INDUSTRY NEWS - 2020.11.27
1、星級講者 網上談「疫」境商機
第4屆創智營商博覽及第6屆香港國際特許經營展將於12月2至4日舉行,為中小企提供一站式的支援,協助它們發掘最新商業創新方案,應用科技管理營運,從而提升生產及競爭力。今年博覽以「驅動遙距新機遇」為主題,網上研討會內容圍繞「宅經濟」、新常態下的挑戰、提升企業生產力,以及迎接新商機等議題,由多名業界領袖分享。焦點研討會包括「迎接『宅』經濟的浪潮及遙距工作下的企業管理」,Acceleration Partners創辦人及行政總裁Robert Glazer將分享遙距工作下的企業管理文化、人力資源轉型管理,以及如何協助企業迎接新常態。
第10屆「亞洲知識產權營商論壇」則於12月3至4日舉行,以「開放式創新:轉變中推動協作」為主題,邀請約60名來自世界各地的知識產權業界專家及商界領袖分享行內趨勢。全球大型眾籌網站Kickstarter聯合創辦人Yancey Strickler將會分享他創立平台的過程,如何凝聚不同創作者並透過協作和創新創造價值。DesignInspire創意設計博覽將於12月3日至9日舉行,展示環球設計方案和創新意念,宣傳香港的創意實力。DesignInspire將帶領業界及公衆在網上世界體驗以「Design for Good」為主題的設計之旅,發掘設計如何為個人、群體和商業世界帶來正面力量,介紹各種精彩設計項目、獨特設計故事及趣味互動體驗。
亞洲電子商貿峰會會在12月9至11日網上舉行,以「迎接數碼時代蛻變 掌握機遇」為題,多名講者將探討電子商貿市場和行銷策略,解構如何引導企業採用符合成本效益的發展模式,涉足跨境電子商貿市場。其中FedEx Express將分享國際物流服務供應商如何透過跨境電子商貿幫助企業開拓市場及加快商品流轉。
資料來源:明報 (2020年11月27日)
2、【施政報告2020】中央通過24項大灣區政策措施 在港珠澳大橋實施「港車北上」的便利
資料來源:香港經濟日報 及 www.policyaddress.gov.hk (2020年11月25日)
3、港出口勁差 10月轉跌1.1% 進口僅升0.6% 歐美疫情惡化礙復甦
資料來源:信報財經 (2020年11月25日)
4、參與人口最多、成員結構最多元、發展潛力最大的自由貿易區啟航—— RCEP為全球經濟注入正能量
資料來源:人民網 (2020年11月24日)
5、習近平倡東盟與中國對接發展規劃 深化數字經濟合作
資料來源:香港經濟日報 (2020年11月27日)
更令人鼓舞的是,雖然疫情加劇了「逆全球化」趨勢,中國市場的大門卻愈開愈大。內地強調,新發展格局不是封閉的「國內循環」,而是開放的「國內國際雙循環」,並增強聯通「國內國際雙循環」的功能 。
資料來源:信報財經 (2020年11月27日)
7、在岸人幣彈 高盛:明年續強看6.3 惟出口商叫苦 人行:增彈性穩滙率
出口商緊急鎖滙 防風險
資料來源:香港經濟日報 (2020年11月27日)
8、發展藝術科技 疫下更添色彩
港府預留1億推動 提供場地配套
據高古軒畫廊(Gagosian Gallery)表示,藝術界一直對數碼化持懷疑態度,擔憂會影響人們親睹實物的意慾,但疫情已改變大眾欣賞藝術的方式,逐漸由以往一窩蜂擁至人多擁擠的藝術館,變為網上獨自欣賞。
VR及AR技術 令藝術更平易近人
疫情無疑加快全球藝術界數碼轉型,Google的文化藝術計劃在疫下受到重視,全球多間藝術館都有與其合作、善用地圖街景(street view)展示展品,巴塞爾藝術展今年3月的網上展廳極受歡迎,甚至一度網站死機。
AR技術更可在疫後提供參觀實體藝術作品的誘因。加拿大安大略藝術館早在2017年數碼化一幅名畫《抽籤》(Drawing Lots),畫中有見3人低下頭伸手抽籤,但參觀者若透過智能手機觀賞,則會看見畫中角色不是在抽籤,而是低下頭看手機,古色古香的背景亦改為交通繁忙的現代都市。
荷蘭一個名為The Museum of Stolen Art的博物館更具特色,該藝術館專門展示被偷竊或損毁的藝術作品,然而館內並無畫作、全是畫框。不過,參觀者用手機掃描畫框內的二維碼,便可看見畫作原貌,或能藉此反思藝術的價值及損毁的代價。
資料來源:香港經濟日報 (2020年11月27日)
9、Abercrombie&Fitch第三季度淨利大漲550% 將繼續關閉4家門店
Abercrombie&Fitch首席執行官Fran Horowitz表示:“我們實現了八年來的第三季度營業收入,這得益於數字銷售同比增長43%和全球商店基礎上的連續銷售增長,業績得到了推動。更新的產品和行銷方式引起了品牌和地區的現有和新客戶的共鳴。”
資料來源: 贏商網 (2020年11月25日)
10、Sign of the Times: Gap Inc. Adds 3.4M Online Customers in Third Quarter
Gap Inc. CEO Sonia Syngal said the retailer’s “Power Plan 2023” is leading to jumps in e-commerce and better customer engagement.
In a Nutshell: Gap Inc. reported flat sales in the third quarter versus last year, supported by 5 percent growth in comparable sales and a 61 percent increase in online sales, offset by a 20 percent decline in store sales, as the company continues to close unprofitable stores.
Gap Inc. said its scaled e-commerce business added over 3.4 million new customers during the quarter, representing 145 percent growth in new online customer acquisition year-over-year. In the quarter, Gap Inc. delivered 25 cents earnings per diluted share, reflecting gross margin improvement compared to the prior year, partially offset by higher operating expenses, including a significant increase in marketing support across all brands.
