INDUSTRY NEWS - 2021.02.08
1、緬甸團體號召今全國大罷工 仰光10萬人示威反政變 東南城鎮警開槍
英國廣播公司(BBC)駐緬甸記者黑德(Jonathan Head)指出,緬甸軍方至今沒有採取武力對付示威者,但當地民眾都認為他們很快會出手。
全國民主聯盟委任律師金蒙邵說,昂山素姬和總統溫敏仍然被軟禁在家。而昂山素姬的澳洲籍經濟顧問特內爾(Sean Turnell)上周六被捕,成為當地在事件中首位被拘的外國人。澳洲外長佩恩(Marise Payne)已就此傳召緬甸大使交涉。另外,緬甸傳媒報道,當局已為昂山素姬接種新冠疫苗。
資料來源:信報財經 (2021年2月8日)
資料來源:https://mp.weixin.qq.com (2021年2月3日)
3、深圳口岸辦下周三新措施:皇崗禁空載貨車 文錦渡限鮮活貨過關
資料來源:明報 (2021年2月4日)
資料來源:信報財經 (2021年2月4日)
5、宅經濟催生 東莞廠訂單疫下反增 海外停工 工廠:10年來最好生意
宅經濟新模式 去年獲利豐厚
不過,並非所有企業都能逆勢增長。劉達邦稱,相對而言,疫情對「consumer product(消費品)」直接影響更大,手表、手袋、佩飾等為海外品牌代工的廠家(見另稿)尤受打擊。多個受訪東莞廠商認為,多年累積的經營問題在疫情下激化,才是導致當地不少企業沒能捱過疫情之年的主因。
迪士尼手袋代工廠:疫下訂單減七成 低端產業注定淘汰
貿易戰衝擊 「訂單已往東南亞走」
資料來源:明報 (2021年2月1日)
Fast Retailing Sustainability Report 2021 - 'OUR PATH TO A POSITIVE WORLD'
資料來源:信報財經 (2021年2月3日)
7、金管局:還息不還本再延90天 企業客難周轉 貿易融資貸款添彈性
資料來源:信報財經 (2021年1月30日)
8、ASOS 購4服裝品牌涉31億
英國網上服裝零售商ASOS周一發聲明表示,已同意出資2.95億英鎊(約31.4億港元),向去年12月申請破產保護的零售集團Arcadia Group,買入4個知名服裝品牌,包括Topshop、Topman、Miss Selfridge和HIIT。交易將以全現金方式進行,並包括總值3000萬英鎊(3.19億港元)的存貨。
ASOS的收購並不包括上述4個品牌相關的任何商店,意味大約70間門店要關門。不過ASOS行政總裁巴頓(Nick Beighton)表示,考慮允許倫敦Oxford Circus的Topshop旗艦店繼續通過第三方安排繼續經營,但尚未就此作決定。
美國研究公司Sanford C. Bernstein分析師謝爾曼(Aneesha Sherman)表示,ASOS這次明顯是趁實體零售商陷入困境之際搶佔服裝市場份額,以推動歐美市場的業務增長。
資料來源:信報財經 (2021年2月2日)
法國設計師品牌 AMI 有了新的控股股東:紅杉資本中國基金(Sequoia Capital China,下文簡稱“紅杉中國”)。據悉,紅杉中國已經收購了該品牌的多數股權。交易具體條款未予披露。
AMI 由法國設計師 Alexandre Mattiussi 創立于 2011年,總部位於法國巴黎,是一家年輕的時裝品牌,代表著一種輕鬆、真實、親和的奢華時尚方式,傳遞青春洋溢、酷勁十足、隨性瀟灑的巴黎風尚。
據紅杉中國1月7日發佈的官方新聞稿,這是紅杉中國的首個國際並購專案。作為控股股東,紅杉中國將透過 “科技賦能消費”的豐富經驗及全球創業創新平臺資源,成為 AMI 觸達新一代消費者、升級數位化管道、深化長遠發展的有力後盾。
創始人 Alexandre Mattiussi 將繼續以總裁兼創意總監的身份領導AMI,在創意審美方面擁有絕對的話語權。同時,首席執行官 Nicolas Santi-Weil 也將繼續負責商務範疇的所有工作。
《華麗志》曾在2020年1月報導了 AMI 正在尋求外部投資人的消息,當時知情人士透露, AMI 正在與包括家族基金、戰略投資方和私募基金等潛在投資者就品牌未來的發展進行商談(詳見:法國新銳男裝品牌 Ami 尋求新投資方,去年銷售額大增60%)。
Alexandre Mattiussi 出生于1980年,曾就讀于巴黎杜佩爾時裝設計學院。畢業後曾在法國奢侈品牌 Dior(迪奧)、Givenchy(紀梵希)和美國設計師品牌 Marc Jacobs 工作,他在自己30歲時正式成立了個人品牌,“AMI”是法語朋友的意思,也是Alexandre Mattiussi 的首字母組合。2013年,他成為了首個獲得法國 ANDAM 時尚大獎的男性設計師。
AMI 從男裝起家,設計師 Alexandre Mattiussi 將品牌的核心風格定位于輕鬆、舒適、充滿小趣味的“法式男裝”,以辨識度極高的“Ami de Cœur”(意為:真心的朋友)標識作為品牌符號,這個符號(下圖)最初源自於 Alexandre 在童年時期給朋友寫卡片或留言時上的簽名。
