Breast Cancer Now, and NHS Charities Together—each time they check out online. The M&S distribution center in Leicestershire is powered fully by renewable energy—one-quarter of which comes from solar panels on its roof.
Products are shipped in bags made from recycled plastic, which can be recycled at any of the company’s stores, and the company is phasing out paper delivery slips in an effort to save 140 tons of paper each year.
Source: www.sourcingjournal.com (29 Sep 2020)
12、Bangladesh Garment Sector Still Not Out of the Woods, Experts Say
As the Covid-19 pandemic continues to grip the globe and throttle supply chains, garment workers in Bangladesh are still bearing the brunt of an industry-wide slowdown that has left thousands struggling to find work and floundering on the brink of destitution.
More than 70,000 people are estimated to have been laid off after predominantly Western brand and retailers suspended or rescinded $3.1 billion worth of clothing orders and recent rebounds in textile exports have not been able to make up for the anticipated $5 billion in fiscal-year losses, according to the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA), the country’s largest trade group of garment factory owners.
Though factory chiefs say 90 percent of canceled orders have been reinstated, and production lines are hiring again, labor advocates say demand for jobs far surpass supply, leaving jobless garment workers with few alternatives or assistance. Workers have had to leave the manufacturing center of Dhaka and return to their villages, where they rely on food handouts from local charities.
“For every 10 workers who lost their jobs, only one is being hired,” Kalpona Akter, founder of the Bangladesh Centre for Worker Solidarity, told the Thomson Reuters Foundation Friday. “This is putting the lives of thousands of workers and their families at risk, because they haven’t earned for the last three to four months.”
Though the industry exhibited recent signs of recovery—Export Promotion Bureau data showed Monday that shipments of ready-made clothing topped $8.13 billion from July to September—factory owners say orders are still down by two-thirds and brands are demanding discounts of 20 percent to 25 percent for previous orders.
“The turnaround hasn’t been significant,” said Mohammad Hatem, vice-president of the Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers and Exporters Association, which represents about 800 factories, told the Thomson Reuters Foundation. “We thought we would get a good number of orders before Christmas, but that hasn’t happened.”
Even in the first 25 days of September, prices have declined by 5.29 percent compared to the same time last year, Rubana Huq, president of the BGMEA, told Sourcing Journal. “All these would not certainly leave the factories in a better position to do good for [their] workers,” she said, though she called 70,000 workers “not a significant part” of the total workforce. While Huq does not expect the employment situation to get worse, since exports are leveling off from its prior nosedive, she would like to see greater emphasis given to “sourcing, pricing, payment and bankruptcy protection” to better prop up factories and those they hire.
Indeed, a study published last week by Brac University’s Centre for Entrepreneurship Development, the James P. Grant School of Public Health and the Subir and Malini Chowdhury Center for Bangladesh Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, found that 82 percent of the 1,057 Bangladeshi garment workers it surveyed earned less in April and May compared with February because of Covid-19’s economic fallout and a nationwide lockdown that saw workers earning—at most—65 percent of their established wages. Some 52 percent of respondents said they saved less in April and May compared with February; 77 percent said it was difficult feeding everyone in their household. Three in five workers said they were likely or very likely to get infected by the virus at their workplaces and 29 percent said they would probably contract it from their homes.
As of Monday, Bangladesh has reported more than 370,000 confirmed cases of Covid-19 and at least 5,300 deaths.
Huq says the industry needs to take a holistic view about worker concerns. “We should not also deny the fact that the factories were completely left abandoned that time by the buyers,” she said. “With no payments coming for the goods that were already shipped, with confirmed orders in different stages being stranded for several months, probably the steps taken were the best we could do to save the workers and the industry.”
“We are extremely grateful to [the] Honorable Prime Minister of Bangladesh for the great support provided to the industry through wage support loan and working capital loan which ultimately helped the industry pay the workers and keep the businesses going,” she added, referring to the Bangladeshi government’s regular disbursements to export-related industries to help pay wages and its 1-trillion-taka ($11.8 billion) nationwide stimulus package.
