INDUSTRY NEWS - 2021.03.12
1、緬吊銷5獨立媒體牌照 H&M停訂單
【明報專訊】緬甸反政變抗爭持續,最大城市仰光的商店、工廠和銀行周一(8日)響應工會號召暫停營業,而在北部克欽邦首府密支那(Myitkyina),有人稱目擊警方向示威者開槍,最少2人死亡,數人受傷。另外,政府吊銷5間獨立傳媒的牌照,包括Mizzima、Myanmar Now、7-Day、DVB和Khit Thit Media。全球第二大時尚零售商、瑞典服飾巨擘H&M昨表示,緬甸當局以致命武力對付示威者,令人震驚,已停止從緬甸下訂單。
緬甸9個具影響力工會組成的聯盟周日(7日)呼籲所有民眾,從周一起展開長期全國大罷工,目的是造成國內經濟「全面且長期癱瘓」,以試圖扭轉軍方發動的政變,並恢復昂山素姬領導的文人政府。緬甸服裝工人聯合會主席莫桑達敏(Moe Sanda Myint,音譯)表示,她相信大多數工人都會參與,「我們敦促持續罷工,直到剷除獨裁統治為止。」
資料來源:明報 (2021年3月9日)
2、深圳入境隔離 「14+7」減至14日 定點酒店證實行新政 利港深人員往還
港商熱切期待 擬改期下周北上
相信國家把關 隔離14天安全
跨境生「真空」逾年 冀通關復課
資料來源:香港經濟日報 (2021年3月11日
3、內地推「國際旅行健康證明」 通過微信申請、顯示疫苗接種情況
獲取國際旅行健康證明可通過兩種方式。第一種方式是打開微信,通過掃描官方渠道推出的QR Code(二維碼)進入小程序,選擇「查看及出示國際旅行健康證明」;第二種方式是在微信小程序中搜索「防疫健康碼國際版」獲得小程序入口,然後同樣選擇「查看及出示國際旅行健康證明」。首次登錄前,需根據程序提示進行個人身份認證及護照等旅行證件認證。
為了緩解因疫情而陷於停滯的跨境人員交流,疫苗接種證明互認一直備受關注。全球新冠疫苗接種率增加後,歐盟、新加坡、泰國和韓國均計劃推出「疫苗護照」(Vaccine passport),讓已接種疫苗的人群恢復某種程度的正常生活。
以色列是全球首個推出正式「疫苗護照」的國家,在以色列接種兩劑疫苗的人可以獲得「綠色護照」(Green Passport)。以色列政府也和希臘、塞浦路斯簽署協議,兩國公民如果接種了新冠疫苗,憑藉相應證明即可無限制在對方國家旅行,不須提供核酸檢測結果,也不用隔離。
目前世衛組織支持新冠疫苗電子證明可以高效準確地記錄接種信息,但不建議將接種證明作為旅行要求。世衛緊急事務負責人瑞安(Mike Ryan)周一指出,現階段並不是全球各地都有足夠的疫苗,如果在所有人還未能公平獲得疫苗的時候,就以是否接種疫苗作為人們能否出行的基礎,將進一步加深不平等和不公平。
資料來源:香港01 (2021年3月9日)
4、「貓頭鷹」智能生產線正式啟動 見證香港「再工業化」邁向新里程
過去,金融業取代輕工業成為香港的經濟之柱,未來,工業也許會再成為帶動香港經濟發展的火車頭。近年香港積極推動「再工業化」,在工業 4.0 概念下,物聯網、人工智能、大數據、智能機械人及智能生產工序,令高端製造業可重新落戶香港。香港生產力促進局籌備近兩年,為智能保安產品製造商 NiRoTech Limited 研發的「貓頭鷹」智能生產線日前正式啟用,而生產線亦已獲得創新科技署創新及科技基金「投資研發現金回贈計劃」資助。
NiRoTech 成功實例為其他港企打下強心針
今年香港生產力促進局 (生產力局) 以「成就智上」(Make Smart Smarter) 為主題,啟動一連串活動。作為序幕的智能製造新世代啟動禮,由生產力局主席林宣武先生及香港工業總會主席葉中賢博士揭開序幕,並邀得意大利共和國駐香港總領事孔德樂先生(Mr Clemente Contestabile)、創新及科技局副局長鍾偉强博士、創新科技署署長潘婷婷女士、NiRoTech Limited董事總經理李翱先生(Mr Roberto Leone),聯同生產力局總裁畢堅文先生和首席數碼總監黎少斌先生,一同主持儀式。
生產力局主席林宣武認為「貓頭鷹」智能生產線將會是推動香港再工業化重要的一環。「『貓頭鷹』智能生產線是為香港提供創新技術的絕佳例子,昇華智慧,善用創新科技,以物聯網、人工智能、大數據、智能機械人、及智能生產工序,發展『工業 4.0』的生產契機,成就更高生產力,從而成就香港再工業化,達到『成就智上』,Make Smart Smarter 的目標。」