2018年,AMI 首次涉足女裝,發佈以“menswear for women”為特色的女裝產品,2019年,品牌正式推出女裝業務,目前已擁有完整的男裝線與女裝線。
創立十年以來,AMI 憑藉著年輕化的內核,以及數位化與創新化的發展路線,在世界各地站穩腳跟,並在此過程中,吸引了忠誠度和購買力極高的受眾群體。
據悉,AMI 2020年的銷售額同比增長50%以上,達到5000萬歐元。值得注意的是,AMI 在全球均衡發展,主要市場包括美國、法國、英國、義大利、德國、中國和韓國。目前,AMI 在巴黎、東京、倫敦以及中國的上海、北京、成都共開設有7家品牌專賣店,在全球擁有約360個零售網點。
據 AMI 首席執行官 Nicolas Santi-Weil 透露,AMI的數位管道發展較快,該品牌約27%的銷售收入來自直營數字業務。如果計入與 Matchesfashion、Ssense 等時尚電商合作的批發業務,那麼預計有40~45%的銷售額來自線上。預計2020年電商銷售額增幅達到101%。
AMI 最初的投資方為法國國家投資銀行(Bpifrance)。2013年,Nicholas Santi-Weil 成為首席執行官,開始將品牌大力推向市場。在被紅杉中國戰略投資之前,Alexandre Mattiussi 與 Nicolas Santi-Weil 是品牌最大的股東。(另外,據英國私募基金 Neo Investment Partners 的網站披露,AMI 也是其投資組合之一,該基金也是英國高級時裝品牌 Victoria Beckham, 義大利奢侈皮具品牌 Valextra 的投資方)
AMI 對中國市場並不陌生。事實上,中國已是 AMI在全球的第三大市場,僅次於法國和美國。
作為一個線下擴張十分謹慎的設計師品牌,AMI 在品牌成立5年之際就在中國香港開設了首家門店(目前該店也關閉),如今在其全球7家門店中,中國占到了3家,分別位於上海、北京和成都。2019年10月,AMI還在上海舉辦了品牌的首次海外時裝秀。
而在線上,作為一家數位化進程較快的品牌,AMI 於2020年8月在天貓開設了品牌的官方旗艦店。
本次合作以雙方的共同目標和願景為基礎,紅杉中國將提供支援和資源,説明提高 AMI 的發展速度、穩固其市場份額,實現其長遠的目標。紅杉中國將繼續支持 AMI 充分利用其不斷增長的直營和其他電商管道,加快部署零售網路。
紅杉中國創始人及執行合夥人沈南鵬表示:“我們很高興能與AMI合作。在 Alexandre Mattiussi 的領導下,這一頂尖的設計師品牌有著全球性的影響力,強大的創意文化,並進行了積極的數位化探索。這是我們與全球奢侈品零售行業先鋒合作的一大里程碑,是紅杉中國並購業務中堅實的一步,我們會幫助這些品牌快速實現數位化轉型,並深入滲透到本地市場中去。”
AMI 的首席執行官 Nicolas Santi-Weil 表示,他們的目標是找到一個在尊重品牌創意 DNA和創業精神前提下,能夠將其業務提升到更高水準的合作夥伴。“紅杉中國的全球影響力和數位化經驗加上AMI的創造力和活力,必將產生令人驚歎的成果。我們有著共同的目標,那就是為我們的品牌故事增添新的維度。”
值得關注的是,2019年底,紅杉資本中國基金宣佈成立“紅杉時尚科技產業股權投資基金”,過去一年,紅杉中國在時尚領域的投資包括:快時尚跨境電商全速線上、女性內衣品牌 Ubras、中國新銳護膚品牌 UNISKIN 優時顏等。
資料來源:https://finance.sina.com.cn (2021年1月8日)
網上購物雖然逐漸成為主流,但實體店仍然有其吸引力。運動品牌 Nike 最近在德國柏林概念店採用不少科技元素,建立 3 大互動購物體驗,為實體店增值。
互動展示牆可多點觸控,並可以多人同步使用。展示牆同時連接 Facebook、Instagram 和 YouTube 上的實時動態,以及國際與當地足球隊的排名和分數,讓顧客可即時獲取最新賽事資訊。消費者可用手拖曳、放大觀看牆上資訊,也可以拍照。如想要牆上資料或照片,透過 RFID(射頻識別)連接手機,資訊就會傳送到手機。
展示桌透過後端連接後台 ERP(企業資源規劃)系統,顧客將鞋子放在桌上,就會出現該產品的資訊,如:產品介紹、設計概念、顏色、尺寸、店內庫存等,顧客也可以同時放上兩對鞋子,根據鞋子尺寸和顏色進行比較。
資料來源:香港經濟日報 (2021年2月3日)
11、Coup will prompt re-evaluation of Myanmar sourcing
Tough American government sanctions against Myanmar, and a re-evaluation of Myanmar as a stable sourcing partner are among potential repercussions of the recent coup……
