INDUSTRY NEWS - 2021.05.28
1、疫情告急 越南政府稱供應鏈受阻嚴重
資料來源:信報財經 (2021年5月26日)
2、城大首設智能製造工程學課程 推動再工業化發展
資料來源:東方日報 (2021年5月20日)
3、馬凱碩剖析美對華誤判 美扶貧成功是唯一取勝之道
著名全球思想家、外交官、世界百大公共知識分子馬凱碩教授(Kishore Mahbubani)應團結香港基金的邀請,在今年五月的「團結卓爾論壇」中主講「中美角力:亞洲能否引導拜登的對華政策?」(Can Asia guide Biden on China?),簡潔有力地分析了當今中美對抗的大勢,與西方政客的盲點。馬凱碩示範了如何從更高的視野,超越於一時一國的狹窄觀點,從亞洲以及全球整體利益大局出發,務實地理解中美對抗問題。
演講中,馬凱碩首先對講題「亞洲能否引導拜登的對華政策?」作出肯定,馬凱碩強調亞洲人可以、而且必須要引導美國總統拜登的對華政策。這是因為回望過去二百多年的歷史,當然西方對落後國家的殖民與掠奪是失控的,能為所欲為。而今天,這個情況已經過去,今天正是亞洲整體最有希望的時刻(The most promising moment),既能保持大體和平,各國經濟也在高速增長,亞洲人的生活質素正在提升,亞洲成為新的全球經濟中心是必然的。亞洲各國都保有共同繁榮的強烈願望,而中美對抗、中美脫鉤都會毀滅這個局面,沒有亞洲國家的領導人,包括在亞洲內的親美國家會願意見到這個情況出現。
馬凱碩認為亞洲人需要讓西方人明白,亞洲內部的動力學(Dynamics)與西方的動力學是不一樣的。亞洲為何能大體保持和平,是因為亞洲國家不介入別國內政,但這並不代表亞洲國家是被動的,正相反,亞洲國家以不同於西方國家的處事方式解決內部問題。馬凱碩說,亞洲國家一直在建立國與國間的信任圈(Circles of Trust),其中很多都圍繞東盟(ASEAN)來進行,雖然某種意義下,東盟目前是亞洲最弱的組織,但卻能提供基礎讓亞洲國家聯合、合作、共同生活。
美國要與中國競爭,如果不是要直接戰爭以互相毀滅為結束的話,可行之道只有一個,就是提升低層半數人口的生活,馬凱碩引用美國著名戰略家喬治.凱南(George F. Kennan)的教導,美國要在競爭中成功,就要讓世界看到、向世界證明,美國知道如何解決內部問題、會負起國際責任、以及有足夠的精神活力(spiritual vitality),去在當今主要思想潮流中保持自己的地位。
資料來源:亞洲週刊 (2021年5月24日)
4、總投資50.66億元紡織項目 簽約落戶沭陽
資料來源:紡織網 (2021年5月26日)
5、「2020中國國際紡織機械展覽會暨ITMA亞洲展覽會」(ITMA ASIA + CITME 2020)
資料來源:www.citme.com.cn (2021年5月28日)
6、Bangladesh RMG sector to get new innovation centre
A new centre for innovation, efficiency and Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) is to be developed in Bangladesh to enhance the competitiveness of the country's ready-made garment (RMG) industry.
Read More: https://www.just-style.com/news/bangladesh-rmg-sector-to-get-new-innovation-centre_id141469.aspx
Source: www.just-style.com (25 May 2021)
7、Crystal denim fabrics get third life under new collection
Crystal International Group is taking circularity to new heights with its latest denim collection which is made from circular fabrics and sees the cut waste upcycled into other apparel and accessories.
Source: www.just-style.com (27 May 2021)
8、YKK launches new digital showroom to connect with customers
Leading zipper and fastening products manufacturer YKK has launched a digital showroom to engage virtually with its customers around the world on the latest trends, products and innovations.
The easy-to-navigate online showroom has been modelled to look like YKK’s brick-and-mortar showroom in London and features six floors which are represented in the showroom’s logo that also looks like a zipper.
Each ‘floor’ features a different theme, covering the latest trends and automotive, sustainable products, everything YKK offers for fashion and apparel, a separate section dedicated to high-function applications like outdoor, backpacks, water protective, and luggage, alongside company information.
As well as providing product information, YKK aims for the digital showroom to be an incubator for innovation and creative design and plans to host webinars and other learning opportunities.