創新及科技局副局長鍾偉强博士致辭時說:「政府近年積極在基建、財政、技術及人才幾方面推動『再工業化』,為香港的經濟尋找新的增長點和創造優質的就業機會,提升香港的競爭力。」鍾又期望將來會有更多企業一起Make Smart Smarter,充分利用科技創新發展給予工業的機遇和政府的有關支援,共同為發展香港成為國際創新科技中心努力。」
工總主席葉中賢博士更在開幕儀式中提到,該會日前公佈的香港工業製造業中期研究報告,發現有 57% 廠商有意投資科技,比 2015 年時的 29% 高出接近一倍,而NiRoTech智能生產線的成功,亦為其他廠商打下很大的強心針,「NiRoTech 的成功實例,可啟發鼓勵更多其他港資廠家投入再工業化,邁向智能生產,為香港工業寫下新的一頁。」
智能生產線節省人手 產能大幅提升 1.5 倍
NiRoTech 成立於 2013 年,從事智能保安產品製造,其生產線原設於內地和越南,面對工資、用地等成本上漲問題,故決定回港以科技優化生產。現時香港廠房設於元朗,特地採用 U 型緊湊佈局設計,配合 12 台機械人,令生產車間佔地僅 10,000 平方呎,較傳統工業用生產線佔地大幅減少一半,滿足香港地少的環境限制,而生產線亦已申請創新科技署創新及科技基金「投資研發現金回贈計劃」資助。
生產力局技術團隊在設計智能生產線時,因應客戶需求研發新技術或方法改善工序,例如以機械臂配合機器視覺技術,做到抓取、識別、定位等,能判斷柔性物料的放置位置和間距差異,代替人手工序;由人手貼標籤改用激光打標,可隨時更改生產內容,提升生產速度。在大量客製化的智能自動化設備及數碼技術支持下,較傳統手工生產線的整體產能大幅提升 1.5 倍。人手也可以由 30 人減少至 11 人。
「貓頭鷹」智能生產線 生產成本跟可媲內地非智能生產線
「貓頭鷹」生產線集合五大「S.M.A.R.T」智能及提升生產效率特點:提升速度(Speed)、靈活多功(Multi-function)、高度精準(Accuracy)、高可靠性(Reliability )及可追溯性(Traceability),而命名為「貓頭鷹」,正因為兩者的特質相近。貓頭鷹是夜行動物,擁有靈動眼睛、靈活頸骨,擁有 360 度全方位視野,恰好帶出智能生產線高度靈活、可因應不同生產需要而轉變、產能嚴謹精準、能連夜運作不斷的特點。
智能生產線為 NiRoTech 平衡各地生產力
智能生產線用上兩年時間去架設。NiRoTech 董事總經理李翱表示:「從向生產力局尋求協助的一刻開始,我們的策略十分清晰,就是要在香港實踐機械電子製造。部分人或會認為時機仍未成熟及難以實踐,尤其是選擇作業點駐足香港。但今日我們很高興與大家分享目標已經達成,香港的智能系統預期地理想運作。」香港生產線完成後,將有助 NiRoTech 平衡國內廠房長假期時難以出貨的問題。NiRoTech 財務總監葉祖禹說:「往年國內及越南的廠房可能要更長的時間才能復工,有些時間不能出貨。有了新生產線,就可以平衡不同廠房的時間表,令生產穩定下來。」至於未來的發展,NiRoTech 董事總經理李翱表示正申請將軍澳工業邨先進製造業中心的廠房,屆時產能將可進一步提升。
資料來源:香港經濟日報 (2021年3月9日)
5、台紡織業疫下轉型升級 轉攻機能性和醫療產品
例如,聚陽在疫情爆發前,將醫療紡織品作為多元化發展的重點領域之一,而該公司過去多年亦投入防護衣、穿戴式智能服飾等醫療領域研究。疫情爆發後,聚陽隨即轉而生產防護等級最高的P3防護衣,且持續研發2.0版防護衣,爭取獲得GMP、ISO,以及美國FDA、歐盟CE等醫材認證。去年10月,聚陽還與便利商店7 11合作,推出簡易版P1隔離衣,在全台灣的7 11上架。
政府助業者轉型升級 五大發展重點
l 閱覽更多主題:成衣│紡織及配件│香港│成功故事│商貿平台
資料來源:hkmb.hktdc.com (2021年3月4日)
3月11日-14日,優衣庫在上海800 SHOW打造首座 LifeWear“生機之城”,同時發佈《2021可持續發展報告》通往正能量的世界之路,以服裝的力量貢獻全球美好社會。優衣庫持續創新數位新零售體驗,帶來全新數位化服務StyleHint“衣點靈感”,即看即搜即購,盡在掌上優衣庫;首場新品“生活直播秀”同步開啟。