Read More: https://www.just-style.com/analysis/coup-will-prompt-re-evaluation-of-myanmar-sourcing_id140657.aspx
Source: www.just-style.com (5 Feb 2021)
12、Japan's Kirin to end joint beer ventures in Myanmar
Brewer seeks to sever ties with military-linked company as 'matter of urgency'
TOKYO -- Japan's Kirin Holdings announced it will terminate its two joint ventures in Myanmar, becoming the first Japanese company to denounce the military coup that took place earlier this week.
The military's actions were "against our standards and Human Rights Policy," the brewer said in a statement on Friday. "We have no option but to terminate our current joint venture partnership with Myanma Economic Holdings Public Company Limited. ... We will be taking steps as a matter of urgency to put this termination into effect."
The Japanese company holds the majority stakes in Myanmar Brewery and Mandalay Brewery, which are co-owned with MEHL, an entity that serves as a welfare fund for Myanmar's military.
"We decided to invest in Myanmar in 2015, believing that, through our business, we could contribute positively to the people and the economy of the country as it entered an important period of democratization," Kirin said.
Kirin acquired its 55% stake in Myanmar Brewery for $560 million in 2015, to secure a foothold in the growing Southeast Asian market. It transferred a 4% stake to MEHL in 2017.
Foreign companies that invested in Myanmar have received pressure from human rights groups for doing business in the country. Activists have called for Kirin, in particular, to end its joint ventures that profit the military even before Monday's coup.
A UN mission investigating atrocities against the Rohingya people in Myanmar reported in 2018 that doing business with MEHL and Myanmar Economic Corp., another military-owned entity, posed "a high risk of contributing" to human rights violations. In June last year, Kirin commissioned an independent auditor to review MEHL's finances and governance. However, the brewer said in January that the probe was "inconclusive" in determining the beneficiaries of MEHL's profits.
