INDUSTRY NEWS - 2021.04.30
1、粵「十四五」規劃出爐 擴對港澳服務業開放
探索檢驗平台 食安數據共享
資料來源:香港經濟日報 (2021年4月26日)
2、習促裝備製造業高質量發展 推動產業升級 牢握創新主動權
資料來源:信報財經 (2021年4月28日)
3、路透社:香港漸成深圳「後院」 兩地角色大逆轉?
在深圳的黃金地段,譬如科技巨頭騰訊 (0700) 總部所在的南山區,一些房子的價格已經超過了香港北部。香港北部距離中心商務區至少一個小時的車程。
「深圳將成爲中心 香港變成外圍」
為了呼應內地客的「香港居住、內地上班」需求,房產經紀人對路透社稱,恒大集團 (3333) 計劃在元朗建設大約200套房屋,預計大部分買家來自內地。一名與恒大有接觸的經紀稱,該公司以每平方尺1萬港元的價格購入土地,計劃售價2萬港元/平方尺,希望吸引來自深圳的購房者。
資料來源:香港經濟日報 (2021年4月27日)
4、科技園夥工總 設「研發共創平台」
8工作間 每個月租約1.4萬
老牌公司 借園區資源擴展
資料來源:香港經濟日報 (2021年4月30日)
5、不甘讓渡貨幣控制權 全球央行數字貨幣研發駛入「快車道」
【彭博】-- 隨著英國央行和財政部周一宣布將成立工作組探索數字貨幣,歐洲央行本月公佈了作為如何設計數字歐元重要參考的公眾諮詢報告,越來越多的貨幣當局已加快步伐研究央行數字貨幣。
雖然各國政府在加密貨幣誕生之初大多不屑,但在主流基金開始投資比特幣、加密貨幣交易所上市、Facebook Inc.持續推進其加密貨幣項目的情況下,在全球範圍內使用某種替代貨幣的概念本身已讓各國監管機構認為,這可能是對國家主權、隱私、金融穩定和央行實施貨幣政策的能力的一種威脅。
國際清算銀行(BIS)今年1月發布調查報告,稱去年全球有86%的央行正在研究央行數字貨幣(Central Bank Digital Currency,簡稱CBDC),部分已經發布了深度評估並且測試了不同的設計,相比之下,2017年的這一比例約在65%。
布魯金斯學會的高級研究員David Dollar今年早前曾表示,這些貨幣當局的努力是防禦性質的,央行正試圖拿回控制貨幣和貨幣供應的主導地位。
億萬富翁對沖基金創始人Ray Dalio曾表示,如果他是央行,就不會允許有任何私人數字貨幣。
Bloomberg Intelligence金融科技分析師Julie Chariell稱,CBDC或削弱比特幣作為所謂的P2P現金系統的提議用途。CBDC不具有比特幣那種供應有限和匿名的特性,但是穩定性和易用性將增強它們用於支付的吸引力。其可能讓比特幣在儲值和有用的通膨對沖工具方面退至一個重要但較小的角色。
巴哈馬:已於去年10月推出數字沙元(Sand Dollar),是全世界首個正式推出的主權信用的數字貨幣。
加拿大:央行副行長Tim Lane去年表示,雖然發行數字貨幣在當前階段並不必要,但需要研究一個可能的央行數字貨幣會是什麼樣的以及如何管理。這為能適時推出打下基礎。
Bank of England Joins Global Peers Exploring a Digital CurrencyWhy Central Bankers Got Serious About Digital Cash: QuickTakeSweden’s Central Bank May Have a Digital Currency in 5 YearsGLOBAL INSIGHT: Carpe Diem - Central Banks in Digital FutureWhy Tomorrow’s Money Will Come in New Crypto Flavors: QuickTake
©2021 Bloomberg L.P.
資料來源:hk.news.yahoo.com (2021年4月27日)
6、Vietnam sees modest growth in Q1 textile exports
Vietnam’s textile export turnover in the first quarter has seen modest growth but is showing signs of recovery.