優衣庫春夏新品系列,以輕盈面料、生機色彩、流線廓形與出眾功能 四大設計亮點,為生活開啟春日的繽紛與希望。
優衣庫+J 2021春夏合作系列,傳奇系列 “質”敬經典
繼2020秋冬 +J 系列矚目回歸後,優衣庫攜手傳奇設計師Jil Sander女士 再次合作推出+J 2021春夏系列,多元工學廓形,高級質感面料,新生機現代美學。
優衣庫首次發佈UNIQLO at HOME家生活系列,重新定義家生活。
NEW ESSENTIAL新經典系列,高效·舒適·百搭·高品質,滿足新常態下人們對“高品質”、“高性價比”的雙重需求,用“聰明消費”追求高效品質生活,重新詮釋生活新價值。
資料來源:贏商網 (2021年3月12日)
Zara和Massimo Dutti是該公司旗下品牌。
該公司CEO Pablo Isla稱:
資料來源:www.sohu.com (2021年3月10日)
8、Gap據報考慮出售中國業務 調整在華經營
Gap於2010年進入中國市場,並於線上下及阿里巴巴電商平台天貓同時展開經營。Gap取消將Old Navy品牌分拆上市計畫後,於去年將Old Navy撤出中國市場。
資料來源:香港經濟日報 (2021年3月9日)
9、Gap Inc. Bets on Yeezy, Loyalty Programs and New Categories
Consistent with a startup mindset, Gap Inc. is leaning into what’s working, abandoning what’s not and preparing for a successful 2021. For the Gap, Banana Republic, Old Navy and Athleta brands within the fashion powerhouse, this means doubling down on marketing and loyalty programs and expanding into new apparel categories.
Marketing mavens
In a conference call with investors on Thursday, Gap Inc. CEO Sonia Syngal attributed the company’s growing market share to aggressive marketing tactics that helped build its global known customer file by 14 percent ($183 million) in 2020. She noted that marketing dollars were up $66 million year-over-year.
“Leaning into marketing in the time of dislocated disruption is even more critical than ever,” she said.
Following that mindset, loyalty programs were a major focus for Gap Inc. in 2020, and will continue to be a top priority for 2021. The company aims to turn every customer into a loyalist, and started on its goal by shifting dollars into rewards programs like Navyist, Gap Good, Banana Republic and Athleta. In Q4 alone, the brands enrolled 6.4 million new program members. By this summer, the company aims to implement and integrate one loyalty program across all of its brands.