The company ended the quarter with $2.6 billion in cash, cash equivalents and short-term investments, compared with $1.1 billion at the end of the third quarter in fiscal year 2019, providing ample liquidity to support the company’s long-term growth strategy. Inventory was up 1 percent versus the year-ago quarter. Excluding pack and hold inventory that is being held for introduction into the marketplace in 2021, ending inventory was down about 7 percent, reflecting the company’s focus on working capital management.
Gap said recognizing the continued high level of uncertainty in the marketplace, it was not providing a fiscal year earnings outlook. The recent rise in Covid-19 cases remains a concern, which may impact store traffic, the company said. However, with rapidly growing online sales contribution nd the opportunity for market share gains, the company remains optimistic for the fourth quarter.
Sales: Net sales for the third quarter ended Oct. 31 were flat year-over-year at $3.99 billion.
Old Navy Global net sales increased 15 percent, with comparable sales up 17 percent. Old Navy continued to experience meaningful acceleration in its online business, as strong customer response to product was bolstered by compelling digital marketing investment, the company said.
The brand’s off-mall and strip real estate locations, which make up approximately 75 percent of the fleet, continue to be an advantage, supporting not only in-store sales, but customers’ omni purchases, through curbside and buy-online-pickup-in-store (BOPIS).
Gap Global net sales were down 14 percent and comparable sales fell 5 percent. Gap said this reflects a reduced store fleet and lower traffic trends, partially offset by strong online performance. The brand remains focused on maximizing online demand through relevant marketing, improved execution and customer engagement, with the brand’s fall marketing campaigns “Stand United” and “Be the Future” generating positive customer response.
Net sales at Banana Republic Global declined 34 percent, a slight improvement versus the second quarter. Comparable sales were down 30 percent. Banana Republic continues to focus on adjusting to consumer preferences and improving inventory mix by shifting away from the brand’s traditional workwear assortment and into casual fashion during the current stay-at-home environment.
Athleta net sales rose 35 percent, while comparable sales were the highest in the brand’s history–up 37 percent–and online contribution remained above 50 percent in the quarter. Athleta continues to benefit from its participation in the highly relevant values-driven active and lifestyle space, strong returns from increased digital marketing investments and a focused product strategy, which is driving a healthy regular price business, the company said. While performance was strong across the brand, masks continued to attract new customers, providing the opportunity to build a relationship across other product offerings.
