行業報導 - 2020年12月31日
1、斥深圳「加辣」過關措施嚴苛 運輸業憂礙供港物流
有司機感重壓辭職 公司難捱
同屋苑現確診即須檢疫 促政府表不滿
資料來源:明報 (2020年12月28日)
資料來源:星島日報 (2020年12月30日)
資料來源:紡織網 (2020年12月28日)
4、東莞「金融80條」推動莞港合作 助企業來港上市
資料來源:香港經濟日報 (2020年12月23日)
5、GAP只剩網店・ESPRIT撤出亞洲市場 總結2020年零售業掙扎求存慘況
2020 年新冠肺炎肆虐,影響營商環境。有不少進駐香港的外國品牌,今年也因疫情影響宣布撤出香港或轉型網銷,當中有不少是港人熟悉的品牌:
今年 7 月,GAP 已傳出撤出香港的消息並轉戰電子商貿,如今品牌位於中環的旗艦店已經結業,只剩下網店。品牌在 10 月時曾表示,到 2024 年初將關閉 220 間 GAP 門市,並計劃在 3 年內關閉其在北美的 130 間 Banana Republic 分店,轉而將重點投放在電貿業務上。
本地知名時裝品牌 ESPRIT 在新冠肺炎疫情影響下裁員發及關閉分店。ESPRIT 母企思捷環球截至今年 6 月 30 日的業績顯示,其虧損接近港幣 40 億元,而隨著思捷環球重組公司業務,品牌也在今年 6 月底撤出包括中國在內的亞洲市場。
(3)Victoria’s Secret
美國內衣品牌 Victoria's Secret 英國分公司受新冠肺炎疫情打擊,在今年 6 月宣布破產。品牌位於銅鑼灣京華中心、佔地 4 層的 Victoria's Secret 旗艦店開業不足兩年亦宣布於 6 月 25 日結業,正式撤出香港。
英國連鎖時裝品牌 Topshop 位於中環皇后大道中泛海大廈兩層高的旗艦店於 10 月約滿後不續租,品牌之後會撤出香港實體店業務,意味 Topshop 在香港沒有實體店,而 Topshop 未來只會維持網店業務。
(5)Line Friends Store
以可愛貼圖公仔出名,甚至設有專門店的 Line Friends Store 在今年 11 月時宣布本港 3 間分店會在月內陸續關閉,而店舖門前的巨型公仔已成為絕響。
資料來源:香港經濟日報 (2020年12月29日)
核心提示:2020年,拉夏貝爾“壞消息”不斷,Old Navy退出中國市場,I.T將退市,艾格破產...同時,漢服、Lolita裙、JK制服吸引大量千禧一代“入坑”。
此後,今年3月,GAP旗下的一個子品牌Old Navy在進入中國之後“水土不服”,黯然離場;
6月,曾被視為森女風代表的日本女裝earth music & ecology在京東旗艦店發佈通告終止經營天貓門店;
資料來源:贏商網 (2020年12月30日)
2020,絕對是全世界都不易走過的一年,來到最後一天,祈願彩虹再現。環球經濟同步走下坡,首當其衝是零售業界,尤其奢侈品市場,裁員結業等壞消息無可避免。還幸,今時今日地球人已習慣生活於高科技之下,新常態見證了人類強大的應變能力。轉型舉辦 上時裝周、為支持醫護而投產防疫用品、堅持新店擴張計畫等等,正能量依然積極地發放。Life must go on,期待2021年的來臨,我們更懂得活在當下,以正面態度迎來新挑戰。
Fashion Week新常態
今年1月底,新冠肺炎疫情蔓延至歐洲,首先遭受嚴重影響的是意大利北部工業城市倫巴第,然後迅速擴散至米蘭周邊及威尼斯等地區。於2月18日至24日舉行的米蘭時裝周,雖如常進行,卻於末段出現變化。Giorgio Armani秋冬女裝騷舉行前一天,品牌突然緊急宣布,為保障與會者免因人群聚集而受感染,將原定米蘭時間2月23日舉行的花生騷,改以閉門形式進行,會場不接待觀眾,Catwalk如常走,並在品牌旗下網上平台現場直播。緊隨米蘭舉行的巴黎時裝周,大致如常,卻因當時世界多國已封關或嚴格實施海外人士入境限制,整體氣氛已不及往年。
2020秋冬時裝周過後,四大時裝之都陸續為其後的多個季度時裝周而作出應變,不同品牌各自籌謀,有的宣告從此不再跟隨大會日程、有的改以另類模式發布新系列,當然也有堅持製作實體騷的單位。但6月的巴黎男裝周及7月初的高級訂製服時裝周都相繼取消,米蘭男裝周延期合併於9月女裝周發表等轉變,還有紐約及倫敦方面全面改為舉辦 上時裝周等措施,已為這一年帶來令人意料之外的新面貌。
然而有危也有機,有數據指, 上時裝周更進一步擴大參與及觀看人數,在疫境之下,吸納了一群以往無法參與的人士,當中正包括海外買家,令部分品牌及設計師成功開展新出路。
資料來源:頭條日報 (2020年12月31日)
8、2020 in Review: All the Big Fashion Names That Filed for Bankruptcy
The year 2020 will be remembered for the breathtaking pace of bankruptcies across fashion and retail.