“What we’re doing with our loyalty design is establishing really intimate emotional brand-level engagement,” Syngal said. “But at the same time, we know the customer values cross-brand shopping and values the benefit of the portfolio.”
Loyalty programs will be broken down into bronze, silver and gold tiers to allow for flexibility in delivery speed so as not to overwhelm the supply chain.
To further connect with consumers, Gap Inc. introduced new ways to shop in 2020 by expanding “buy online, pickup in store” and curbside pickup capabilities and launching new payment methods such as Afterpay—factors that demonstrated the company’s flexibility in a moment of need.
“Our teams showed resiliency and the ability to try fast, learn fast and think big to meet customers’ needs,” said Syngal.
Digital was another point of focus that saw big rewards: Gap Inc.’s online business grew 54 percent in 2020 and closed the year at about 45 percent of total company sales—a 20 percent increase from the previous year. At over $6 billion, the company’s online channel is ranked No. 2 in U.S. apparel e-commerce sales.
By 2023, Gap Inc. aims to increase digital penetration to 50 percent, and plans to do that by honing in on mobile, which Syngal noted is customers’ preferred way to shop online: 50 percent of Gap Inc. traffic and 75 percent of its sales are conducted annually through mobile. She noted the team is working to provide “frictionless mobile shopping and new digital experiences” to accommodate evolving consumer behavior.
New product offerings
To accommodate the influx of new customers and loyalists, Gap Inc. is focused on expanding its product offerings and apparel categories across the board, noting “disproportionate sales” coming from categories such as active, fleece and kids and baby. The company also quickly pivoted to produce face masks, which represented 3 percent of sales in 2020.
Though total sales for the Gap brand were down in Q4, Syngal anticipates a strong 2021, thanks in part to its highly anticipated Yeezy launch in the first half of 2021. In June 2020, Gap announced the multi-year deal with rapper Kanye West’s Yeezy label to deliver a co-branded line of apparel and accessories to the market in 2021.
According to Syngal, Gap is already gaining traction with the Gen Z demographic ahead of the Yeezy debut.
“The brand is back in a conversation at the zeitgeist of culture where it belongs,” she said.
Chief financial officer Katrina O’Connell announced that Old Navy will roll out a plus-size offering in the latter half of this year, which she considers “squarely appropriate for acquiring new customers and better servicing existing customers.” The brand will also double down on its kids and baby categories, in which it achieved top engagement.
Athleta will also expand into inclusive sizing, offering 70 percent of its collection in sizes 1X to 3X for Spring 2021 and debuting an accompanying campaign.
Gap will expand into the home category later this year, following heritage denim brands Levi’s and Wrangler, each of which recently made its home debut.
Banana Republic is setting its sights on “redefining affordable luxury” in 2021, and plans to accomplish that goal under the new leadership of president and CEO Sandra Stangl. In January, the brand launched BR standard, a collection of luxe performance wear that satisfies new consumer demand for elevated essentials.
Store matters
Gap Inc. plans to close approximately 100 Gap and Banana Republic stores globally, including 75 closures in North America. On the other hand, as a result of Athleta surpassing $1 billion in sales, it will open 20 to 30 Athleta locations in 2021, part of a goal to reach $2 billion by 2023.
The company is also betting big on Old Navy, and planning to open 30 to 40 stores—some of which will pilot self-checkout—later this year. Gap expects the brand’s sales to grow to $10 billion over the next three years.
Coupled with its in-store developments, the company announced it will open a state-of-the-art distribution center in Texas to support Old Navy’s growing online business.
Gap, Inc. is reintroducing select inventory from the previous year, and was “very thoughtful” in terms of the items it kept for 2021. O’Connell pointed to a collective shift to seasonless fashion, noting that “the customer is just shopping differently”—something she expects to level out later this year.
“As vaccines roll out and stimulus checks begin, we currently view the second half of 2021 favorably, reflecting a likely return to a more normalized pre-pandemic level,” she said.