Earnings: Net income in the quarter fell 32.1 percent to $95 million from $140 million in the year ago period. Operating income declined 20.8 percent to $175 million from $221 million a year earlier.
Gross margin increased 160 basis points versus last year to 40.6 percent. A lower level of promotions contributed to higher product margins in the quarter, and the benefits of lower rent and occupancy, and higher product margin, were partially offset by higher shipping expenses associated with the company’s growth in online sales.
CEO’s Take: Sonia Syngal, CEO of Gap Inc., said: “Our third-quarter results reflect our Power Plan 2023 in action, specifically the strength of our online business, which comprised 40 percent of sales, and our commitment to meeting the shopping preferences of our customers through our leading omni platform. With our teams focused on sales growth and returning to profitability, we’ve made investments in demand generation that are driving engagement, particularly in this dislocated market as customers are looking to trusted brands to provide easy and safe shopping options.”
Source: www.sourcingjournal.com (24 Nov 2020)
11、Holiday Hope: JCP Eyes Black Friday Chap. 11 Exit
Bankrupt J.C. Penney Co. Inc. was in court on Tuesday for a confirmation hearing hoping to get the nod to exit bankruptcy proceedings.
The retailer’s attorney Joshua Sussberg from Kirkland and Ellis said at the start of the hearing that the sale of the company is expected to close on Wednesday, allowing the new owners—its majority group of first-lien lenders for its real estate assets and Simon Property Group and Brookfield Capital Partners for the operating component of the business—to take control before the start of Black Friday sales.
It was learned at a prior court hearing that Simon and Brookfield had wanted to close on the transaction before the retailer’s critical holiday selling period.
Sussberg also disclosed that all the professionals in the case were adamant about not letting the 118-year-old company fall into liquidation mode. “All the data suggest that when a retailer enters [Chapter 11], most often than not [the company] ends in liquidation. This is not something that we are prepared to live [with],” the attorney told U.S. Bankruptcy Judge David Jones, sitting in Corpus Christi, Tex.
He also said the last six months have been about everyone working on “executing on a vision and frankly, pure will.” And contrary to objections by constituency groups who are not pleased with either limited recovery or no recovery, Sussberg said that there was “no grand master plan to steal value from shareholders.”
Some creditor groups are expected to receive limited recovery, while equity shareholders will see their shares get extinguished.
Sussberg said his law firm and Lazard, the investment banker for JCP, were hired in July 2019 to help with a restructuring because of the retailer’s overleveraged balance sheet. Brand new management was brought in just before the bankruptcy filing in May. “To say the company was thriving pre-Covid [is] untrue,” he said, noting that store locations were temporary closed in March due to the pandemic and employees were furloughed.
Chapter 11 was “the only option for the company to survive,” the lawyer told Judge Jones.
Source: www.sourcingjournal.com (24 Nov 2020)
12、H&M, Adidas Back New Effort to Turn Used Clothing Into Renewable Resource
A raft of fashion and textile stakeholders, including boldface brands such as Adidas and H&M, have banded together to participate in the European Union-funded “New Cotton Project,” a first-of-its-kind consortium that seeks to prove that circular, sustainable fashion is not just a pipe dream but a real possibility.
The New Cotton Project revealed Tuesday that it’s embarking on a three-year mission to collect and sort cellulose-rich clothing and textile waste, “regenerate” it into new fibers and then spin it into different types of fabrics for Adidas, H&M and H&M’s subsidiary brands, which include & Other Stories, Cos, Monki and Weekday. When they’re no longer useful, the garments will be collected by apparel take-back programs to “determine the next phase in their life cycle,” the project noted. Clothing that can no longer be worn will be dispatched for another round of recycling, contributing to a circular economy where resources are recaptured rather than go to waste.
Finnish startup Infinited Fiber Company, whose proprietary technology mines the cellulose in textiles to create fibers that look and feel like cotton, will marshal manufacturers such as Inovafil, Tekstina and Kipas to turn its fibers into yarns, woven fabrics and denim, respectively.
