INDUSTRY NEWS - 2021.02.26
1、3月起由香港入境廣東 只接受鼻咽拭子核酸採樣證明
資料來源:香港01 (2021年2月24日)
為了表明積壓的規模,麥肯錫(McKinsey)諮詢公司表示,全球商店和倉庫中未售出的服裝價值在1400億至1600億歐元(約1.24萬億元至1.41萬億元)之間,是正常水準的兩倍多。英國的瑪莎百貨(Marks & Spencer)和德國的雨果博斯(Hugo Boss)表示,他們今年春季系列的訂單比往年要少。
薩克斯第五大道精品百貨(Saks Fifth Avenue)前總裁Ron Frasch表示,零售商們正在保持較小的銷量和緊張的交貨期。他現在是私募股權公司Castanea Partners的運營合夥人,該公司與許多服裝品牌合作。Frasch說:“現在大部分品牌的出貨量都非常緊張,代理人也非常緊張。我想大家的採購都非常保守。我知道很多人都遲遲沒有付款。這是肯定的。”
總部位於香港的採購代理公司利豐(Li & Fung)向路透表示,一些零售商曾要求延遲付款,但拒絕提供細節。利豐在50個國家為包括全球零售商在內的零售商管理超過1萬家工廠。
孟加拉服裝製造商和出口商協會調查的50家工廠表示,由於歐洲大部分地區聖誕前的封鎖,以及1月份的另一場封鎖,對他們的業務造成了嚴重打擊,它們本季度接到的訂單比往年減少了30%。位於孟加拉首都達卡的工廠老闆Shahidullah Azim說:“訂單通常會提前三個月到達。但3月份沒有訂單。”他的客戶包括北美和歐洲零售商。
Miran Ali是亞洲六個國家製造商聯盟Star Network的代表,他在孟加拉擁有四家工廠,也面臨著類似的問題。Miran Ali在首都達卡告訴路透社記者:“在這個時間點上,原本我們的生產訂單至少在3月份之前應該是完全滿的,秋冬季的訂單也已經開始。而現在縱觀全域,這來得很慢。”
達卡另一家為全球零售商生產服裝的工廠老闆Asif Ashraf說,調整起來很艱難。“我們已經生產出了面料,我們準備縫製服裝,但他們卻說訂單被擱置了。”
紡織品回收公司Parker Lane Group告訴路透社記者,由於門店關閉可能持續到夏季,一些零售商在下新訂單之前,正試圖盡可能多地出售多餘庫存。一位首席執行官Raffy Kassadjian表示,他的企業從平均每月處理150萬件過剩服裝到1月份超過400萬件,這是其有史以來最繁忙的一個月。
那麼有沒有亮點呢?疫情封鎖期間的睡衣熱潮正在提供一些小的緩解。瑪莎百貨首席執行官Steve Rowe說:“如果你想知道偉大的英國公眾在做什麼——他們又開始穿睡衣了。”而雨果博斯也暗示了同樣的現象,稱該公司已“精簡了我們的經典商務裝系列,擴大了休閒裝系列”。
資料來源:https://mp.weixin.qq.com (2021年2月16日)
3、華商涉疆強迫勞動 12日企擬停合作
資料來源:信報財經 (2021年2月23日)
4、中小企冀延 「百分百擔保」還款期支援 商界:政策措施雖正確 惟執行遇困難
商會期望 先處理港經濟內循環
餐飲業方面,位於何文田及荃灣的咖啡店Peko Peko創辦人之一梁小姐指出,仍未收到第四輪抗疫基金。她期望新一份預算案,可以着力在減免稅收、電費和租金等方面。她解釋,現時每天的營業額都用作交租。她認為,預算案可繼續為受影響處所,提供保就業計劃。
廠商會籲政府 支援深受打擊行業
資料來源:香港經濟日報 (2021年2月24日)
5、世貿應港要求設專家組 審理產地來源標記爭端
資料來源:香港經濟日報 (2021年2月24日)
利華控股(01346)上周宣布,以200萬美元(約1560萬港元)收購本港從事訂製工藝服裝的卓世(Champion System),利華控股主席司徒志仁表示,由於工藝服產品要求特別技能組合,收購卓世有助公司擴大客戶群,並實現交叉銷售等協同效應。
他指出,雖然新冠肺炎疫情影響去年生意,但無礙公司繼續收購小型項目,認為現時是收購的好時機,藉此加快拓展業務。自2019上市後,公司收購了高端毛衣製造商Vista Apparels、高端技術外套製造商瑞士利維高的若干應收賬款、存貨的預付款項及採購訂單,不排除繼續收購。他稱,收購項目後,公司本身的管理層仍會留任,他們具多年營運經驗,不擔心日後難以整合。
資料來源:信報財經 (2021年2月22日)
有一百多年歷史的牛仔褲,可說是最歷久不衰和無國界的服飾,不論種族、性別、年齡的男男女女,老老嫩嫩,很少會沒穿過牛仔布做的服裝,對現代人來說,牛仔褲早成為衣櫃裏的must have item。以牛仔時裝及本地文化為題的「香港牛仔節」剛剛展開,除了可以了解到這種最受人類歡迎服裝的過去與現在,還有機會看到其未來。