Human Rights Watch said Kirin's announcement is "a long awaited but welcome move."
"Other foreign companies with ties to the Myanmar military should follow in Kirin's footsteps in an urgent and transparent manner," Teppei Kasai, Asia program officer for the organization, said.
Source: https://asia.nikkei.com (5 Feb 2021)
13、H&M to Open First Arket China Store Despite Closing 350 Sites This Year
Pandemic lockdowns weighed on Hennes & Mauritz‘s fourth quarter sales, as the company reiterated plans to close 350 and open 100 stores this year while forging ahead with recycled materials. It’s also planning to open the first Arket store in China later this year, making the lifestyle label’s varied wares available to consumers in and visitors to Beijing.
In a Nutshell: The Swedish fashion giant will open an Arket store in the Chinese capital in the fall after testing the waters with a store on Tmall as well as a WeChat miniprogam. “The new store gives us an opportunity to welcome people into our world and invite them to experience the rich diversity of our collections—from beautifully-made fabrics and fashion designs to nature-inspired interiors, sustainable childrenswear and contemporary Swedish cuisine,” said Pernilla Wohlfahrt, managing director of Arket.
Meanwhile, H&M says 1,800, or 36 percent, of its roughly 5,000 global stores are closed, which are likely to trim net sales by 23 percent for the first two months of fiscal Q1 2021.
The company said it has also streamlined its invoice and payment process and based on 2020 purchasing volumes, expects to free up around 10 billion Swedish kronor ($1.20 billion) in 2021. It also has a framework in place to issue sustainability-linked bonds to finance an accelerated transition to recycled materials. “The H&M group’s goal is for 100 percent of the materials used in the products to be recycled or come from other more sustainable sources by 2030. By 2025 at least 30 percent are to be recycled materials,” said H&M, which has a stable BBB credit rating from Standard & Poor’s. “The group is continuing to monitor the bond market; if the need and the right market conditions arise, the group intends to issue a first bond,” it added.
H&M said a deal with banks means it can pay suppliers earlier than an invoice due date, an offer extended to all suppliers. The program has been “well received in the markets where it has been implemented to date [and that m]ost suppliers have chosen to take part. This could improve the working capital of both the H&M group and the product suppliers.”
And as it continues to integrate digital and stores, the company said it will move ahead with closing 350 locations in 2021 while opening 100. Of note, most closures will affect established markets, while new stores will arrive in growth hubs. In addition, a franchisee will open the first H&M store in Panama in the second half of the year. The company said it renegotiated a large number of store leases last year; about one-quarter of store leases will be renegotiated or exited annually. Last year, it closed 187 stores and opened 129.
“The H&M group stands strong after all the challenges brought by the pandemic. Thanks to much-appreciated collections, rapid and profitable online growth and strict cost control, the company succeeded in ending the year in profit and in a strong financial position,” said CEO Helena Helmersson.
“Our measures to mitigate the negative effects of ongoing restrictions and closures are continuing,” she added, despite the “highly challenging” environment.
Net Sales: Net sales for the fourth quarter ended Nov. 30 fell 15 percent to 52.55 billion Swedish kronor ($6.31 billion) from 61.69 billion Swedish kronor ($7.40 billion). Online sales rose by 50 percent in local currencies during the quarter.
A strong recovery at the quarter’s start was “significantly slowed” by new restrictions and lockdowns amid Covid’s second wave. About 20 percent H&M’s stores were closed during the period.
The company said gross margin for the quarter was 52.1 percent.
For the year, net sales fell 20 percent to 187.03 billion Swedish kronor ($22.45 billion) from 232.76 billion Swedish kronor ($27.94 billion) in 2019. For the year, online sales rose by 38 percent in local currencies, representing 28 percent of the group’s total sales for the full year.
Earnings: Profits for the quarter fell 41 percent to 2.49 billion Swedish kronor ($298.3 million) from 4.21 billion Swedish kronor ($505.5 million) in the year-ago period.
Liquidity at the end of the quarter was “very good,” with cash and cash equivalents totaling 16.54 billion Swedish kronor ($1.99 billion), up from 12.312 billion Swedish kronor ($1.48 billion) a year ago, it said.