Other companies involved include Frankenhuis, which will sort and pre-process the textile waste, South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences, which will develop a “technical solution” for the continuous processing of textile-waste fibers for treatment, and REvolve Waste, which will wrangle data on textile waste to determine the availability of feedstock in Europe and how to grade it. RISE Research Institutes of Sweden will handle the sustainability and “techno-economic” analyses for the project, along with eco-labeling of the resulting fabrics and garments.
Fashion for Good, an innovation platform based in Amsterdam, will facilitate stakeholder cooperation, while Finland’s Aalto University will evaluate the “created ecosystem” to determine the most feasible business model for the initiative.
The New Cotton Project, its organizers said, is a “direct response” to a burgeoning problem: Apparel brands produce nearly twice as many clothes today as they did two decades ago, and the upward trajectory shows no signs of slowing. By “recapturing” the valuable raw materials in discarded clothing and transforming them back into high-quality, cellulose-based fibers that can be spun into new yarn, woven into new fabric and stitched into new clothes, the project hopes to provide not only a solution for textile waste but also an alternative to the industry’s dependence on virgin materials.
“We are very excited and proud to lead this project, which is breaking new ground when it comes to making circularity in the textile industry a reality,” Petri Alava, co-founder and CEO of Infinited Fiber Company, said in a statement. “The enthusiasm and commitment with which the entire consortium has come together to work toward a cleaner, more sustainable future for fashion is truly inspiring.”
Fashion’s biggest purveyors, eager to deflect criticisms of their environmental profligacy, have pivoted to recycling as a way to resolve the central tension between growth and sustainability, albeit with middling success to date. Despite the proliferation of take-back schemes that promise to reincarnate customers’ castoffs, the Ellen MacArthur Foundation estimates that just 1 percent of materials used to produce clothing is recycled into new garments.
While the project has considerable investment underpinning it, including 6.7 million euros ($7.9 million) in funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program, its success hinges on the speed and extent to which it can scale.
The project’s announcement follows news that Re:newcell will be supplying H&M with thousands of metric tons of Circulose fibers derived from textile waste. H&M’s four-year partnership with the Hong Kong Research Institute of Textiles and Apparel will also be coming to fruition early next month with the first products—a sweatshirt and matching sweatpants from Monki—produced using reclaimed polyester from separated cotton-and-polyester-blended clothing.
Source: www.sourcingjournal.com (24 Nov 2020)
13、Carhartt and Uniqlo’s New Outerwear Gets Innovative on Insulation, Recycling
Winter is coming and outerwear brands are going to new heights to meet potential extreme cold temperatures as well as consumer demand for sustainably made apparel.
Carhartt has introduced an updated Yukon Extremes collection, built for men and women who battle extreme cold conditions. It’s the warmest and most durable gear made by the premium workwear brand.
Carhartt’s original Yukon collection was developed 25 years ago, but the company said it is committed to evolving its products to meet the changing needs of consumers and to improve its gear. The re-invented Yukon Extremes collection was updated this year to be warmer and tougher, without the weight.
Built to offer complete cold-weather defense, the new Yukon Extremes collection has less bulk while adding warmth, increasing movement and improving functionality. In addition, it’s the first time Yukon Extremes gear has been available in the company’s women’s line and also introduces a fleece offering.
“With Yukon Extremes, we knew we needed to offer a product that provided extreme warmth and durability at an affordable price point that could be used in the coldest environments, such as the Arctic,” Alex Guerrero, senior vice president and general manager of global product at Carhartt, said.
To ensure the Yukon Extremes collection would protect hardworking people in the harshest conditions, Carhartt sourced a variety of fabrics that were held to rigorous testing methods. The company also created its own abrasion testing to aggressively test the durability. As a result, the company selected a 500-denier Cordura fabric shell and 3M Thinsulate insulation for many of the pieces.
Throughout the design process, Carhartt worked closely with 3M to introduce a new reflective safety technology that offers retro-reflectivity and versatility.
The Carhartt Yukon Extremes collection includes an insulated Parka, coverall, active jacket, biberall, Wind Fighter Fleece active jacket,” a full swing insulated coat, and Wind Fighter Fleece vest.