The industry saw at least 48 retail and fashion bankruptcies—including three mall owners—in the U.S. and overseas. Many firms were already struggling before the pandemic hit, and were barely able to keep their operations afloat. With little to no reserves, these companies just didn’t have the ability to withstand any additional hits to their cash flow. And the lack of cash flow was the one thing that was common to all when local governments mandated that nonessential retailers shut down temporarily to help curb the spread of the virus. But even when stores began to reopen, many consumers either stayed away due to fear or social distancing protocols. And while online shopping became the go-to strategy, that became a double-edged sword in retail. Many companies never made the required digital investments in their online platforms, and even for those that did, online presented lower margins on higher fulfillment costs.
These are the major retailers and fashion brands that went bankrupt in 2020.
When: Jan. 20
Backstory: The U.K. department store declared insolvency in January and a month later, it shuttered 12 of its 23 locations. However, the chain couldn’t find a buyer and the coronavirus outbreak forced the remaining 11 locations closed.
Pier 1 Imports
When: Feb. 17
Backstory: The home goods retailer liquidated operations, closing 500 stores in the process, before Retail Ecommerce Ventures (REV) acquired its IP and related assets for $31 million with a relaunch in mind.
Modell’s Sporting Goods
When: March 11
Backstory: Covid-19 disrupted Modell’s liquidation plans after filing for bankruptcy. REV, which also owns the Dressbarn and RadioShack nameplates, acquired Modell’s for $3.6 million.
Laura Ashley Holdings
When: March 17
Backstory: The company collapsed into administration following the U.K.’s coronavirus store closures. Gordon Brothers purchased its IP and similar assets in April, and a Next Plc license will revive the brand’s home products.
When: March 27
Backstory: Esprit said several German subsidiaries had applied for Protective Shield Proceedings under German law to restructure liabilities and long-term leases.
Galeria Karstadt Kaufhof
When: April 1
Backstory: Germany’s biggest department store retailer filed for administrative insolvency. The company, which closed 40 of its 172 stores, exited insolvency proceedings on Sept. 30.
When: April 9
Backstory: This U.K. department store retailer fell into administration and liquidated its Irish stores. With a full liquidation on the horizon, suitors like Michael Ashley and Authentic Brands Group are said to be mulling a deal.
True Religion
When: April 13
Backstory: The denim brand had emerged from Chapter 11 proceedings four months later. The April filing was a so-called Chapter 22, its second filing after its first tour of bankruptcy court in 2017.