H&M said it will increase digital investments to foster online-offline integration this year. It plans to increase sales in local currencies by 10 to 15 percent each year. With 1,800 stores closed in the current quarter due to the pandemic, H&M said the cost of markdowns in relation to sales is expected to increase by 1 to 1.5 percentage points in the first quarter, compared with the same year-ago quarter. “The ongoing restrictions, along with the many temporary store closures, will have a substantial negative impact on the first quarter,” it said.
For the year, profits plummeted nearly 91 percent to 1.243 billion Swedish kronor ($149.2 million) versus 13.443 billion Swedish kronor ($1.61 billion) a year ago.
CEO’s Take: “The recent years’ transformation initiatives and investments, focusing on the digital, have been especially important for managing the crisis and this work is continuing at full speed. Customers want to meet us where, when and how they choose—in the stores, on our websites, on digital marketplaces and on social media. They are showing us clearly that they appreciate a convenient and inspiring experience in which the channels interact and strengthen each other. We are continuing our initiatives for digital growth, integration of the channels and optimization of the store portfolio. Speed and flexibility will be even more important going forward, particularly in the supply chain, to ensure the best customer offering and increase availability in all channels,” Helmersson said.
H&M’s focus remains on developing “strong, unique brands in order to always offer the best combination of fashion, quality, price and sustainability,” she continued. “The percentage of recycled and sustainable materials in the collections is consistently increasing and our brands are offering an ever-growing range of services for a more sustainable lifestyle. Together with our transformation initiatives this will help increase our resilience and adaptability and will contribute to sustainable and profitable growth for the H&M group.”
Source: www.sourcingjournal.com (29 Jan 2021)
14、‘Destructive’ Covid Lockdowns Weigh on Ralph Lauren in Q3
Ralph Lauren Corp. on Thursday reported third-quarter results, reflecting progress on restructuring initiatives as the company turns focus on realigning its real estate footprint.
In a Nutshell: An over 20 percent increase in global digital commerce sales, with double-digit growth across all regions, and a 19 percent increase in average unit retail in the quarter reflects growth in the “next generation” customer base that the company has been targeting, and more full-price selling.
“For more than 50 years we have stayed true to a set of values that define us—among them timelessness, quality, perseverance and optimism,” Ralph Lauren, executive chairman and chief creative officer, said. “And in this period of great challenge and change, it is these values that are enabling us to authentically and deeply connect with our consumers around the world.”
“Despite the disruptions and uncertainty we faced throughout our third quarter, our teams continued to elevate our brands and effectively engage with consumers around the world—delivering better than expected gross and operating margins through the holiday period, and continuing to meaningfully improve our digital profitability,” added president and CEO Patrice Louvet.
In a conference call, Louvet said strong sales in Asia were offset by Covid-related impacts in Europe. Sequential improvement in North America and Asia was led by digital channels, with sales in Mainland China rising more than 40 percent versus last year’s figures. He said the company also launched its Hong Kong digital flagship in time for the holiday selling period. In many ways, however, the recent lockdowns, particularly in Europe, were “more destructive” than the first two waves of the pandemic, he added.
The company has been strengthening its brand, while bolstering its marketing capabilities. It also has scaled its retail offerings globally as it continued to prune offerings that didn’t resonate as well, while fine tuning cost structures. The company drove stronger performance in under-developed categories, including outerwear and fleece, along with gift assortments.
“Our brand awareness and purchase intent have accelerated since the start of the pandemic,” Louvet said, noting that the strongest growth came from consumers under the age of 35 and women.
Having simplified for greater agility, Louvet said Ralph Lauren’s next stage involves realigning and increasing global efficiency, which will help start Fiscal 2022 with important foundations in place.
While the pandemic remains a challenge, Ralph Lauren continues to “focus on what we can continue in this dynamic context,” said Jane Nielsen, chief financial officer.