Winter is coming and outerwear brands are going to new heights to meet potential extreme cold temperatures and be more sustainable.
A look from Carhartt’s updated Yukon Extremes collection.
Uniqlo is launching Re.Uniqlo, an initiative that collects the brand’s clothing that is no longer needed by customers and gives them new life and value. This effort is a new step toward benefiting the environment and communities by keeping valuable resources out of landfills.
The first offering includes recycled down jackets that incorporate rejuvenated down taken from 620,000 jackets gathered from Japan since September 2019. In addition, Uniqlo has initiated a new down product collection campaign in stores across 21 global markets, including the U.S..
Uniqlo said it is committed to providing customers with more sustainable apparel, notably by using sustainable materials and using less resources in production processes. Re.Uniqlo is a major step forward building upon these efforts and further develops the All-Product Recycling initiative that the brand started in 2006 to collect lightly used clothing from customers and donate them to refugees and others in need and promotes product-to-product recycling.
The Re in Re.Uniqlo symbolizes the virtues of recycling, reusing and reducing. Under the initiative, the company collects pre-worn Uniqlo items from customers to be recycled as part of new products. In the process, waste, carbon dioxide emissions and resource consumption are reduced throughout product lifecycles.
In the U.S., customers handing in used Uniqlo down merchandise to store cashiers will receive a voucher for $10 off any men’s or women’s down outerwear, which can be used in stores or online at uniqlo.com until Dec. 31.
Source: www.sourcingjournal.com (20 Nov 2020)
14、Bangladesh’s Textile, RMG Sectors Get $256.5M in Energy-Efficiency Funding
The United Nations-backed Green Climate Fund (GCF) has approved $256.5 million in funding to help Bangladesh promote the large-scale adoption of energy-saving technologies and equipment in its textile and ready-made garment (RMG) sectors.
The disbursement, announced last week, will mark the first concessional GCF credit line for the South Asian nation, whose pandemic-battered garment industry generates more than 80 percent of its export earnings and nearly 16 percent of its gross domestic product (GDP). It’s also to date the largest approved funding proposal for any Direct Access Entity (DAE) of GCF, accredited globally, according to the Infrastructure Development Company, a government-owned non-bank financial institution that finances infrastructure and renewable energy projects in Bangladesh.
Established under UN climate talks in 2010, the GCF is the world’s largest dedicated fund to support developing countries seeking to reduce their greenhouse-gas emissions and tackle the impacts of climate change.
Bangladesh’s textile and RMG production currently accounts for 38 percent of the total energy consumption in the industrial sector, which in turn makes up 47.8 percent of the country’s commercial energy consumption, according to the Sustainable And Renewable Energy Development Authority.
The country’s 2015 Energy Efficiency and Conservation Master Plan noted that manufacturing industries in Bangladesh tend to practice poor energy management or utilize old and ill-maintained machines. Chief barriers to the adoption of energy-efficient technology include inadequate financial incentives and a dearth of technical expertise, it added.
Under the scheme, IDCOL will receive $250 million in concessional funds from the GCF for a tenure of 20 years, including a grace period of five years for financing energy-efficient equipment. Of this, $100 million will go toward energy-efficiency projects in the textile sector. IDCOL will funnel another $150 million to four local financial institutions for financing energy efficiency projects in the RMG sector.
The organization will receive an additional $6.5 million technical-assistance grant to cover areas such as capacity building, support in loan disbursal and monitoring and evaluation of program parameters.
With co-financing from IDCOL, local financiers and the project’s sponsors, the total program size will exceed $423 million, it said.
“This program is a remarkable success for IDCOL in terms of accessing climate change fund to pave the path for our country to achieve its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),” IDCOL said in a statement, singling out SDG 7 (affordable clean energy), SDG 9 (industry, infrastructure and innovation) and SDG 13 (climate change).
The scheme will also help the Bangladesh government achieve its goals of reducing the country’s greenhouse-gas emissions by 15 percent below business-as-usual levels by 2030 and its primary energy consumption by 20 percent per GDP by 2030, it added.
Rubana Huq, president of the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association, the nation’s largest union of garment factory owners, said she hoped the concessional financing will facilitate the adoption of energy efficient equipment and “further strengthen the competitive advantage of [the] Bangladesh RMG sector.”
