INDUSTRY NEWS - 2021.08.20
1、港人入境深圳鬆綁 僅集中隔離七日
資料來源:星島日報 (2021年8月19日)
2、亞洲疫情反彈恐推升美通脹 全球供應鏈堵塞 憂礙聖誕來貨
資料來源:信報財經 (2021年8月16日)
3、貿發局籲港商借助大灣區拓內銷 把握國家支持 配合「雙循環」戰略
「粵港澳大灣區」目標是打造國際一流灣區,其中的戰略重點包括,支持香港、澳門融入國家發展大局。香港貿易發展局副總裁劉會平呼籲,港商應把握好國家支持大灣區發展的機遇,以大灣區為試點,順勢開拓內銷市場。他指出,香港一向是內地連接海外的雙向樞紐(two-way hub),配合國家「雙循環」戰略,香港聯絡人的角色有望更吃香。
資料來源:信報財經 (2021年8月16日)
4、薛永恒參觀紡織研發中心 冀科研推動業界「再工業化」
資料來源:星島日報 (2021年8月13日)
國際水見證機構(WWI)周二發表報告指出,Zara、H&M和ASOS等國際快時尚(fast fashion)品牌的衣料供應商,在非洲國家坦桑尼亞和萊索托的作業污染當地河流,河水被染色,水中鹼值變得與漂白水一樣。
撰寫報告的WWI總監赫普沃斯(Nick Hepworth)直言,這些國際品牌原本可以迫使合約製造商改善生產過程,但迄今對於制止眼前非洲衣料廠盛行的污染和囤積水資源的情況着力甚少。他補充,換一個角度說,這些快時尚產業可以成為改革力量,但必須由品牌商和投資者領頭。
H&M確認布料來源 Zara拒評
研究人員在萊索托發現一條河被牛仔褲的藍色染料污染。報告表示,從坦桑尼亞三蘭港(Dar es Salaam)一家織品廠附近的姆辛巴濟河(Msimbazi)採集河水樣本,檢驗出pH值12,鹼性程度與漂白水相同,而當地人使用姆辛巴濟河的河水來梳洗和灌溉。
資料來源:信報財經 (2021年8月18日)
6、Vietnam factories rethink 'sleepover' approach to stopping COVID
Country's virus woes pose risks for global supplies of sneakers and smartphones
HO CHI MINH CITY -- The warehouse manager at Truong Thanh Furniture near Ho Chi Minh City did her best to avoid the virus. For weeks, she worked and slept at the factory alongside 200 colleagues, with few people allowed in or out.
Truong Thanh Furniture was complying with a government order for factories to keep workers on-site or else shut down.
It provided meals and blankets, but the measures were not enough; the virus slipped past the company's defenses and infected the manager.
Truong Thanh Executive Chairman Mai Huu Tin told Nikkei Asia he believes the woman caught the virus from a delivery driver. It is not the only company that has detected cases despite taking strict safety measures. Now dozens of businesses are moving away from the sleep-at-work model introduced to prevent COVID-19 from disrupting the country's vital manufacturing sector, which churns out everything from shoes to smartphones for the global market.
Thousands of Vietnamese have spent the past month living at work, away from their families. The situation has taken a heavy toll on mental health and corporate balance sheets. Now some companies are questioning the approach and asking the government for vaccines and "safe zones" where workers can live near plants, and for it to take other measures.
"Owners cannot control infection 100% because to continue operating, factories still need to get supplies from outside," said Tin, who paused operations at one factory but is continuing the sleepovers at others. "Facilities there are not meant for human living."
While electronics manufacturers such as Apple supplier GoerTek and Samsung are using the sleepover model, not everyone finds it feasible.
Taiwan's Pou Chen, the world's No. 1 contract shoemaker, suspended production at its biggest site in Vietnam, near Ho Chi Minh City, from July 14, citing difficulty sheltering 56,000 employees on-site.