As for stage two, she said the company will be reducing its North America corporate office footprint by up to 30 percent, and plans reductions in other corporate offices overseas. It will be closing up to 10 retail locations globally, depending on discussions with landlords. In addition to lease renegotiations, which will help drive brick-and-mortar profitability, Nielsen said the company also plans to consolidate North America distribution center operations to drive efficiencies, with an eye toward faster average delivery rates and an increased focus on connected retail.
Net Sales: Net revenue for the quarter ended Dec. 26 fell 18 percent to $1.43 billion from $1.75 billion.
Sales in North America were down 21 percent to $715.4 million, while retail comparable store sales fell 21 percent. A 30 percent decrease in brick-and-mortar sales was partially offset by a 9 percent increase in digital commerce. North American wholesale sales slumped 22 percent.
Sales in Europe tumbled 28 percent to $315.6 million. In retail, comparable store sales were down 38 percent, while wholesale revenue dropped 17 percent. Digital sales rose 68 percent in the quarter.
Sales in Asia climbed 14.0 percent to $329.6 million. Comparable store sales ticked up 3 percent, while sales in physical stores grew 1 percent and digital commerce saw gains of 54 percent.
Inventories shrank 4 percent at the end of the quarter. The company said it also “successfully managed peak holiday period logistics despite industry-wide shipping constraints, supported by solid inventory and capacity planning and agility with over 99% on-time delivery rate for Christmas.”
For the nine months, net revenues plunged 36 percent to $3.11 billion from $4.89 billion.
Earnings: Net income for the quarter fell 64 percent to $119.8 million, or $1.61 a diluted share, from $334.1 million, or $4.41, in the year-ago quarter. On an adjusted basis, diluted earnings per share was $1.67, excluding restructuring charges and one-time events.
Wall Street was expecting adjusted diluted earnings per share of $1.63 on revenue of $1.47 billion.
The company said it expects financial results for both its fourth quarter and full year Fiscal 2021 to be adversely impacted by the pandemic and a “prolonged demand recovery.”
For the fourth quarter, revenues are expected to decline in the mid-to-high single digits to last year, reflecting a sequential improvement from the first three quarters of the fiscal year. The guidance reflects government-mandated lockdowns and other Covid-related restrictions across the company’s key markets, especially in Europe and Japan. Ralph Laurent said it expects capital expenditures in the range of $130 million to $140 million for the fiscal year, down from a projected $175 million to $200 million at the start of the year. The difference was due to the company’s decision to postpone or reduce certain IT, store and infrastructure projects in the midst of Covid, it said.
For the nine months, the company posted a net loss of $47.0 million, or 64 cents a diluted share, against net income of $633.3 million, or $8.13, a year ago.
CEO’s Take: “We remain focused on emerging from this period in a position of strength as we invest in key areas like our digital transformation, while taking a disciplined approach with expenses and ensuring we have the right resources, footprint and brand portfolio to support future growth and value creation,” Louvet said.
Source: www.sourcingjournal.com (4 Feb 2021)
15、New Details Reveal How Much Simon, Brookfield Are Paying for JCP Rent
Simon Property Group and Brookfield Asset Management are paying an initial annual base rent of $156.6 million for JCPenney leases.
The two mall operators were the mass retailer’s largest landlords at the time bankrupt J.C. Penney filed its Chapter 11 petition in May last year.
A regulatory filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Monday stated that the PropCo transaction, in which 160 store leases and six distribution centers owned by bankrupt J.C. Penney Co. Inc. would be sold to first-lien lenders as part of the asset sale, has been completed. The sale of OpCo, the operating business of JCPenney to Simon and Brookfield, was completed in December.
The filing documented lease agreements for the 160 stores and one for the six distribution centers (CD), which cumulatively form the governing master leases between the PropCo and OpCo components.
According to the filing, the master leases have an initial term of 20 years, followed by five option periods of five years each. The store leases have an initial annual base rent in the amount of $121.2 million, while the DC agreement has an initial annual base rent of $35.4 million, both subject to adjustments.
The two mall operators have said they believe that JCPenney is a good investment, although not everyone agrees on the retailer’s chances of survival. And some industry watchers point to co-tenancy clauses as the main driver for their investment in JCPenney, though Simon has publicly downplayed these stipulations.