Source: www.sourcingjournal.com (23 Nov 2020)
15、3 Main Drivers for Supply Chain Automation in Apparel Manufacturing
The apparel manufacturing industry is just one of many markets faced with adapting to a continually competitive landscape. From traditional brands and players to those who are new or emerging, all are routinely looking for the competitive advantage that will set them apart. Often, this advantage comes in the form of new technologies and automation to improve productivity, efficiency and consistency. Not only can new technologies improve the product and the time to market, but they can also provide industry professionals with more data and analytics regarding their overall operations in an effort to seek out continuous improvement.
As such, three main drivers of supply chain automation now appear across the apparel manufacturing industry: 1) powerful suppliers and first tier global manufacturers well positioned to reap the benefits of automation, (2) increased demand for customized goods and (3) the increased importance of efficiency.
Supplier-manufacturer collaboration
Those with the most to gain from automation include powerful suppliers and first tier global manufacturers since they can invest resources quickly and adjust their business models to align with new automation processes. Furthermore, these types of suppliers can further take advantage of automation since there collaboration has increased and power asymmetries have declined across the global supply chain.
Collaboration has taken on greater importance recently as brands, suppliers and technology firms have started working together to develop advanced technologies for both the footwear and apparel markets. Now, more supply chain management companies want to create brand-supplier collaborations through unique partnerships, which offer financing support and help build capacity within the network.
This improved capacity helps both the brand and suppliers adapt to the changing needs of the market. Overcoming the initial cost and implementation burden of automation technology allows these global manufacturers to more quickly adopt new technology and reap the benefits.
Rising customization demands
Another driver of automation is the overall increased demand for customized goods. The perceived need for automation in this industry in general is often low due to the belief that the fashion and apparel industry has not changed much from a technology perspective. It is argued that most products are very basic and can rely on existing machines and technology for production.
Additionally, transitioning from manual processes to automated processes does not always present a favorable outcome both from a process or cost perspective.
Where the advantage does exist though is with customization. Customization via manual processes are time intensive and inefficient, whereas automated processes for customization are much quicker. Automation allows for the efficient production of small batches of customized product that can be sold at a premium, whereas manual process would be too labor-intensive to reap meaningful benefits.
There have been some notorious successes with this approach, including Adidas’ 2017 pop-up knit customization in Berlin where customers designed custom-fit sweaters. Because of the automated production process, which included full-body scanners connected to knitting machines, shoppers were able to receive their customized product in store.
Another argument for this approach is that high levels of customization create customer loyalty, and consumers often expect to pay higher prices for personalized products. These factors alone can present long-term benefits to the company, and pay off exponentially.
Efficiency is the end goal
Lastly, efficiency is king when it comes to automation. Often noted as one of the key benefits, and a very important driver of costs and profits, efficiency is a metric that should be carefully managed and optimized. Efficiency helps with standardization and improvement of internal processes, helps to minimize production costs and lead times and also influences environmental sustainability.
Automation can meet many of these needs by helping to reduce lag times and bottlenecks in production, improve management systems, influence forecasting and purchasing practices as well as create better internal practices. Perceptions among brands is that automation helps facilitate the quick delivery of reasonably priced goods, and that in the future will be a key component of overall competitiveness across the industry, in addition to digitization and connectivity.
The apparel manufacturing industry has long relied on traditional and labor-intensive processes, but the need for increased flexibility and rapid responses to consumer demands has moved many companies towards automation. Automation can have a high up-front commitment from both the cost and process perspectives, which positions larger companies better for investing in this type of innovation. For smaller companies, partnerships and collaborations that are mutually beneficial are springing up as an innovative means to achieve these goals.
This increase in automation enables companies to be more agile, improve their efficiency, promote sustainability and increase their overall competitiveness within the industry. Automation is seen to be an essential component of future developments in this industry, so regardless of size—all companies need to critically examine their current operations and determine when, and how to pursue automation in the future.
Learn more about Gerber Technology’s textile manufacturing and design solutions here.
Source: www.sourcingjournal.com (25 Nov 2020)