由於疫情關係,今屆牛仔節其中一些活動亦同步於線上進行,本地及海外的牛仔愛好者,可以一同探索牛仔服飾發展。例如是全天候網上360導覽,10多間公司和品牌展示最新的牛仔布料及發展技術,其他展品包括牛仔機器品牌Jeanologia展示的鐳射印刷技術及牛仔洗水技術、JACQUARD™ BY GOOGLE智能LEVI'S®牛仔褸等,極具前膽性。
市集設有五大區域,包括:1.「流行牛仔時裝Contemporary」展示不同牛仔作品,突顯其永續性及可穿性;2.「牛仔飾品Accessories」陳列牛仔布物料製作的時尚飾品;3.「牛仔手工藝品Art & Craft」結合牛仔布及藝術的手工藝品;4.「再造與古著Remake & Vintage」售賣及展出著名古著店的收藏,亦會售賣由一眾設計師運用解構及再造概念設計的產品;5.「海外設計與藝術Overseas Designers & Artists」展示海外知名的設計師及藝術家的作品。
牛仔布業的技術日新月異,為推廣牛仔布業的技術發展,在牛仔節期間特舉行Online Denim Forum線上牛仔研討會,邀請9位知名牛仔品牌和製造商的代表,分享有關牛仔行業最新趨勢和創新技術。
資料來源:信報財經 (2021年2月20日)
資料來源:贏商網 (2021年2月23日)
9、Gap Inc. Says Digital Boom Sped Up Automated Warehouse Plans
Like many apparel retailers, Gap Inc. has seen the digital writing on the wall, and now it’s investing to support its stated ambition of driving half of all sales through the web by 2023.
The San Francisco-based clothing chain expects to break ground on a new Texas distribution center in April. The 850,000-square-foot location, augmenting a warehouse network spanning Arizona, California, New York, Ohio, Tennessee, and Ontario, Canada, will leverage a new fleet of Kindred robots helping to process 1 million units daily at full capacity.
Gap Inc. said it reworked the timeline for this project in light of pandemic-influenced trends around online shopping.
The highly automated facility will feature a full array of systems maximizing efficiency and output. Each Kindred Sort Orb’s robotic “arm,” surrounded by cubbies, will rapidly and accurately sort batches of units assigned to myriad digital orders. An automated storage and retrieval system offers a storage capacity of approximately 450,000 cases, employing automated cranes that deftly navigate 24 aisles of storage space to return or collect thousands of cases.
Two stacked Bombay unit sorters comprise a conveyor belt of trays that split open in the middle and drop product into the appropriate chute. Though one can process 500,000 units daily, the second sorter will come in handy for demand spikes, enabling the facility to handle up to 1 million units during peak season, a spokesperson told Sourcing Journal.
