INDUSTRY NEWS - 2021.09.03
1、盡快推「來港易」 先廣東再上海
資料來源:星島日報 (2021年9月2日)
2、應對沿海製造業招工難 發改委:加強培訓人才
推降本減負 促高質量就業
資料來源:香港經濟日報 (2021年8月31日)
3、最高法院發布案例 明確「996」工時違法
員工被要求簽協議 棄加班費
資料來源:香港經濟日報 (2021年8月28日)
4、供應減兼船運遲 美零售商憂缺貨
美國時裝品牌Abercrombie & Fitch(A&F)及「一元店」連鎖集團Dollar Tree等零售商均表示,在疫情影響下,供應鏈和船運都出現延誤問題。
另外,專門銷售低價雜貨的Dollar Tree同日亦表示,儘管全球對各種消費品的需求回升,但海運成本上漲,加上轉運時間平均滯後約30日之久,正侵蝕該集團主打薄利多銷的毛利率,公司行政總裁維特斯基(Mike Witynski)說,公司每1億美元銷售所進口的貨櫃較其他大型零售商多,結合其一美元的低價策略,受運費上漲打擊極大。
資料來源:信報財經 (2021年8月28日)
資料來源:信報財經 (2021年9月1日)
6、越南製造業PMI 40.2 年半低 疫情肆虐 泰菲大馬印尼同收縮
位於越南的美國總商會執行董事西特科夫(Adam Sitkoff)表示,美國兒童在聖誕節時,父母可能在聖誕樹下留下便條向他們說對不起,因為禮物要半年後才收到。
美國副總統賀錦麗(Kamala Harris)上周訪問越南,承諾向越南額外捐出100萬劑疫苗,至600萬劑,惟對人口逾一億的越南來說只是杯水車薪,當地全面接種的人口比率不足3%。
越南政府正優先向當地三星電子、英特爾及河內製衣廠的工人施打疫苗。CETA Consulting行政總裁本迪克(Csaba Bundik)認為,美國大企業應向藥廠輝瑞(Pfizer)和華府作出呼籲,加快向越南提供更多疫苗,因為這對美國維持生產十分重要。
KB Securities分析員Oh Jae-young指出,供應鏈憂慮有助於南韓8月份貿易數字,因為企業提早進行採購,但預期出口未來數個月將會放緩。
資料來源:信報財經 (2021年9月2日)
7、Organizations Urge Covid-19 Protections for Bangladesh, Sri Lanka Workers
As the deadly Delta wave continues to devastate parts of South Asia, more than 50 trade unions and labor-rights organizations are urging multinational brands, factory owners and lawmakers to take “immediate action” to protect the lives and livelihoods of garment workers in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.
In an open letter published Monday, organizations such as StandUp Movement Lanka, the Bangladesh Centre for Workers Solidarity and the Clean Clothes Campaign criticized the governments of both countries for exempting garment workers from lockdown measures for “economic reasons.” By classifying them as essential, the groups said, undervaccinated workers are being made to toil in crowded factories, under the threat of contagion, in order to complete orders for brands headquartered in countries with high vaccination rates.
Longstanding calls from campaigners for governments, factory management and brands to provide workers with adequate occupational safety and health protections or social programs that would allow them to stay home have also gone unheeded, the organizations said.
“The failure to prioritize worker health and safety forces workers to choose between going into a factory without access to necessary PPE, with inadequate social distancing, and with minimal testing and vaccination or to face financial ruin without income or social benefits,” they wrote. “It is untenable that Sri Lankan and Bangladeshi workers must choose between death and destitution.”
To curb the spread of the virus, the letter implores decision makers to include the garment industry in lockdowns, expand on-site vaccination and testing of workers, and ensure the implementation of International Labour Organization Occupational Safety and Health protection standards such as the provision of personal protective equipment, physical distancing and the right of removal from danger. It further asks that workers who must skip work due to new Covid-19 restrictions continue to receive their full salaries. Workers who voluntarily refuse unsafe work, too, must not be excluded from unemployment, severance or other economic rights and benefits.
Brands, in particular, must extend lead times on orders during lockdowns to allow for reductions in workforce or temporary factory closures. Together with their suppliers, they must ensure that the people who make their clothes are able to do so safely and those who are prevented from coming to work are still paid in full, according to the letter.
“While this letter is focused on Bangladesh and Sri Lanka given the current immediate crisis, apparel brands need to do their due diligence by monitoring the safety and payment of workers during the pandemic in every country they source from, to ensure that workers do not have to risk their lives to complete brands’ orders,” the letter said.