Oasis and Warehouse
When: April 15
Backstory: Another early victim of the coronavirus, the U.K. high fashion brands fell into administration. Hilco Capital agreed to buy its intellectual property assets, but two months later, Boohoo bought assets including IP.
J. Hilburn
When: May 1
Backstory: Men’s custom clothier J. Hilburn was one of the first retailers to emerge from Chapter 11, acquired by The Apparel Group (TAG), its largest trade vendor.
J. Crew Group
When: May 4
Backstory: Despite a huge debt load stemming from a leveraged buyout, the specialty chain exited Chapter 22 on Sept. 10, after being taken over by its lender and converting $1.6 billion of secured debt into equity.
John Varvatos
When: May 6
Backstory: The rock ‘n’ roll menswear brand was one of the early victims of the pandemic, but it reached an agreement with majority owner and investor Lion Capital to sell the business to it as part a reorganization.
Neiman Marcus Group
When: May 7
Backstory: The luxury department store had been struggling with a heavy debt load on its balance sheet after two leveraged buyouts. It emerged from bankruptcy in September, wiping out nearly $4 billion in pre-petition debt.
Aldo Group
When: May 7
Backstory: The Canadian footwear retailer filed for bankruptcy in Canada, the U.S. and Switzerland. Bushell Investment Group bought the U.K. arm, and will keep all 11 stores and e-commerce open.
Stage Stores
When: May 11
Backstory: The struggling retailer seemed to have found a new model when switching over to the Gordmans off-price concept, but Covid-19 thwarted those plans. The Chapter 11 filing helped it conduct an orderly wind down.
J.C. Penney
When: May 15
Backstory: Penney’s survived bankruptcy court through sheer grit, thanks to the help of bankruptcy attorneys, lenders and its two largest mall landlords, Simon Property Group and Brookfield Asset Management, who needed the retailer to stay in business and keep its stores open.
Centric Brands
When: May 18
Backstory: In February, the Zac Posen brand sold to Centric Brands, which quickly went bankrupt as Covid-19 “constrained” cash flow. Centric exited Chapter 11 in October, with lenders holding equity stakes.
DVF Studio U.K.
When: May 24
Backstory: DVF Studio U.K. went into administration after its flagship store closed amid Covid-19. DVF Studio’s parent company, DVF Studio LLC, closed 18 stores, leaving a single store open Manhattan in addition to online.
Tuesday Morning
When: May 27
Backstory: The off-price home discounter closed 230 stores while in bankruptcy, and is expected to emerge before the end of 2020 with 500 locations still open.
Victoria’s Secret U.K.
When: June 5
Backstory: The U.K. arm of Victoria’s Secret fell into administration, but received a new lease on life through a joint venture between L Brands Inc. and Next PLC, with Next the majority owner holding a 51 percent stake. The joint venture will operate VS stores in the U.K. and Ireland. The online operation of VS is still operated by U.S. parent L Brands and will be folded into the joint venture next spring.
When: June 26
Backstory: U.K.’s largest shopping mall owner failed to strike a deal with creditors and collapsed into administration. The company owns and operates 17 shopping malls across the U.K.
When: June 29
Backstory: Seafolly is Australia’s largest swimwear brand. It has 44 stores in its domestic market and 12 locations overseas. The brand was sold back to its original owners.
TM Lewin
When: June 30
Backstory: The 66-unit U.K. men’s chain—it also operated five locations in Australia—collapsed into administration in June. Founded in 1898, the brand was sold to Torque Brands.
Lucky Brand
When: July 3
Backstory: Denim retailer Lucky Brand Dungarees, a fixture at shopping malls, was acquired in August mall landlord Simon Property Group’s Sparc joint venture with brand management firm Authentic Brands Group.
G-Star Raw
When: July 3
Backstory: The denim brand filed for bankruptcy protection to reassess and restructure its store portfolio. A bankruptcy filing in Australia shut all 57 stores after failing to find a buyer.