The clothing firm also opted to include auto-baggers that quickly and efficiently wrap e-commerce orders. Automating this simple but repetitive task means the retailer can assign associates to high-value operational processes elsewhere in the facility, the spokesperson added.
The new facility will support Gap Inc.’s growing digital business, which surged 61 percent in the third quarter. It will initially serve the Old Navy brand, which saw a “meaningful” online acceleration in Q3, though the company pointed out that many of its other facilities simultaneously serve e-commerce and retail stores.
Gap Inc. chief operating officer Shawn Curran said the new facility supports the company’s three-year strategy and plan to double the online business, adding that it “needed to expand our fulfillment network to provide a great experience for our customers today and ensure we have the ability to grow in the future.”
When considering where to put down roots, Gap Inc. noted that the Longview location’s local jurisdiction dovetails with the “aggressive schedule” for construction, and cited the area’s labor force as “sufficient to support our operational requirements,” the spokesperson added. The retailer also took advantage of incentives that is described as beneficial for company and community alike.
Expected to be fully operational by August next year, the distribution center is slated to support 500 full-time jobs by the end of 2023, expanding to 1,000 over five years. By 2026, Gap Inc. aims to attract another 1,000 seasonal and part-time positions.
Source: www.sourcingjournal.com (24 Feb 2021)
10、Retailers and brands express concern at Myanmar coup
Retailers and brands accounting for around 40% of Myanmar's garment exports – including C&A, H&M Group and Inditex – say they are deeply concerned about the current developments in the country following the recent military coup.....
Read More: https://www.just-style.com/news/retailers-and-brands-express-concern-at-myanmar-coup_id140786.aspx
Source: www.just-style.com (19 Feb 2021)
11、Fashion Companies Straining to Pay ‘Unexpected’ Cargo-Related Charges: AAFA
Federal Maritime Commissioner Rebecca F. Dye said she will issue information demand orders to ocean carriers and marine terminal operators (MTOs) to determine if legal obligations related to detention and demurrage practices are being met.
The issue has been percolating for months and earlier this month Steve Lamar, president and CEO of the American Apparel & Footwear Association (AAFA), sent a letter to the Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) urging it to take immediate steps to stem the surge in contract violations and the spike in detention and demurrage charges.
“Because of the pandemic, our members are already facing enormous challenges, battling a huge slump in demand that has led to store closings, furloughs, layoffs and bankruptcies, while trying to respond to the crucial need for face masks and other personal protective equipment (PPE) and the swings in demand for different types of clothes, shoes, and accessories,” Lamar wrote.
“Meanwhile, a convergence of issues, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, has created unprecedented shipping problems and delays, for beneficial cargo owners (BCOs), for truckers, for ports, for terminals and for carriers,” Lamar continued. “However, BCOs have borne the brunt of this impact. Despite having contracts in place, our members have had to pay unexpected and unplanned surcharges, premiums, and/or spot rates to get their cargo on ships. Even then, their cargo has still been rolled, forcing them to miss key delivery dates, leading to further lost sales (particularly for seasonal product) or further charges from their customers.”
In addition, Lamar said AAFA members have faced a spike in detention and demurrage charges “for situations completely out of their control.”
The FMC orders are being issued under Dye’s authority as the Fact Finding Officer for “International Ocean Transportation Supply Chain Engagement.” Targets of the orders will be ocean carriers operating in an alliance and calling the Port of Los Angeles, the Port of Long Beach, or the Port of New York & New Jersey. Marine terminal operators at those ports will also be subject to information demands.
The demand orders will also require carriers and MTOs to provide information on their policies and practices related to container returns and container availability for exporters. Failure of carriers and MTOs to operate in a way consistent with the Interpretive Rule on Detention and Demurrage that became effective on May 18 might constitute a violation of a statute that prohibits unjust and unreasonable practices and regulations related to, or connected with, receiving, handling, storing or delivering property.