Large retailers such as JCPenney serve as traffic-driving anchor tenants. Other tenants nearby, specialty chains, pay different rates depending on the type of anchor tenant in a particular wing. These merchants tend to want to be clustered with brands of a similar ilk because of the demographic that’s attracted to that overall store base.
The risk for landlords is that when an anchor tenant folds up its tent, the specialty chains that have a co-tenancy clause could elect to pack it up, too, leaving a swath of stores empty in one part of a mall. And with the Covid pandemic still hanging around, it might not be so easy to secure new, quality tenants. While not a problem for A-rated malls and most in the B category, that’s a scenario that has quickly shifted the fortunes of malls lower on the totem pole.
No doubt mall operators have been keeping close tabs on their retail tenants. Specialty chains have also been reviewing their store networks, many with plans either to renegotiate existing leases up for renewal or to relocate elsewhere.
For Simon and Brookfield, paying rent for JCPenney is a risk, but it also just might buy it enough time to maintain the status quo until they and their mall operator peers can figure out what a shopping mall in a post-Covid world should look like that would resonate with consumers.
Source: www.sourcingjournal.com (2 Feb 2021)
16、YKK uses AI 'brain' to visualise CO2 absorption
Japanese fastener manufacturer YKK Corporation has launched an experimental trial involving the use of an AI-powered ‘brain’ to visualise CO2 absorption at its Kurobe Manufacturing Center in Toyama……
Read More: https://www.just-style.com/news/ykk-uses-ai-brain-to-visualise-co2-absorption_id140651.aspx
Source: www.just-style.com (4 Feb 2021)
17、Garment manufacturers remain hardest hit by Covid-19
Garment manufacturing continues to be the industry most severely affected by fallout from the coronavirus pandemic, with new research suggesting 86% of businesses have seen a drop in orders……
Read More: https://www.just-style.com/news/garment-manufacturers-remain-hardest-hit-by-covid-19_id140606.aspx
Source: www.just-style.com (29 Jan 2021)
18、Alibaba Still Sparks 37% Growth Despite Antitrust Scrutiny
Amid heavy antitrust scrutiny, Alibaba Group reported a strong third quarter with revenue growth of 37 percent year over year to 221.1 billion yuan ($33.9 billion), beating Bloomberg analyst estimates of a 33 percent increase and showing the continued strength of its retail and logistics operations.
Alibaba’s core commerce business, which includes the company’s Taobao, Tmall and Tmall Global marketplaces, international businesses such as Lazada and AliExpress, its grocery stores, on-demand delivery platform Ele.me and its Cainiao logistics network, accounted for 89 percent of revenue, at 195.54 billion yuan ($30.0 billion) for the fiscal third quarter, up 38 percent year over year.
In a Nutshell: The e-commerce giant focused on the success of its annual 11.11 Global Shopping Festival, casually known to many as Singles Day, highlighting that the 250,000 brands and 5 million merchants that participated generated 498.2 billion yuan ($74.1 billion) in gross merchandise value (GMV) a 26 percent increase from last year. At its peak, the Alibaba Cloud service processed 583,000 orders per second.
During the 11-day event, 470 brands achieved more than 100 million ($15.2 million) in sales. Additionally, there were approximately 30 million new product launches, with GMV for new products growing by 35 percent year over year. In China, Cainiao and its partners processed over 2.3 billion orders during the festival while continuing to improve delivery time to enhance consumer experience.
The full quarter saw growth for its retail marketplaces, with annual active consumers reaching 779 million by the end of 2020, an increase of 22 million over the prior quarter. Mobile monthly active users reached 902 million, an increase of 21 million over September 2020.
Tmall’s online physical goods GMV, excluding unpaid orders, grew 19 percent year-over-year during the December quarter, supported primarily by rapid growth of the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) and home furnishing categories, while growth of the consumer electronics category accelerated year over year.
The year-over-year growth rate of Taobao’s online physical goods GMV, excluding unpaid orders, was “robust” for the quarter, primarily driven by solid growth of the apparel and accessories, home furnishing and consumer electronics categories. Alibaba did not break out full growth numbers for Taobao, but noted that its Taobao Live livestreaming platform generated 400 billion yuan ($62 billion) throughout the 2020 calendar year.