"We do see pressure on our short-term production capacity, and we do expect the financial impacts in July and August," the company told Nikkei Asia. "For the longer term, we will try to be more flexible and ask our other production sites to help with some production, too."
One manufacturer said it has shelled out $100,000 to house 900 people at work, while another said costs had roughly doubled even as production fell by half. New expenditures include virus tests, laundry services, protective gear, meals and sleeping mats.
Despite the extra spending, sources say outbreaks have hit isolated plants in Binh Duong and Dong Nai, two industrial provinces next to Ho Chi Minh City.
"There are many cases where COVID cases still occur in a company," one of the sources said.
Another southern province, Tien Giang, in the farm-heavy Mekong Delta, found 400 cases at six companies hosting sleepovers, the state Voice of Vietnam reported on Aug. 8. These included seafood, fruit and steel businesses.
"Vaccines are the only way out," said KJ Ung, Vietnam managing director of panel maker First Solar, which is having staff live on a site the size of 60 soccer fields. "Global supply chains will be affected if we continue this way.
"Employees' psychology and all those mental health issues have to be taken care of as well."
A number of companies are throwing in the towel. The Dong Nai Industrial Zones Authority on Tuesday published a list of dozens requesting to end the sleepovers, from Nippon Paint to Hansoll Textile. It is not clear what the next step might be.
On Monday, a post on the Ho Chi Minh City website outlined alternatives to on-site living arrangements, such as company-controlled transport to and from work, or setting up designated safe areas for workers to stay.
The latter option, however, could require finding land. While northern factories have space to isolate infected workers or separate crews, the south is more crowded, said Nguyen Thanh Binh, a director at the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce & Industry.
"An inch of ground is equivalent to an inch of gold," he told Nikkei.
The hit to supply chains from factory disruptions will be large, according to Natixis economist Trinh Nguyen. She wrote in an Aug. 12 report that the global shoe and textile sectors would be affected, with some impact on electronics as well, given Vietnam's "staggering share of mobile phone exports" from Southeast Asia. The communist country's overall exports ticked down 0.8% from June to July, while virus cases exceed 300,000. Like much of the region, Vietnam is struggling to flatten the curve of infections, though it is hindered by a contagious variant and low vaccination rate.
Besides disease, continuing to live at factories poses damage and even fire risks, Tin, the furniture executive, said.
"Safe zones for workers to stay after work would help," he said, "especially if they can stay with their families or friends."
Vietnam's apparel exports take a hit as manufacturing stops: TexPro19
Apparel exports from Vietnam have taken an unexpected hit and are likely to decline further in the second half of this year due to the rising cases of COVID-19 in the country. Exports rose consistently in the first quarter due to the efforts of industry stakeholders, implementation of sustainable strategies, vaccination drives and improved product quality.
Vietnam’s monthly average for apparel exports was $2.42 billion in the last quarter of 2020. It increased slightly by 4.05 per cent to a monthly average of $2.51 billion in the first quarter of 2021 but dropped again by 15.12 per cent to a monthly average of $2.13 billion in the second quarter of 2021, according to Fibre2Fashion’s market analysis tool TexPro.
Vietnam’s apparel exports are expected to decline further by 18.45 per cent to a monthly average of $1.74 billion in the second half of 2021.
The EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA), the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) and the UK-Vietnam free trade agreement (UKVFTA) helped the nation to boost trade amid the pandemic. The UKVFTA that officially came into force on May 1, 2021, increased Vietnam's apparel exports to the UK as it removed almost all customs duties between the two countries.
Vietnam developed policies for low-cost manufacturing that boosted the production index. It sought new raw material suppliers from India, South Korea and European countries and reduced the dependency over China for raw materials.
The demand from western markets has been increasing from the beginning of 2021. The Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association (VITAS) developed three strategies to boost apparel exports – reviewing the changes in consumer demand in key export markets; adoption of advanced production technologies to save fossil energy, cut gas emissions and increase recycling; and investing in product development. Better compliant processes and improved human rights also drove Vietnam’s exports.