“We urge the Federal Maritime Commission to fulfill its oversight role to ensure that contracts are honored and that its new policy on detention and demurrage charges is followed,” Lamar addd.
The FMC said information received from parties receiving demands may be used as a basis for hearings, enforcement action or further rulemaking.
Source: www.sourcingjournal.com (22 Feb 2021)
12、Inside H&M’s Sustainable Cellulosic Fiber Investment
Swedish fiber innovation group TreetoTextile, which was founded by the some of the Nordic region’s leading companies, is investing big to bring its sustainable cellulosics to a wider audience.
Founded by fast-fashion firm H&M Group, global home goods giant Inter Ikea Group, paper producer Stora Enso, and LSCS Invest, TreetoTextile announced Tuesday that it will pump 35 million euros ($42.5 million) into building out a pilot plant in Sweden in an effort to commercialize its alternative cellulosic fiber for use across multiple industries.
The plant opening marks a “critical next step” in bringing the fiber to market with scalable technology and low manufacturing cost, TreetoTextile said. Made from a bio-based regenerated cellulose sourced from trees, the versatile fiber is developed using 33 percent less energy, 70 percent less chemicals and 80 percent less water than conventional fibers. What’s more, the process was engineered to suit large-scale production, and contains a recovery system so that processing chemicals can be reused.
Investors will foot more than 27 million euros-worth ($32.7 million) of the bill for the new plant, TreetoTextile said, supplemented by a 7.6 million-euro grant (more than $9 million) from the Swedish Energy Agency. The plant with be built at Stora Enso’s Nymölla mill in southern Sweden this spring, with the expectation that it will eventually produce 1,500 tons of fiber per year.
The demo plant will be strategic for optimizing the process for the use of different types of dissolving wood pulp, TreetoTextile CEO Sigrid Barnekow told Sourcing Journal. The first round of production will use pulp from Stora Enso’s Enocell mill in Finland, which pulls wood from sustainably managed forests through a Forest Stewardship Council-certified process.
While the plant will be housed at paper producer Stora Enso’s mill, Barnekow said that it will be run independently. “For us it is very convenient to connect directly to a mill and their existing production infrastructure, but our operations are separate from theirs as their operations will continue without any change,” she said, adding that the mill is “highly excited” to play host to a new technology that aims to support the global textile industry.
Barnekow said the demonstration plant will allow her team to “verify the technology in a full-scale similar setting, and further fine-tune the process,” with an eye toward increasing sustainability and testing out alternative cellulose sources. “The objective is to provide a new man-made cellulosic textile fiber with as strong sustainability performance as possible, at the same time to an attractive cost level,” she added.
TreetoTextile’s current process relies on the dissolution of pulp in a cold alkaline solution that “does not come with any air emissions, residue streams or involve carbon disulfide,” Barnekow said. Meanwhile, water and chemicals are recovered and reused to repeat the process.
When asked when the fiber is expected to hit the mainstream market, the CEO said that he hopes to see its introduction within the next few years. “First we need to ensure our process works in full scale conditions and successfully run our demo plant operations,” he added.
Source: www.sourcingjournal.com (23 Feb 2021)
13、Fung Business Intelligence : Asia Sourcing Update - South and West Asia
Asia Sourcing Update_South and West Asia (Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Turkey)_February 2021
Source: Fung Business Intelligence (25 Feb 2021)
14、Better Buying Deep Dive Report Vol.2
“Better” Design, Development, and Calendar Management
Latest report offers a deep dive into the critically important purchasing practices related to design, development, and calendar management – which captures the range of activities required to develop new products according to a buyer’s specifications and produce them within a buyer’s timelines. It’s clear brands, retailers, and suppliers can improve their financial, social, and environmental performance through better design, development, and calendar management practices. Read the full report to find out on how companies engaging with Better Buying over the last two consecutive ratings cycles, show improvements in design and development practices and calendar management.
Link to the full report: https://betterbuying.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Deep-Dive-Report-21.pdf
Source: www.betterbuying.org (27 Jan 2021)