“These steps are necessary actions that must be taken by international brands, national governments, and local factory managers to protect the lives and livelihoods of the workers whose labor they profit from,” it added.
Bangladesh, which has seen its number of Covid-19 cases double over the past month, has recorded 1.49 million infections and more than 26,000 deaths to date, though they appear to be on a downward trend. It exited its most recent lockdown on Aug. 11. Sri Lanka has been less fortunate, logging 4,600 new infections and 214 deaths from the contagion—its highest single-day death toll of the pandemic so far—on Friday, bringing its total to 426,000 cases and more than 8,770 deaths. The renewed surge has prompted the government to extend its lockdown by another week to Sept. 6.
Last week, the Joint Apparel Association Forum (JAAF), Sri Lanka’s leading industry body, moved to reassure the nation’s 350,000 garment workers by issuing a five-point framework that places worker safety as its top priority. As of August, JAAF said, 90 percent of the workforce has received their first dose of the vaccine, and up to 50 percent have received their second. The aim is to vaccinate all garment workers by the end of September, and then their families, the organization added.
Other points in the scheme include enhancing backward integration, collaborating with authorities to retain and improve export market access through bilateral trade agreements, positioning Sri Lanka’s apparel industry “globally for the future” and improving the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises in the sector.
With the pandemic taking an extended bite out of Sri Lanka’s biggest exporter, which accounts for roughly 7 percent of the country‘s $84 billion economy, all hands must be on deck, said JAAF secretary-general Tuli Cooray said.
“At this crucial juncture, the entire industry must collaborate if we are to effectively address challenges stemming from the pandemic and create conducive conditions for long-term growth of the sector,” Cooray added. “This five-point plan is a framework which all industry stakeholders can use to collaborate in achieving our shared vision for Sri Lanka.”
Source: sourcingjournal.com (30 Aug 2021)
8、Esquel Group Accuses US Customs of Targeting Vietnam Shipments
A Hong Kong-based supplier for brands such as Nike, Patagonia and Tommy Hilfiger is suing the U.S. government. Again. And customs seizures of its shipments from Vietnam are likely to blame.
On Friday, Esquel Group filed a motion to reset a hearing date with a federal court for the District of Columbia, resuming its lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Commerce for a Trump administration decision to include one of its subsidiaries on the so-called Entity List, which basically prevents it from doing business with American suppliers. After filing a lawsuit earlier this summer, it appeared that the Bureau of Industry and Security’s End-User Review Committee would be absolving Changji Esquel Textile Co. Ltd. (CJE) of previous forced-labor allegations, “subject to certain conditions.” Now, an impasse threatens to render all previous discussions moot.
“Despite good-faith efforts since early August, Esquel Group and the U.S. Department of Commerce have not been able to come to a resolution as the U.S. government is unable to provide any concrete timeline by which it could finally remove CJE from the Entity List,” Esquel wrote in a statement.
The world’s largest woven-shirt maker, which churns out roughly 100 million shirts annually, said that it has meanwhile suffered “substantial, ongoing and irreparable harms” that have “continued and even worsened” over the past month. In addition, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has detained and begun to exclude from entry a “large number” of shipments from Esquel factories outside China, including Vietnam, jeopardizing the manufacturer’s contractual obligations and causing “permanent economic and reputational damages.” Because this “heightens the need for emergency relief,” it added. “Esquel is left with no choice but to resume its lawsuit.”
CBP’s detention of Esquel shipments from Vietnam started happening in early August, chairman and CEO Marjorie Yang said in a supplemental declaration to the filing. CBP had told one Esquel customer that the detained shipments, worth $1.6 million, were subject to a Withhold Release Order against cotton products from Xinjiang, even though, according to Yang, the goods contained no cotton fibers or yarn from China.
She said she believes Esquel is being targeted. “I maintain communications with other textile and garment manufacturers, including those who ship goods from Vietnam,” Yang said. “To my knowledge, no other manufacturer is facing CBP detentions at the same frequency as Esquel. Under these circumstances, I believe that CBP has added most if not all Esquel factories to its targeting criteria, which essentially results in [the] automatic detention of a large amount of Esquel shipments to U.S. importers. I further believe that CBP has done so based on CJE’s status on the Entity List.”