However, the country is currently dealing with the rising cases of COVID-19 and low rate of vaccinations. The new wave has suspended the textiles supply chain and forced manufacturing units to close.
VITAS has requested the government to vaccinate textiles and apparel workers on a priority basis and has asked to buy the vaccine directly from suppliers.
Source: asia.nikkei.com & www.fibre2fashion.com (19 Aug 2021)
7、Bangladesh commerce minister aims to grow US apparel exports
Bangladesh commerce minister Tipu Munshi told attendees at the 'Men's Apparel Guild in California', in Las Vegas that the Bangladesh government aims to increase the volume of garment exports to the US.
The Bangladesh commerce minister explained that his government is assessing improved standards of apparel, designs, and choice for US customers. The aim is to gain a bigger market share in a country where he says Bangladesh already sends US$7bn worth of garments each year.
According to a report published by The Daily Star, Munshi’s government has a special initiative to further increase the volume of garment exports to the US on the back of high demand.
The idea is to create data specifically for US customers and to supply apparel tailored to their specifications.
The Daily Star’s report explains Munshi was keen to point out that after the Rana Plaza building collapse in April 2013, Bangladesh has strengthened workplace safety for those working within garment factories.
The minister has invited US retailers and brands to visit Bangladesh’s apparel factories and to observe the safety and compliances in the factories, according to the report.
The announcement from the commerce minister follows the news earlier this week that Bangladesh’s apparel exporters are concerned over a rise in yarn prices on the domestic market, which is making it difficult for them to capitalise on growing garment orders from the west.
Source: www.just-style.com (13 Aug 2021)
8、US exports as of June 2021: What does it mean for global apparel?
Earlier this month the US Government Office of Textiles and Apparel (OTEXA) published apparel export data as of June 2021. David Birnbaum explains what it means for the global apparel industry.
Source: www.just-style.com (19 Aug 2021)
9、HK's LFX Digital launches Air8 supply chain fintech for SME suppliers
LFX Digital, an offshoot of Hong Kong-based Li & Fung, has launched Air8, a supply chain fintech company, to serve the financing needs of small-to-medium enterprise (SME) suppliers across the consumer goods supply chain. GLP Financial Services has joined LFX as a strategic partner with a 20 per cent equity stake in the new company.
An LFX digital venture, Air8 is building an insight-based technology platform that capitalises on Li & Fung’s ecosystem with more than 115 years of supply chain experience, connecting suppliers, buyers, and funders in over 50 markets. Air8’s goal is to combine supply chain insights with financing expertise and digital technologies to channel capital to vendors. Air8’s vision is to promote sustainable financing while bridging the supply chain working capital gap, the company said in a media release.
Ed Lam, CEO of LFX, said, “No other financing provider has a deeper insight into the supply chain than Air8. We intimately understand the end-to-end supply chain and are building a digital technology platform that capitalises on those insights to make funding more readily accessible for SMEs.”
The huge trade finance gap is a global challenge, especially for suppliers in emerging economies that lack access to traditional financing programmes. Leveraging their experience from Li & Fung, the Air8 team will focus on SME suppliers in the apparel and general merchandise supply chain to help alleviate the pressure of obtaining the necessary funding to fulfil their working capital requirements.
“COVID highlighted the vulnerability of SMEs and their struggle to survive. Air8’s mission is to stabilise the supply chain by helping SMEs to better manage their working capital with optimal funding solutions,” said Spencer Fung, chairman of LFX.
Ming Mei, co-founder and CEO of GLP, added, “Our strategic partnership with Air8 extends our investment and partnership with Li & Fung into the trade finance arena. Since we joined forces with Li & Fung, we have been collaborating on both sourcing and logistics opportunities, and now with Air8, we are pleased to expand into the fund flows underpinning the supply chain to provide a more holistic solution to both customers and vendors.”