Brooks Brothers
When: July 8
Backstory: Troubles at Brooks Brothers had been simmering for years, and the coronavirus store closures didn’t help its cash flow. Sparc—the Simon Property Group and Authentic Brands Group joint venture—offered to buy the brand as a going concern out of Chapter 11 for $305 million.
Muji USA
When: July 10
Backstory: The U.S. arm of Japanese retailer Muji operates 18 doors and is expected to restructure operations to refocus sales online. Known for its minimalist home goods, Muji also sells personalizable apparel.
RTW Retailwinds
When: July 13
Backstory: The company, which operates women’s apparel chains under the nameplates New York & Co., Fashion to Figure and Happy x Nature, filed a voluntary Chapter 11 petition. Saadia Group paid $40 million for the New York & Co. and Fashion to Figure nameplates, and will operate them online.
Coldwater Creek
When: July 20
After filing a Chapter 11 petition, the women’s chain, whose stores never reopened after coronavirus shutdowns, was later acquired by Newtimes Group for $12.2 million. The online site was relaunched on Dec. 17.
Ascena Retail Group
When: July 23
Backstory: The company had been struggling for several quarters, and had already sold a majority stake in Maurices and wound down Dress Barn. Covid and mandatory store closures pushed the company into Chapter 11. It sold Catherines to FullBeauty Brands Operations LLC for $40.8 million in September and Justice to Bluestar Alliance for $90 million in November. On Dec. 8, the bankruptcy court gave its approval for Ascena to sell its remaining brands—Ann Taylor, Loft, Lane Bryant and Lou & Grey—to private equity firm Sycamore Partners for $540 million.
Chico’s Canada
When: July 30
Backstory: The Canadian operations of Chico’s FAS filed for bankruptcy in July and it has now exited that market. It had operated four Chico’s stores and six White House Black Market doors.
Lord & Taylor and parent Le Tote
When: Aug. 2
Backstory: The initial plan was to liquidate 19 store while searching for a buyer. It later upped the number of closures to 24, hoping to keep 14 open. Failing to find a buyer, it decided to liquidate and shutter all doors.
Tailored Brands
When: Aug. 2
Backstory: Too much debt from its $1.8 billion Jos. A. Banks acquisition was exacerbated by a lack of cash flow when Covid-19 temporarily closed stores. The plan was to close up to 500 stores, leaving it with 775 doors. The company exited bankruptcy on Dec. 1.
Stein Mart
When: Aug. 12
Backstory: The 281-door department store operator had already let go of most of its employees when it filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy court protection. REV purchased its IP for $6.0 million and will relaunch online.
When: Sept. 7
Backstory: German apparel manufacturer Escada SE filed for insolvency in Munich, affecting only its German operations, which had previously gone bankrupt in 2009. There are currently eight stores in operation in Germany.
Century 21
When: Sept. 10
Backstory: This off-pricer with 13 stores was forced to shut down after insurance providers declined to pay $175 million to protect against business disruptions during the pandemic. The matter is currently in litigation, but any victory would be for the benefit of creditors and will be of no help in saving the chain.
Pennsylvania Real Estate Investment Trust
When: Nov. 1
Backstory: PREIT filed its Chapter 11 petition as a prepackaged plan backed by 95 percent of its voting lenders.
CBL Properties
When: Nov. 2
Backstory: One of the first casualty among mall REITS, CBL had signed a restructuring support with certain lenders back in August and finally filed on Nov. 2. The plan is to eliminate $1.5 billion in debt and obligations.
Furla USA
When: Nov. 6
Backstory: The U.S. subsidiary of luxury brand Furla SpA saw wholesale accounts impacted by store closures and a lack of tourism. The company filed its Chapter 11 petition to get rid of leases and lower its debt.
