INDUSTRY NEWS - 2021.07.30
英國駐聯合國大使吳百納(Barbara Woodward)在安理會的非正式討論中表示,軍人奪權後令當地的醫療系統瀕臨崩潰,醫護人員被襲擊及被拘捕。
資料來源:信報財經 (2021年7月30日)
2021年7月,美國時尚產業協會發佈了《USFIA時尚產業基準研究報告》(2021 Fashion Industry Benchmarking Study),報告通過對美國時裝企業的採訪,對美採購商的採購意向進行調查和研究。
● 目前中國和越南合計佔據美國時裝公司總採購價值或採購量的20-40%,低於過去幾年的40-60%。值得注意的是,約36.7%的受訪者表示,2021年從中國和越南採購了40%以上的服裝產品,2020年約47.6%,2019年為62.9%。這一結果表明,儘管總體而言採購地集中,但美國時尚公司正在將採購從“中國+越南”向多元化發展,以避免“所有雞蛋放在一個籃子裡”,降低採購風險。
● 另一個普遍趨勢是,美國時裝公司把產品採購重心從中國轉向越南。2021年有36.7%的受訪者表示如此,高於2020年的29%和2019年的25%。但是規模較小的公司(員工人數少於1,000人)仍然更多地依賴從中國採購。由於規模較小的公司更多將中國視為“一站式”採購基地,鑒於可用的替代方案有限且需要各種額外資源,在疫情期間從中國轉向其他國家多元化採購對他們來說更具挑戰性。
● 除了中國和越南,美國時裝公司還從其他幾個國家採購。
資料來源:紡織網 (2021年7月22日)
3、歐盟「環保關稅」 中印抱團反對
在對抗全球氣候變化的問題上,歐盟最近動真章,經濟學家以經濟誘因推動產能綠化的碳排放稅倡議,化為歐盟的「碳邊境調整機制」(Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism,簡稱CBAM)。歐盟動起來,觸動中國及印度等發展中國家神經。
全球發行量最大的英文報章《印度時報》日前就發炮,形容CBAM是可怕的主意(terrible idea),恐變成貿易保護主義,並重挫發展中國家,不能以關稅強行推動這種改變。
環保當然沒錯,全球政府都在大力推動環保,特朗普(Donald Trump)2017年退出《巴黎協定》便惹來千夫所指,但不可否認,各國在綠化步伐上差異極大,一眾發展中國家仍十分依賴化石燃料發電,碳排放居高不下。
主理氣候變化問題的美國氣候特使克里(John Kerry)在意大利出席二十國集團(G20)峰會時,說得相當含糊,指總統拜登(Joe Biden)要責令他全面審視CBAM,可能會,也可能不會支持。
資料來源:香港經濟日報 (2021年7月29日)
印度內閣頃決定延長現行紡織品「出口退稅計畫(Rebate of State and Central Taxes and Levies, RoSCTL) 」3年至2024年3月31日止。RoSCTL計畫係於2019年3月7日首次公布實施,提供成衣(Apparel)及家用紡織品(Made ups,如毛巾、窗簾、地毯、枕頭、床單等) 出口退稅,針對無法適用商品服務稅(GST)退稅之產品給予中央最高6.05%及州8.2%之出口退稅。
依據統計資料顯示,2020年印度針織成衣(Knitted Apparel)、平織成衣(Woven Apparel)及家用紡織品出口總值為170億美元,與越南及孟加拉等出口金額302億美元及369億美元,顯示印度紡織競爭力仍不足。印度商工部表示,該計畫延長將有助於提升印度紡織品出口競爭力並創造就業,且該計畫與「出口商品稅捐減免計畫(RoDTEP)」涵蓋產品別不同。根據RoSCTL計畫,出口商產品出口後將取得退稅額度憑證(Duty Credit Scrip),未來可用於支付進口機械設備或原料之基本關稅。
印度紡織部表示,RoSCTL計畫實施1年適逢疫情嚴峻,為提供出口商穩定的政策環境,該計畫有必要延長實施。印度出口組織協會(FIEO)會長暨成衣出口推廣委員會(AEPC)主席A Sakthivel表示,印度紡織業從業人口達4,500萬,2020-21年度成衣出口值為122.8億美元,較2019-20年度(155億美元)衰退20.8%,透過該計畫延長實施將可重振出口商信心,使未來3年印度紡織品出口金額達1千億美元。
資料來源:www.moneydj.com (2021年7月29日)
5、服裝標籤製造商SML擬最快明年來港上市 集資逾15億元
報道續指,公司目前與上市顧問就上市計劃磋商,該上市計劃吸引Affintiy Equity Partners及FountainVest Partners等的私募基金。
資料來源:香港經濟日報 (2021年7月28日)
6、進博會倒數100日 50多國參與國家展
資料來源:明報 (2021年7月27日)
7、Chinese manufacturers forced to halt production in Vietnam as coronavirus surge grows
● Chinese manufacturers in southern Vietnam are suffering amid lockdowns and business closures, and they are not confident restrictions will be relaxed soon
● A growing number of Chinese manufacturers have moved to Vietnam since the start of the trade war to evade tariffs and take advantage of cheaper labour
Chinese manufacturers in Vietnam are struggling amid the country’s worst coronavirus outbreak so far, with one business in the hard-hit south “losing tens of thousands of US dollars” a day.
Fuelled by the fast-spreading Delta variant, cases have surged in the Southeast Asian nation in recent months, hitting another record high of 6,194 new infections on Thursday.
Authorities in Ho Chi Minh City, the country’s financial and economic hub, and neighbouring industrial provinces like Dong Nai and Binh Duong have closed non-essential businesses, restricted gatherings and imposed strict social distancing measures.