“We launched the YKK Digital Showroom with the aim of connecting with our customers more than ever before,” explains Hiroaki Otani, president of YKK Corporation. “We hope that our customers will make use of it in conjunction with our face-to-face communication. To ensure that more customers around the world adopt YKK products, we will continue to promote digitalisation in the value chain, including marketing, product planning and development, manufacturing, and sales, in pursuit of greater customer satisfaction.”
YKK connects with customers with an innovative virtual showroom
The showroom tour starts on the ground floor - ‘Trend and Connect’ where YKK highlights the latest trends, which will be updated twice a year, alongside a garage featuring automobiles rendered with 3D computer graphics demonstrating YKK products. There will also be a searchable library of all YKK products in the showroom launching in the coming months.
The ground floor also offers online meeting space for European and American customers to connect directly with YKK.
Scroll down to B1 and learn about YKK’s Sustainability Vision 2050 and view its eco-friendly products, presented thematically, with showcases on bio-based, water savings and recycled products. There is also a quick ‘product index’ reference that allows you to compare all the products.
B2 ‘Outdoor’ is all about high performance - view water protective solutions such as Aquaseal®, Proseal®, and Flexseal® zippers, as well as the latest innovations for sports, outdoor, backpack, and luggage applications.
For fashion and apparel needs, B3 features plenty of style and variation for ready-to-wear, jeans, baby and kidswear, as well as leather applications.
There is also a floor for region-specific items, which will be coming soon, which will showcase collections for Europe, the US and Japan.
Each themed floor gives customers the chance to view products through close-up photos, video, and catalogues, as well as meet online with YKK representatives, who will be happy to answer questions and help you solve design issues.
For customers wishing to find out more about YKK, the company’s history and innovations of the zip, head to the YKK Gallery on B5. This floor also houses the theatre with YKK’s three short animations about the “importance of connections” currently available to watch. More events are planned for the future, including an online trade show, a virtual fashion show and a series of webinars.
Source: fashionunited.uk (21 May 2021)
9、Greater Bay Area launches first freight train to ASEAN country
The first freight train from the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area to an ASEAN country started on Tuesday night with 41 standard containers.
The trip began in Guangzhou, the capital of Guangdong province, and the train will reach its destination in the Vietnamese capital, Hanoi, in four days.
Railway freight has become the first choice for many domestic exporters because rail requires less contact with people and cargo — an important consideration during the brunt of the COVID-19 pandemic. Rail’s advantages of low cost and time-effectiveness compared with road and marine transportation also made it an attractive alternative.
Last year, more than 10 new railways were opened between Europe and the Greater Bay Area. This year, China-to-Europe freight trains from Guangzhou and Dongguan have increased to three times per week since January. After two trains a week were added from Shenzhen, the number of GBA-to-Europe trains reached a record high.
"The ASEAN market favors electrical appliances and daily necessities produced in the Greater Bay Area,” Wei Jingyu, deputy general manager of Guangdong Yuetong Logistics, told a local newspaper.
He said he believes delivering daily supplies through freight trains can effectively reduce the time loss and cargo damage of segmented transportation. Wei estimated it can save about 20 percent of the transportation cost compared with traditional transportation methods.
Shenzhen’s trade volume with ASEAN members surged by 18.2 percent to 160.1 billion yuan (US$25.04 billion) in the first four months, statistics from Shenzhen Customs showed on Monday.
Source: www.chinadailyhk.com (26 May 2021)
10、RoK opens new container route to Thailand, Vietnam
The Republic of Korea (RoK)’s Incheon Seaport Corporation announced on May 24 that it has begun tapping a new container route from Incheon port to ports in Thailand and Vietnam.
Named “New Korea Thailand”, the route starts from Incheon, passes through the RoK’s Gwangyang and Busan ports, Hong Kong (China), Shekou in China’s Shenzhen, Laem Chabang and Bangkok in Thailand, and ends at Tan Cang – Cat Lai port in Ho Chi Minh City.
Three maritime companies, namely Korea, Chun Kyung and Namsung, will operate three container vessels with a capacity of 1,500 – 1,600 TEU on the route, with one trip each week.
The Incheon Seaport Corporation hoped that the new route will contribute to promoting export-import and supply stable transportation services between the RoK and Southeast Asia.
Source: en.vietnamplus.vn (24 May 2021)