Edinburgh Woollen Mill
When: Nov. 7
Backstory: Edinburgh operates 380 stores in mostly tourist-heavy locations. Homewares retailer Ponden Homes also collapsed into administration as well. Both are part of the Edinburgh Woolen Mill Group.
L.K. Bennett
When: Nov. 12
Backstory: The company opted for a company voluntary arrangement, which gives it a measure of control over restructuring and means most creditors and landlords are on board. It’s the brand’s second insolvency in two years.
When: Nov. 19
Backstory: Edinburgh Woollen Mill Group owner Philip Day was hoping to secure a buyer for the value-focused department store chain. So far, the chain has nabbed a management buyout offer from a senior e-comm executive.
When: Nov. 19
Backstory: Jaeger is also a part of the Edinburgh Woollen Mill Group. There were talks with potential buyers for the business, which also includes the Jacques Vert and Austin Reed brands. Those discussions are said to be ongoing.
Moss Bros
When: Nov. 27
Backstory: The U.K. men’s retailer launched a company voluntary arrangement and is in talks to work out deals with landlords and other creditors.
Arcadia Group
When: Nov. 30
Backstory: The owner of Topshop filed during the U.K. second round of mandatory store closures. Arcadia has about 450 stores in the U.K, and 22 doors overseas. So far there’s no word on new planned store closures.
When: Dec. 2
Backstory: This women’s fashion chain collapsed into administration for the second time in just over a year after its acquisition by value chain Peacock’s. For now, Bonmarché‘s 225 stores remain open.
When: Dec. 3
Backstory: The women’s budget chain filed its Chapter 11 petition to sell the business to TerraMar Capital. The company operated 558 stores at the time of its filing, but had already closed 137 stores last month. Days after its filing, Francesca’s said it would shutter another 97 stores.
Source: www.sourcingjournal.com (30 Dec 2020)
9、The State of Fashion 2021: In search of promise in perilous times
The fifth annual State of Fashion report by The Business of Fashion and McKinsey & Company forecasts the continuation of tough trading conditions next year, forcing companies to find their ‘silver linings strategies.’ Download the full report to understand the 10 themes that will define the global fashion industry in 2021 and how to navigate the currents they create.
Video from The Business of Fashion (BOF):
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=de6LxWaN37o&feature=youtu.be or
To download the report, please click:
Source: www.mckinsey.com & www.businessoffashion.com (2 Dec 2020)
10、B2B Fashion, Reimagined
Discover the digital events bringing fashion brands and buyers together for continued commerce.
Source: www.sourcingjournal.com (28 Dec 2020)
11、JCPenney’s Jill Soltau Is Out as Retailer’s New Owners Split Company
The new owners of JCPenney replaced Chief Executive Officer Jill Soltau less than a month after re-launching the department store chain that went bankrupt during the pandemic.
Soltau will depart Dec. 31 and be succeeded by Stanley Shashoua, the chief investment officer of Simon Property Group Inc., while a search for a new CEO is conducted, according to a statement Wednesday. Mall owners Simon and Brookfield Asset Management Inc. acquired the retail operations of J.C. Penney Co. to help keep one of their biggest tenants in business. The brief, two-paragraph announcement gave no explanation for the CEO change.
The departure is another burden for the struggling department store chain, which made rapid-fire leadership changes over the past decade as a series of turnaround plans fell short. While it wouldn’t be unusual for new owners to bring in a new leader, restarting the process could hurt JCPenney as it tries to right the company, said David Swartz, equity analyst at Morningstar Inc.
“It’s not great news,” Swartz said.
Turnaround Plan
Soltau, hired in October 2018, was in the middle of overseeing her own turnaround plan and putting a new team in place when the Covid-19 pandemic swept the globe this year and temporarily shuttered many retail stores. By May, J.C. Penney Co. was bankrupt. She remained in the top job throughout the bankruptcy process, and the new owners highlighted her comments as CEO in the Dec. 7 announcement of the relaunch under the JCPenney name.