Source: www.sourcingjournal.com (8 Mar 2021)
10、Marks & Spencer Expands E-Comm to 100 Markets, Preps New Collabs
Coming out of the pandemic, Marks & Spencer plans to reinvigorate its e-commerce capabilities through global expansion and new partnerships as it aims to better compete with younger brands in the U.K. apparel space like Boohoo, Asos and Next.
As part of the company’s aptly named “Never the Same Again” transformation program, the department store is launching 46 flagship websites in new markets, expanding its online reach to more than 100 countries worldwide.
The international website expansion is the next stage in M&S’ commitment to drive global growth through online channels at under its recently established online, digital and data division, MS2. The move runs contrary to that of U.K.-based rival John Lewis, which said it was no longer pursuing international expansion and had ceased its online delivery service.
In the U.K., M&S is experiencing a bit of an online apparel overhaul already as the company awaits the reopening of its stores, which have remained on lockdown. In February, the retailer launched an exclusive 20-piece spring/summer collection from Finery London featuring a range of dresses, skirts, shirts and pants.
The department store is expected to launch exclusive collections from Joules, Phase Eight, Hobbs, Seasalt, Ghost and Jaeger online this month. M&S acquired the Jaeger IP for an estimated 5 million pounds ($6.8 million) in January to complement the Never the Same Again agenda.
As Marks & Spencer waits until April to reopen its U.K. stores, the retailer is trying to build on a 75 percent increase in international e-commerce sales in the first-half, which underlined the recent shift in customer spend throughout the pandemic.
The global e-commerce increase was a rare bright spot for the retailer, which saw total revenue fall nearly 41 percent in the first half, sending the chain to its first reported loss as a public company.
Nevertheless, M&S highlighted that products like the Sienna Straight Leg Jean are topping the bestseller list across multiple international markets.
New websites will launch in markets including: Argentina, Bahamas, Barbados, Belarus, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ivory Coast, Croatia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Estonia, Fiji, Gabon, Ghana, Guatemala, Iceland, Jamaica, Jordan, South Korea, Kyrgyz Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Maldives, Moldova, Mongolia, Myanmar, Macedonia, Nepal, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Uruguay and Uzbekistan.
The launch of the international websites, which offer customers in these markets a broad range of M&S’ clothing and home products, gives the department store immediate and cost-effective access to these regions.
The retailer says the expansion was achieved using a low-cost approach, combining an “adaptable” website platform specifically designed for its international business and customers, with orders fulfilled through M&S’ established distribution network. This means that ongoing costs mirror customer demand, and by having an adaptable platform, M&S can further increase the localization of its offer quickly and efficiently.
M&S’ international online channels are now also available in 10 additional languages and a wider range of currencies.
The expansion, which nearly doubles M&S’ online footprint, comes as the retailer says M&S.com has seen “strong underlying demand” from these territories.
“Our international business has seen strong online growth since the start of the pandemic as increasing numbers of customers choose to shop through our range of flagship websites,” said Paul Friston, international director at Marks & Spencer. “Under our ‘Never the Same Again’ program, we’re focused on turbocharging our online business both in the U.K. and internationally, and as part of this we see a real opportunity in extending the number of countries where we run an online channel further.”
Alongside the international launch, M&S is shuttering its traditional banking operation to focus more on its payments services. The retailer said that M&S Bank will close its current accounts as the bank transitions to online and telephone service.
The U.K. retailer said it will close 29 in-store bank branches starting this summer, and expand its credit card and payment offerings. It said in-store travel money bureaus, which are located in more than 100 stores, are unaffected. The company said M&S Bank, which was formed in a joint venture with HSBC, will also launch a digital credit option later in 2021.
“We’re now firmly focused on supporting both our customers and colleagues through this change, and the delivery of our transformation plans, which will create new and rewarding payment solutions for M&S shoppers, both in-store and online,” CEO Paul Spencer said in a statement.