Read More: https://www.just-style.com/news/vietnam-sees-modest-growth-in-q1-textile-exports_id141264.aspx
Source: www.just-style.com (26 Apr 2021)
7、Pandemic and shifts in sourcing threaten Bangladesh's position
Rapid growth, modernisation and improved working conditions have all helped to make Bangladesh one of the world’s largest garment exporters. Yet the industry will need to innovate, upgrade and diversify if it is to overcome the challenges brought on by the pandemic and shifts in global markets, a new report has found.
Source: www.just-style.com (27 Apr 2021)
8、RCEP trade pact hands China a global edge, for now
TOKYO -- The world's largest trade pact that encompasses 30% of the global economy is set to come into force as early as this year.
The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, or RCEP, was ratified in Japan's upper house of the Diet on Wednesday, bringing it one step closer to reality.
China has already assumed a leadership role in the arrangement and will inevitably see its clout increase over the Asian economic order. The U.S. and Japan need to come up with new ideas.
The agreement includes the 10 member countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations as well as China, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand.
Zbigniew Brzezinski, the national security adviser under former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, once called Eurasia the "grand chessboard" pitting the Soviet Union against the West. To borrow from that metaphor, a grand board of "go" or "wei chi" is developing in the Asia Pacific region. The economic turf battle between China and the free world is growing in intensity.
Under President Barack Obama, the U.S. strove to launch the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) as a means to harness China's ever growing influence. That strategy fell apart when President Donald Trump took the nation out of the pact in 2017.
Japan worked hard to salvage the TPP and put together an 11-member deal, reframed as the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership.
But without the U.S., the bloc suddenly became a more modest affair, covering just over 10% of the global economy.
This provided an opening for China to strike back, through RCEP.
Under RCEP, member states will abolish tariffs on 91% of goods, notably lower than the 99% threshold in the TPP. By lowering the bar, China put emphasis on allowing as many countries as possible to enter, thereby taking the initiative of the pact. The opening chapter of this tale has been all China.
Japan suffered a major setback when India decided not to join RCEP. Tokyo had hoped that the South Asian country would serve as a counterweight to China's outsize influence. Yet, due to a fear of Chinese goods flooding the market, India chose not to participate.
An intense debate took place within the Japanese government over whether to support a China-led RCEP. But the concern over a new economic order emerging without Japan's involvement won out in the end.
The next move is tricky. Japan continues to lobby India to join the RCEP, but that ship looks to have sailed.
"I sense no enthusiasm from the Modi administration," said a senior official in Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, speaking of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Over in the U.S., President Joe Biden is pursuing a "foreign policy for the middle class" that prioritizes the interests of ordinary citizens and workers. Biden said he will not sign any major trade deal that does not have the support of the American people, emphasizing the he will only ink agreements in which labor unions and similar stakeholders are involved in the decision-making process.
This indicates that Biden faces a large hurdle in joining the CPTPP, which has been criticized for favoring big corporations.
Still, Japan and other Asian countries that uphold principles of economic liberalism and democracy do not wish for an economic order in which China holds great sway and is infiltrated by its state capitalist policies.
To prevent that outcome, the U.S. will need to be involved economically in the region and some way must be found to strengthen coordination among allies and friendly nations.
There are two things that can be accomplished near term.
One is to forge a multilateral economic accord based on a new concept. Conventional trade pacts, including the TPP, are written with a focus on goods and tend to exacerbate clashes of interests between nations and industries.
While such agreements do have an effect of liberalizing trade and initiating economic reforms in the long run, under the new reality that the U.S-China rivalry has ushered in, it would be realistic to start from areas where all parties can easily agree on.
Jake Sullivan, the U.S. national security adviser and co-architect of the "foreign policy for the middle class," advocates for a departure from economic diplomacy biased toward trade in the manufacturing industry and highlights the importance of the service sector. Sullivan says there is room to consider a different type of accord.
Matthew Goodman, senior vice president at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, points to the possibility that the U.S. could gather like-minded countries to create rules covering digital technology, data and e-commerce. Such regulations are already in the works in the World Trade Organization and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, and these efforts could translate into a comprehensive agreement.