The company is developing a proprietary credit risk management model that provides financial institutions and investors an additional channel to invest in high-quality assets. In turn, Air8 will connect suppliers and buyers to a large and diversified group of funders via an end-to-end insight-based technology platform that quickly facilitates cross-border trading.
Source: www.fibre2fashion.com (18 Aug 2021)
10、Taiwan Textile Makers Showcase Covid-Friendly Innovations
Taiwan’s textile makers are serving up innovations that offer increased performance and functionality, as well as antiviral properties and sustainable inputs.
At an online streaming event hosted by the Bureau of Foreign Trade, the Taiwan Textile Federation (TTF) showcased the country’s latest product releases, which included skin-friendly masks that guard against microbacteria, polyurethane (PU) film made with recycled content and CBD-infused fabric that improves circulation and recovery. “Taiwan’s textile industry is a leader in eco-friendly textile innovation and sustainability, with continuous quality improvement,” TFF’s master of ceremonies, Angela Lu, said. “Over the years we have become the No. 1 choice of many international leading brands in sports and outdoor wear.”
“The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the way we dress and shop,” she added. “To keep one step ahead of this new normal, many Taiwanese textile companies have strived their best to bring their innovation to the next level.”
Outdoor material manufacturer GFun Industrial Corp., which services brands like The North Face, Columbia, Nike and Adidas, touts itself as the largest laminated coating manufacturer in the country. The company’s newest membrane technology, called GRX, makes use of plastic particles that occur as waste from the manufacturing of smartphone camera lenses by Taiwanese producers. The company adds the material, which is sloughed off in the grinding process, into its PU, using the substance to coat its high-performance fabrics. Color can also be added to the fabric coating, the company said, eliminating the need to dye the fabric underneath.
Meanwhile, Taipei-based activewear supplier Eclat Textile Co., Ltd. has been focused on the development of textile masks throughout the pandemic, releasing a number of versions suited for everyday wear as well as strenuous athletic activity. The company’s polymer-based triple-layered filter mask is designed to catch fabric and dust, and is sewn with antimicrobial silver fibers, making it ideal for commuters spending considerable time in the proximity of other people. A soft inner layer with an antimicrobial coating protects the skin and eliminates odor throughout long periods of wear. Other versions of the masks include nose guards, adjustable ear loops, durable water repellant (DWR) treatment, and perforations for increased breathability during sport.
Also made to guard against the spread of illness, a daily protective jacket with eco-water-repellant HeiQ Viroblock technology was highlighted by Ruentex Industries Co., Ltd. The company spoke to the hooded zip-up garment’s protective qualities, which include a microbe and virus-blocking coating, along with a built-in face shield. The company’s TanaCare CBD-infused leggings and pillowcases, by contrast, are infused with cannabis-derived oil, which helps reduce inflammation, promotes circulation, and supports the skin’s healing process. The pillowcases, which are finished with a CBD coating, are made to promote restful sleep, the company added.
Performance fabrics remain important as consumers continue to spend ample time outdoors and engaging in athletic activity. Sunny Special Dyeing and Finishing Co., Ltd.’s Eco Pro line of yarns is made with recycled polymer materials like RPET sourced from plastic waste, providing water resistance for performance fabrics, the company said. According to the manufacturer, the supple textiles also hold up to repeated washing, making them suitable for use in the service industry and medical field. The company’s Solapel coating can be applied to enhance water repellence, while simultaneously limiting the release of fluorocarbons into waterways during washing. The PFC-free coating remains at least 70-percent efficient after being washed more than 120 times, the company added.
Finally, Tex-Ray International presented an energy-saving CO2 reduction technology dubbed Eco HD Print that allows colors to bond better on fabrics. The water-based ink transfers at low temperatures, the company said, saving energy and preserving the integrity of fiber filaments. The ink can provide sharp-lined patterns and a soft hand-feel on performance garments like leggings and bra tops, and unlike oil-based inks, does not release harmful chemicals into waterways during the production and washing process.
Source: sourcingjournal.com (19 Aug 2021)