The authors of the Brac University report wrote that the existing sector may need an overhaul. Bangladeshi garment workers, in order to be treated with dignity, they said, need a system where they have a “safety net, adequate wages and job security.
“These are all necessary for workers’ livelihoods during normal times, but even more critical during times of extreme economic crisis and hardship, like under this current pandemic,” the authors said. “Otherwise, as we see, it is very difficult to mitigate a crisis by living hand to mouth (with inadequate nutritional intake), reducing other potential critical expenses and exhausting limited savings. All these actions have placed workers in an extremely unhealthy and vulnerable situation. We need to have a continued discussion around the adequacy of current wages.”
The garment sector, which employs 4.1 million workers and is the second-largest exporter of clothing after China, generated $34.1 billion or 84 percent of the Bangladesh’s overall exports in the fiscal year through June 2019.
Source: www.sourcingjournal.com (6 Oct 2020)
13、Vietnam Tariff Threat Sparks AAFA Outcry
Fashion isn’t thrilled at the growing prospect of tariffs on goods out of Vietnam, a major sourcing destination for footwear and apparel.
A move by the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) to launch a Section 301 investigation on Vietnam, which could open the door to imposition of punitive tariffs on U.S. imports from the country, drove the American Apparel & Footwear Association (AAFA) to urge the government to “refrain from sowing further supply chain disruption” during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Late Friday, USTR said it was initiating an investigation at the direction of President Trump addressing two significant issues with respect to Vietnam. USTR will investigate Vietnam’s acts, policies and practices related to the import and use of timber that is illegally harvested or traded, and will investigate Vietnam’s acts, policies, and practices that may undervalue its currency and thus damage U.S. commerce.
USTR said it will conduct the investigation under Section 301 of the 1974 Trade Act, the same action that resulted in a trade war with China over the past two years and resulted in steep tariffs levied on a wide range of goods, including apparel, textiles and footwear, between the two countries. As part of its investigation on currency undervaluation, USTR said it will consult with the Department of the Treasury on issues of currency valuation and exchange rate policy.
“Vietnam is an important trading partner for the U.S. apparel, footwear and travel goods industry, and has become even more important as U.S. companies have implemented diversification strategies away from China,” said Steve Lamar, AAFA president and CEO. “As brands did their best to restructure their sourcing models to protect American consumers and American global value chain workers from increased costs caused by the administration’s tariffs, and follow the administration’s edict to diversify from China, many turned to their trusted partners in Vietnam.
“Imposing new punitive tariffs on imports from Vietnam would cause extreme disruption, directly threatening those investments and increasing prices for hard-working American families at the register or costs on the supply chains that directly support millions of U.S. jobs,” he added.
USTR Robert E. Lighthizer said the government charged Vietnam with using illegal timber in wood products exported to the U.S. market that harms the environment and is unfair to U.S. workers and businesses who use legally harvested timber.
“In addition, unfair currency practices can harm U.S. workers and businesses that compete with Vietnamese products that may be artificially lower-priced because of currency undervaluation,” Lighthizer said. “We will carefully review the results of the investigation and determine what, if any, actions it may be appropriate to take.”
However, Lamar said this is not the time to impose new costs on U.S. supply chains, particularly on job creators still recovering from the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic.
“Further, new punitive tariffs could make it even harder to source the personal protective equipment that our communities need to safely regrow the economy,” he said. “Tariffs are taxes on American consumers and American workers. It is time for the administration to take a different approach to trade policy, one that does not punish American consumers, American workers, and the American communities they support.”
Vietnam is the second-largest supplier of apparel, footwear, and travel goods to the U.S. market, and has experienced dramatic growth since 2016. For the year to date through July, U.S. companies imported $6.94 billion worth of apparel from Vietnam, a, 11.06 percent decrease compared to the same period in 2019. During the same time, Vietnam’s footwear shipments were down 8.6 percent to $3.62 billion.
USTR said it will issue two separate Federal Register notices this week that will provide details of the investigation and information on how members of the public can provide their views through written submissions.
Source: www.sourcingjournal.com (5 Oct 2020)