A deal governing the digital space would curb tensions over how a limited pie is divided up. Making rules for the new era would also serve as a catalyst for transforming the economy.
Another immediate pathway to contain China's influence is to strengthen economic ties between the Quad nations of the U.S., Japan, India and Australia.
The Quadrilateral Security Dialogue is a framework that deepens regional cooperation between members of the free world. It has been a poster child for the "free and open Indo-Pacific" concept led by Tokyo and Washington.
But as of now, the Quad has leaned heavily toward security, such as conducting the Malabar joint exercises in the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea last November.
If Quad activities expand into the economic arena, the approach could become an effective tool to encourage liberal economies to firmly take root in Asia, including the region's smaller countries. The four countries are already starting to collaborate on important infrastructure, such as data communication and energy, through relevant organs.
Quad leaders confirmed that they will deepen dialogue on vital high-tech supply chains during the maiden summit in March. If efforts to create a "China-free" supply chain accelerate, India anticipates taking on a portion of that itself. European countries are showing growing interest in the Quad as well.
At this stage of the game, the great power competition has only been local skirmishes. But going forward, the chess board, or "go" board, will quickly expand.
To challenge China, the liberal block needs a grand strategy. It will need to place the go pieces carefully yet creatively, with an eye on multiple countries as well as the economic and security frameworks of the region.
Source: https://asia.nikkei.com (29 Apr 2021)
9、Textiles 2030 launches to cut UK clothing impact
UK waste recycling charity WRAP has officially launched its ten-year voluntary clothing and textile waste programme today (26 April), which aims to slash the environmental impact of UK clothing and home fabrics through practical interventions along the entire textiles chain.
Read More: https://www.just-style.com/news/textiles-2030-launches-to-cut-uk-clothing-impact_id141256.aspx
Source: www.just-style.com (26 Apr 2021)
10、Monki’s New App Connects Consumers to H&M Group’s Garment Care Service
Consumer engagement is key in the aftermath of a global pandemic, and H&M Group’s Scandinavian-cool brand Monki is making sure it has shoppers’ full attention. It recently launched a new app in Sweden as part of its ongoing work to engage with its community and offer ways of interacting with the brand and each other.
The app is an accessible platform for Monki to share its “Planet Power” strategy of sustainability efforts and conscious initiatives that span a pivot to 100 percent certified organic cotton for its denim range, to call to actions to reuse and recycle.
Sustainability is at the crux of Monki’s latest projects. At the end of 2020, Monki dropped a capsule collection made from upcycled denim featuring sustainable elements such as recycled thread and zippers and eco-friendly hardware, further underscoring its push for extending denim’s lifecycle and breathing new life into old pieces.
One of the unique benefits of the app is that consumers can connect to M.IN.T. Care, a fashion care initiative within the H&M group. Short for “More INspiration To Care,” M.IN.T allows customers to order wash, repair or redesign services for their garments directly from their home. Consumers simply log in, select the items that need mending or washing, pack up the order and ship it off.
The services are provided by M.IN.T. Care partner, Washawell, a Swedish laundry company that uses environmentally friendly detergents and dry cleaners. Repair and alterations services are currently only available in Sweden, and the wash services are only available in Stockholm. The program, however, plans to expand geographically together with its stakeholders.
Monki’s app also serves as a hub for fans to mingle virtually. Described as a “digital [haven] for fashion inspiration and community interaction,” the app offers users the ability to access the “Monkisphere,” where they can share fashion inspiration, enter competitions and directly connect with the brand.
Users can also find and unlock unique in-store offers by using the scanning function within the app.
Source: www.sourcingjournal.com (26 Apr 2021)
11、Li & Fung’s LFX Launches ‘3D-as-a-Service’ Tech Venture
Although supply chain titan Li & Fung Ltd. just launched its LFX offshoot earlier this month in efforts to accelerate supply chain digitization, the new incubator is wasting no time putting these plans into action by launching a new service.