Simon and Brookfield plan to establish a temporary office of the CEO that will include members of JCPenney’s current management team, according to the statement. J.C. Penney Co. was split up during the bankruptcy into the operating company, which is owned by the mall operators, while lenders get the property company. The latter remains in the Chapter 11 process and is expected to emerge in the first half of 2021.
Penney’s troubles were longstanding before Soltau’s arrival. She became the company’s fifth CEO in seven years -- fourth if you count Mike Ullman’s reprise tenure -- in an effort to make the mall stalwart a more compelling destination. The carousel started in 2011 when activist investor William Ackman pushed for Ullman’s ouster in favor of Ron Johnson, fresh off triumphs at Target Corp. and Apple stores.
Previous Plan
Johnson envisioned not so much a turnaround as a wholesale refabrication of the company. At a splashy event by the Hudson River introducing his plan, he vowed to end the cycle of endless sales and instead train customers to buy at fair prices. He redesigned stores to feature boutique brands built around a so-called town square. Sales in his first year plunged 25%, and in 2013, the company replaced him with Ullman after less than two years.
Marvin Ellison, who took over after Ullman retired, left to become CEO at Lowe’s Cos. after less than two years.
Soltau came over from leading craft chain Jo-Ann Stores Inc., and before that was an executive at now-defunct Midwestern department store chain Shopko Stores Inc. Soltau worked to improve inventory management and lure more shoppers by revamping merchandise.
There were signs of progress when the company reported its year-end earnings in late February, with improved women’s clothing sales and better-than-expected results.
Now, as an intensifying pandemic threatens more disruption and store closings, “it would be much smoother” if Soltau could continue steering the turnaround, or if the company had a plan in place, Swartz said.
Source: www.msn.com (30 Dec 2020)
12、Macy’s CEO: Covid-19 Forced ‘Plan A, Plan B and then Plan 22’
Three of fashion’s top chief executives revealed the challenges they faced and strategies they employed to weather Covid-19’s worst impacts.
Macy’s chief Jeff Gennette
“Agility is not a new concept for business, especially for retail, which has never been for the faint of heart. Looking back, I never knew what agility meant until Covid hit,” Macy’s Inc. CEO Jeff Gennette said at the WWD Virtual Apparel and Retail Summit, noting that the company was forced to shut off 75 percent of its revenue stream virtually overnight when coronavirus store shutdowns began in March.
“That was a shock to the system. So, we wrote the playbook along the way [and] we built new muscles that will serve us for the future,” he added.
Macy’s scrambled to hoard cash and pull “every lever available to us,” like canceling orders and delaying deliveries. It also pivoted to a digital-first mentality go serve shoppers suddenly cut off from stores, and then moved trapped inventory by having department store teams fulfill over half of its online orders from those locations.
According to Gennette, Macy’s “learned to become more scrappy” as a result of the pandemic. “Initially, curbside pickup was a hack” that launched in April and “served our customers until we could develop Curbside 2.0” in the following weeks, he said.
Now that the dust is settling after the adrenaline rush of reworking the business at the drop of a dime, Macy’s is figuring out how to keep the momentum going.
“The velocity of change in customer habits was a remap of the customer journey. We listened to our customers, we followed the data and we pivoted quickly where needed,” Gennette said, adding that if customers were going to be on Zoom calls, then Macy’s needs to get them the right fashion options.
Extending the range of fulfillment options was also another example of how Macy’s “successfully manage[d]” the channel shift.
“This is the kind of year you create Plan A, Plan B and then Plan 22. True agility is being able to pivot and develop quickly,” Genette said.
Ralph Lauren’s Patrice Louvet
Meanwhile, Patric Louvet wasn’t exactly thrilled when, at a company meeting, he faced the question: “How can we at Ralph Lauren accelerate digital and be a leader in this space?”