And Tmall Global, Alibaba’s marketplace for international brands and merchants entering the China market online to build brand awareness, saw its number of brands and merchants grow over 60 percent year over year. Purchases of products warehoused and shipped from overseas by Tmall Global saw “triple-digit” year-over-year GMV growth.
The company attributed the jump to its innovation in cross-border logistics solutions, since brands that do not have a physical presence in China can now store inventory in Alibaba-operated warehouses located in their home markets. Tmall Global facilitates exports to China when orders are placed.
On the logistics front, Cainiao deployed more than 200 international chartered cargo flights in December for its AliExpress business, which resulted in improved fulfillment efficiency for AliExpress orders and a reduction of average delivery time by 3.5 days on orders from China to international markets.
Ele.me, Alibaba’s last mile delivery service, has seen the number of registered merchants grow 30 percent year over year.
The success comes at a strenuous time for Alibaba, which is facing escalating pressure from Chinese regulators over its business practices.
In December, China’s State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) opened an investigation into Alibaba over monopolistic practices, citing that its main issue was a practice that forces sellers to choose one of two dominant e-commerce platforms, rather than being able to work with both.
Alibaba Group stated it is fully cooperating with the SAMR, and has established a task force with leaders from its relevant business units to conduct internal reviews.
Alibaba founder Jack Ma, whose negative comments towards regulators was seen as a factor behind their canceled IPO of Alibaba’s financial technology affiliate Ant Group, hadn’t been seen in public since making the criticisms in late October. He reappeared in a short video in January as part of a philanthropic event published by Chinese state media.
Ma was not mentioned in the earnings release, but the company provided an update on Ant Group, saying it was in the process of developing its “rectification plan,” which will need to go through “relevant regulatory procedures.” Meanwhile, prominent Chinese financial news outlet Shanghai Securities News declined to include Ma on a list of influential tech personalities, further snubbing the business icon.
Alibaba says Ant Group’s business prospects and IPO plans are subject to substantial uncertainties.
In the December quarter, net cash provided by operating activities was 103.2 billion ($15.8 billion), an increase of 7 percent compared to last year. Free cash flow increased by 23 percent to 96.2 billion ($14.7 billion) in the period.
Net Sales: For the quarter, total revenue was 221.1 billion yuan ($33.9 billion), an increase of 37 percent year-over-year over the 161.5 billion yuan ($25 billion) generated last year.
The Cainiao Network saw year-over-year revenue growth of 51 percent to 11.4 billion yuan ($1.7 billion), primarily due to the increase in volume of orders fulfilled. Cainiao had positive operating cash flow during the quarter.
Outside of Alibaba’s core operations, cloud computing was profitable for Alibaba for the first time, with the segment’s revenue jumping 50 percent to 16.1 billion yuan ($2.5 million).
Net Earnings: Net income attributable to ordinary shareholders was 79.4 billion yuan ($12.2 billion), and overall net income was 78 billion yuan ($11.95 billion).
Adjusted EBITDA increased 22 percent year over year to 68.4 billion yuan (10.5 billion). Diluted earnings sits at $4.42 per American depositary share (ADS), while adjusted diluted earnings per ADS was $3.38, an increase of 21 percent year over year.
CEO’s Take: “China was the only major economy to achieve positive GDP growth last year. Thanks to the rapid recovery of China’s economy, Alibaba had another very healthy quarter,” said Daniel Zhang, chairman and CEO of Alibaba Group. “We achieved another successful 11.11 Global Shopping Festival by stimulating consumption, satisfying consumer demands and supporting the business recovery of merchants in response to the impact of the pandemic. Our cloud computing business continues to expand market leadership and show strong growth, reflecting the massive potential of China’s nascent cloud computing market as well as our years of investment in technology. Looking ahead, we are confident that we will continue to create value for our customers, lead with innovation and make our contributions to society.”
Source: www.sourcingjournal.com (2 Feb 2021)