Source: www.sourcingjournal.com (8 Mar 2021)
11、Ralph Lauren’s ‘Comprehensive’ Circular Strategy Includes Cradle to Cradle Certification
Ralph Lauren is making the circular economy a key tenet of its “comprehensive” new sustainability strategy
The apparel brand revealed Tuesday that it has joined hands with sustainability consultancy McDonough Innovation to incorporate Cradle to Cradle certification, a stamp of approval given to products that satisfy rigorous requirements for carbon management, water stewardship, energy conservation, material health and social fairness.
“For decades, Ralph Lauren has set standards for innovation and been a visionary in American fashion,” William McDonough, chief executive of McDonough Innovation and co-author of “Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things,” said in a statement. “Through this new strategy, Ralph Lauren is setting another benchmark as they embrace their authentic ethos of timelessness and create products designed to be reimagined in perpetuity.”
Ralph Lauren has set an immediate-term goal to achieve Cradle to Cradle certification for five signature products—which it calls “icons” and includes some of the company’s bestselling polo shirts, chinos, denim and sweaters—by 2025. The company will then apply its circular-design learnings from these “certified icons” to other key product categories.
To facilitate the industry’s transition from a linear to circular product economy, Ralph Lauren will also continue to throw its financial support behind scalable technologies that will “elevate the quality” of recycled materials so they are comparable in look, feel and performance to their virgin counterparts.
Last year, the firm announced a minority investment in Natural Fiber Welding, a materials-science startup that recycles natural fibers such as cotton waste into high-performance textiles. As part of this commitment, Ralph Lauren will produce 100 percent recycled cotton products “of the high quality it’s known” for across its portfolio by 2025, it said.
The brand will similarly build upon its recent investment and launch of The Lauren Look, its subscription rental initiative for its Lauren Ralph Lauren subsidiary. Starting in 2022, Ralph Lauren will offer more circular experiences for its customers, including options for recycling castoffs, vintage-selling opportunities and a resale platform.
“The spirit of timelessness has been core to Ralph’s creative vision for more than 50 years, and our circularity approach reinforces our belief that Ralph Lauren products should not only endure the test of time, but have endless lifecycles,” said Patrice Louvet, president and CEO of Ralph Lauren.
Source: www.sourcingjournal.com (9 Mar 2021)
12、'Made in China for China' focus of new five-year plan
China next five-year plan aims to push clothing production westwards – including the contentious province of Xinjiang – and grow the domestic market in the world's largest producer of apparel, footwear and raw materials……
Source: www.just-style.com (9 Mar 2021)
13、China cotton links & implications for South Africa
As apparel retailers and brands scramble to try to disentangle their cotton supply chains from possible links to forced labour abuses in Xingjiang province, China is likely to be looking for alternative markets for its fibres -presenting new challenges for countries like South Africa…...
Source: www.just-style.com (5 Mar 2021)
14、Retail Innovation Report 2021
As the pandemic transformed how and where consumers shop and buy, this year will be defined by the efficiency, effectiveness and responsiveness of a brand or merchant's entire value chain. Download the 2021 Retail Innovation Report—brought to you by editors and reporters from across Fairchild Media Group, which includes WWD, Sourcing Journal, Footwear News and Beauty Inc—for insights into the solutions, strategies and tactics transforming retail’s front and back end.
Find out how merchants are adapting to evolving customer journeys; the prevalence of seasonless collections; the need for compressed product development timelines; the emergence of contactless payment and fulfillment; and the increasing demand for more sustainable products.
Ultimately, all of this requires investments in technology and innovation.
Read the report to learn about:
How Farfetch, Poshmark and others have become the new power players in fashion
The evolution of clienteling from black book to emerging tech
The momentum behind livestreaming and how luxury can tap in
How executives at PVH Corp. and Saks Fifth Avenue are responding to accelerations in consumer trends
Ways to boost customer satisfaction through innovations to the last mile
What's next for AI, data analytics, automation and digitization
To read and download the report: https://issuu.com/sourcingjournalevents/docs/ri_21_copy_16.1_spreads?fr=sYzU4NDIzMTAxNTE
Source: www.sourcingjournal.com (10 Mar 2021)