Xu Chuanlu, the owner of Dinh Thinh Plastic in Ho Chi Minh City, said his factory had been closed for the past 12 days and it had come at a huge expense.
“We are expected to resume production in two days, but I am not optimistic, there are still thousands of new cases every day, maybe our production will be suspended for another two weeks, who knows?” the Chinese businessman said.
Vietnam had successfully contained the virus until about three months ago, when new outbreaks returned to ravage southern provinces. As of Thursday, the country had recorded a total of 72,242 domestically transmitted Covid-19 cases, including 70,672 since late April, according to the health ministry.
Xu, who has been spray painting for big shoe brands for about 20 years in Vietnam, said production had only been halted once before, during the 2014 anti-China protests.
“All workers have been released to go home, only me and a few Chinese colleagues are staying in the facility and we don’t go out. We are losing tens of thousands of US dollars every day,” said Xu.
“There is no way for us to deliver orders on schedule now.”
More than 1,000 workers are employed at the factory, all of whom have to be paid fixed salaries, despite the shut down in production. Xu added there were no government subsidies for his company.
A growing number of Chinese manufacturers have moved to Vietnam since the start of the US-China trade war in search of tariff-free access for their exports to the United States.
Even before the trade war, Chinese companies – especially those in the textile and garment industry – had begun relocating to Vietnam due to its relatively stable government and inexpensive pool of labour.
Last week, authorities closed several factories in Ho Chi Minh City’s Saigon Hi-tech Park, including the Samsung Electronics CE Complex, after more than 750 coronavirus cases were found at a factory there.
Factories in Vietnam – including ASRock, Ching Feng Home Fashions, and Pouchen – suppliers for Netflix, Ikea and Nike, have joined a list of companies forced to halt production, too.
Under lockdown measures set to run until August 1, residents in Ho Chi Minh City have been asked to stay at home except to receive medical care, buy essential goods or work for essential businesses.
Business in Hai Phong, a port city in northeastern Vietnam, is running close to normal, according to Chinese businessman Gan Likai, who manages Wei Lin Import and Export Trading.
“Our losses are not as serious as those in the south because the pandemic control in Hai Phong is by far the best across Vietnam,” he said.
His factory operation, which employs about 1,000 workers, has not been affected by the current outbreak, but operating costs have increased by 20 to 30 per cent per month due to pandemic control measures, he said.
“Overall, the epidemic has brought some incalculable losses to Chinese companies here,” Gan said.