LFX has launched UNIFi3D, a “3D-as-a-service” technology company aimed at helping fashion brands transition to creating and selling products digitally—which the company refers to as digital product creation and commerce (DPCC). UNIFi3D is built to work directly with apparel brands and retailers to guide them at all steps of the 3D design process, whether they’re just getting started or attempting to scale ongoing efforts.
Idy Lee, formerly head of Li & Fung’s Digital Product Development Center of Excellence, will lead UNIFi3D as head of services, bringing her team of 3D and supply chain experts into the program. Going forward, UNIFi3D will serve as the primary arm of Li & Fung to provide 3D services to its customers.
“While 3D is the first step to digital transformation, it requires a technology savvy workforce,” Lee said in a statement. “Apparel brands, however, are built by creative, artistic people with vision—not technologists. Brands who partner with UNIFi3D benefit from our product development expertise and manufacturing know-how, while their designers continue to provide the creative vision.”
The company boasts more than 100,000 digital library assets, 500,000 total digital images made, 20,000 unique SKUs and more than 50 product categories.
“The UNIFi3D team has been providing industry-leading digital product creation and commerce services for 100+ apparel brands during the last three years as part of Li & Fung,” said Ed Lam, CEO of LFX, in a statement. “As an LFX company, UNIFi3D has the most experienced 3D team providing direct services to accelerate apparel brands’ transition to creating and selling products digitally at scale.”
LFX says that the UNIFi3D service can reduce product development time by as much as 70 percent, dramatically accelerating time-to-market and enabling brands to respond more quickly to consumer trends.
Images created via the service are designed to be viewed so that brands can test the market with 3D products without expensive photoshoots, ideally making it easier to move from line review to e-commerce and marketing.
With this in mind, UNIFi3D also seeks to help brands begin sales and marketing efforts prior to the manufacturing process for increased sell-through. Even while increasing sell-through, the service aims to eliminate or reduce physical samples to drive sustainability initiatives and minimize waste.
The 3D product components that brands can provide to UNIFi3D at the start include block/2D pattern, tech pack, digital avatar, fabric swatch, trims and artwork. If a brand doesn’t already have these, UNIFi3D will either help them identify sources or help them create them.
Brands don’t even need to know how to use 3D software upon working with UNIFi3D, which provides all 3D services, including revisions. Users can send feedback, comments and revision requests to UNIFi3D.
As part of its mission to help retailers in the digital product creation process, UNIFi3D also provides 3D education services to its client base, focusing on how to ensure the successful adoption of this technology.
Workshops help brands avoid the common pitfalls for transitioning to DPCC, as well as learning the different ways 3D products can be used to identify market trends, gain greater confidence in buy-orders, and how to better coordinate between sourcing, merchandising, design and e-commerce teams.
First-time visitors to the UNIFi3D website are greeted with a chatbot that asks “What would you like to improve in your business?” and gives three options: get products to market fast, increase regular sell-thru and reduce carbon footprint. From there, the bot asks where visitors are in their product journey before requesting a name and email, where a rep will make the contact for an initial consultation.
UNIFi3D is the first major project launch from LFX, which is designed to serve as incubation, investment and operating platform that covers all aspects of the value chain, including trade, information and fund flows. Li & Fung noted during the LFX launch that its initial ventures focused on 3D digital product development, now revealed to be UNIFi3D, and supply chain fintech.
As part of its investment goals, LFX also has a venture capital arm to identify and invest in technologies transforming global retailing, supply chain and logistics.
The LFX launch comes less than a year after JD.com invested $100 million in Li & Fung, giving the company significant capital to further develop the digital supply chain.
Source: www.sourcingjournal.com (28 Apr 2021)
12、Fung Business Intelligence : Asia Sourcing Update - Southeast Asia
Asia Sourcing Update - Southeast Asia (Cambodia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam)_April 2021
For more Fung Business Intelligence publications, please visit: https://www.fbicgroup.com/?q=reports
Source: Fung Business Intelligence (28 Apr 2021)