“It wasn’t the most comfortable question to answer,” he admitted. And even though Ralph Lauren had attracted some key talent and made some digital investments, “We were behind,” Louvet acknowledged.
The CEO is spearheading the next initiative at the company—Next Great Chapter plan—to position Ralph Lauren for growth, where “[l]eading with digital remains a priority for us.”
The pandemic and 2020 as a whole have reflected how the company has used “digital to help deliver Ralph’s creative vision to consumers around the world,” Louvet said.
While the apparel giant’s early investments in digital gained some traction, it was the pandemic that pushed the company to “create new digital approaches we never dreamed of before,” Louvet said. That meant finding new ways to engage with consumers, while focusing on how they were now living through the pandemic. Consumers were not focused on their closets, but on their family and their health, he said. So the company pivoted its digital approach to content, using the platform to engage via “Ralph Lauren at Home.” New content was aimed to appeal to kids, while a recipe for brownies from the mother of founder and chief creative officer Ralph Lauren made its way to the site. Along the way, the company added a virtual showroom and online clienteling. And the entire Ralph Lauren store in Beverly Hills was shoppable “online using augmented reality so you can shop there wherever you may be in the world,” Louvet said.
“Years of digital adoption [were done] in a matter of months and the pace will only accelerate. In fact, we just scratched the surface of what is possible,” he added.
In a truly connected world, Louvet says companies must consider the evolving role of the store. Is four-wall store profitability still a relevant metric or is there a new way to capture the digital consumer? And how can fashion companies leverage AI without inadvertently introducing bias? Louvet also mulled how can digital tools assist in helping fashion companies deliver product faster.
And lest fashion executives think the idea of “feeling” is just about the sensation of fabrics on the skin, Louvet said it also encompasses the emotional connection with consumers and how digital can enable all those moments of connection between the consumer and the brand.
“The challenge and the opportunity now is to be able to answer them digitally,” Louvet said.
Michelle Gass of Kohl’s
“The retail industry was especially confronted with unprecedented issues and faced a massive amount of change [including] where the consumer is headed and how to adapt to meet them there,” Gass said.
At Kohl’s, a focus on consumer behavior has been key at driving innovation and new thinking to deliver to customers the ideal experience, whether that’s including new brands or enhancements to services and new conveniences.
Gass called Kohl’s new partnership with beauty retailer Sephora an elevated transformational experience in 2021, when the cosmetics giant’s shop-in-shops will launch inside 200 of the department stores.
In studying where the consumer is going, Kohl’s embarked on a path of “bold aspirational vision for the company to be the most trusted retailer of choice for the active and casual lifestyle,” a move that differentiate Kohl’s, Gass said.
Kohl’s has seen three shifts since the pandemic. “Families are living more actively and casually than ever before [and] the importance of value has never been greater,” she said, noting the seismic shift to digital commerce, the third big trend.
As for getting out and about, Gass said for the first time ever, more people are exercising now than before, paving the way for Kohl’s to be the destination for activewear and fitness gear. The company this year has doubled its active business from 2013 levels, and she noted the ability to grow the category. It’s now 20 percent and could become at least 30 percent of the overall business at Kohl’s. “All indications are that the trend will accelerate in the coming months and years ahead and it’s a large focus for the company,” the CEO said.
And while the pandemic has dramatically increased the number of customers now comfortable shopping online, Gass was quick to point out that the shift doesn’t necessarily signal brick and mortar’s demise. “There will be a place for great brick-and-mortar retailers,” she said, adding that “it’s not an ‘or,’ it’s an ‘and.'”
Kohl’s entered the pandemic with a strong omnichannel platform, which became more critical during the outbreak, and it changed the site experience to focus on categories that have become more important to its customers, It also offered curbside pickup shortly after the pandemic hit.
“This has been a year that none of us expected. It’s presented extraordinary challenges, but also some big opportunities,” Gass said.
Source: www.sourcingjournal.com (28 Dec 2020)