Vietnam aims to inoculate at least 70 per cent of its 96 million citizens by the end of the year, but only 4.6 per cent have had a single dose so far, according to official government data.
Source: www.scmp.com (23 Jul 2021)
8、Bangladesh eyes investing in synthetic fibre as global demand rises
Apparel exporters say synthetic fibre is the future of the export-oriented garment sector
As the demand for synthetic fibre keeps growing in the international market, Bangladesh is also eyeing more investments in the material to boost garment exports.
Apparel exporters say synthetic fibre is the future of the export-oriented garment sector as most reputed brands and consumers are leaning towards man-made and recycled fibre to achieve sustainability.
Over the next few years, many well-known brands may even stop buying apparels produced from non-recyclable material, they added.
And the gradual rise in import of synthetic fibre over the last few years indicates that Bangladeshi apparel manufacturers are responding to the global demand.
According to the Bangladesh Textile Mills Association (BTMA), local spinners imported 99,345 tonnes of polyester staple fibre (PSF) in 2020 even amid the pandemic, up 3.4% from 96,077 tonnes the previous year.
Currently, 40 spinning mills import PSF fibre to make yarns for producing high-end garments such as sportswear.
The import of viscose staple fibre (VSF) also soared last year as spinners imported 72,504 tonnes of VSF — a 36% year-on-year increase — according to the BTMA.
Moreover, entrepreneurs of the country's textile sector are also investing in the production of synthetic fibre and clothes.
According to the BTMA, about 80 textile mills are currently producing various types of synthetic yarns and fabrics including polyester, VSF, tensile, and modal.
“The number was below 50 in 2016 and several new textile mills will go into production of synthetic fibre within two or three years,” said Fazlul Hoque, vice president of the BTMA.
Bangladesh has the potential to pivot to the production of synthetic fibre-based textile and apparel to realize greater per unit values, he added.
“The investment in the synthetic fibre sector of our country is growing as buyers are choosing the fabric as a substitute to cotton fibre for sustainability and environmental issues,” said Md Khorshed Alam, chairman of Little Star Spinning Limited.
The use of man-made fibre has increased because of higher production of value-added garment items, he further said.
Faruque Hassan, president of the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA), recently wrote in an opinion piece for Dhaka Tribune: “To ensure sustained growth, diversification is key. There is a need to create an enabling environment and incentivize investors to encourage investment in non-cotton garment and textile productions.”
The usage of man-made fibre in end-use categories like sportswear, leisurewear, women’s dresses, home textile, automotive, carpets and other industrial sectors also make it an ideal “fibre of the future,” say industry insiders.
But the response to adopting synthetic fibre-based apparel production has been slow so far.
Though Bangladesh has emerged as one of the leading apparel suppliers in the last few decades, its man-made apparel exports are much lower than competing countries.
According to the International Textile Manufacturer Federation (ITMF), synthetic fibre makes up 78% of the world's clothing where the remaining 22% is made of cotton fibre.
However, garment exports from Bangladesh constitute 70% of natural cotton apparels, with only 30% made of synthetic fibre, according to ITMF data.
Furthermore, the global man-made apparel trade stood at around $179 billion in 2019 where Bangladesh held only 5% market share.
For context, competing Vietnam held 10% of the man-made apparel trade.
BTMA Vice President Fazlul Hoque said Bangladesh is lagging behind in the sector mainly due to the lack of technology.
The textile manufacturers’ association also said that they need to strengthen the connectivity for synthetic fibre and need policy support.
Earlier, BTMA President Mohammad Ali Khokon had said the import of man-made fibre needs to be duty-free like cotton as the demand for yarn is increasing.
The imposition of 5% VAT on the sales of yarn is discouraging for the sector, he added.
In response to the growing global demand, the BGMEA had also demanded a 10% cash incentive for man-made fibre-based products in the current fiscal year.
Their expectation was that with the help of the existing factories, they would be able to export an additional $2 billion worth of garments.
However, that demand also ultimately went unaddressed.
Source: www.dhakatribune.com (25 Jul 2021)