One major U.S. brand, a “significant customer” of Esquel’s whose shipment from Vietnam was detained, has frozen all production and shipments from Esquel immediately due to the “uncertainty regarding future shipments,” with affected orders amounting to over $2.5 million, Yang said. If these detainments continue, another client, an established U.S. brand with more than $10 million worth of products for the upcoming season, could drop Esquel in favor of its competitors, she added.
“I expect that, in addition to the shipments detained by CBP in August 2021, the $6 million worth of goods currently en route from Esquel’s factories in Vietnam and Sri Lanka to the United States are at high risk of being detained,” she said. “Given my customers’ inability to accept orders shipped from any Esquel facility in the world, I am concerned that our remaining customers will either pause their orders from Esquel or simply cease doing business with us.”
“I fear that as long as CJE remains on the Entity List CBP will continue to detain shipments from Esquel’s factories, and that Esquel will permanently lose all U.S. business and U.S. customers,” Yang added.
The Trump administration had accused CJE and others last year of complicity in human-rights abuses against Uyghurs and other Muslim ethnic minorities in China’s northwestern Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, which supplies 85 percent of the country’s cotton. In 2019, the Wall Street Journal reported that Esquel had established three spinning mills in Xinjiang, and that the company had employed at least 34 Uyghur workers offered by local officials. Responding to the outlet, then-CEO John Cheh said the company was “in no way forced to employ anyone.”
Following its blacklisting by the Department of Commerce, Esquel said it was “deeply offended” by the decision. “We absolutely have not, do not, and will never use forced labor anywhere in our company. There is no evidence to support the allegations against us on the use of forced labor in CJE,” it said.
Esquel made its initial filing against the department on July 6, pointing to a “lack of any factual or legal basis” for CJE’s listing and seeking access to the administrative record the Commerce Department relied on to make its “erroneous listing.” On July 31, the End-User Review Committee moved to discharge CJE from the Entity List, and on Aug. 3, a joint motion was filed to extend the government’s deadline to respond by 30 days.
“As of August 26, 2021, the U.S. government has maintained that no concrete timeline can be provided for the necessary steps needed before CJE will be removed from the Entity List and have acknowledged that several variables could delay [the] fulfillment of the conditions,” Esquel said in its statement. “We continue to feel strongly that the irrefutable facts and the law are on our side in this case and look to seek swift judicial action.”
Both CBP and the Department of Commerce said they do not comment on ongoing litigation.
Source: sourcingjournal.com (1 Sep 2021)
9、Gap reports strong Q2, raises full year earnings outlook
Gap reported second quarter diluted earnings per share of 67 cents, while adjusted earnings per share were 70 cents. The company raised its full year reported diluted earnings per share guidance to be in the range of 1.90 dollars to 2.05 dollars and 2.10 dollars to 2.25 dollars on an adjusted basis.
The company’s net sales of 4.2 billion dollars were up 5 percent compared to 2019.
“Our talented teams delivered our highest second quarter net sales in over a decade. Our strategy is driving growth as evidenced by continued strength at Old Navy and Athleta, Gap Brand’s second consecutive quarter of positive 2-year comparable sales in North America, and momentum gaining at Banana Republic,” said Sonia Syngal, CEO, Gap Inc.
Gap comparable sales increase 3 percent
The company said, strategic permanent store closures and the recent divestitures of the Janie & Jack and Intermix businesses reduced net sales by approximately 8 percent versus 2019. In addition, the company estimates that Covid-related closures in markets outside of the U.S. resulted in approximately 2 percent of sales decline versus 2019.
Comparable sales were up 3 percent year-over-year, and up 12 percent versus 2019. By brand Old Navy Global net sales were up 21 percent versus 2019, , while comparable sales were flat to last year and up 18 percent versus 2019.
Gap Global net sales declined 10 percent versus 2019, with permanent store closures resulting in an estimated 14 percent sales decline, and international Covid-closures driving a 1 percent decline on a 2-year basis. Global comparable sales declined 5 percent and increased 3 percent versus 2019. In North America, comparable sales growth of 12 percent on a 2-year basis was led by strength in key categories, including sleep, active and fleece.
Net sales at Banana Republic Global declined 15 percent versus 2019, with permanent store closures resulting in an estimated 10 percent sales decline, and international Covid-closures driving an estimated 1 percent decline on a 2-year basis. Comparable sales were up 41 percent and down 5 percent versus 2019.
Athleta net sales were up 35 percent versus 2019. Comparable sales grew 13 percent year-over-year and 27 percent versus 2019.
Gap Inc. second quarter online sales grew 65 percent versus the second quarter of 2019 and represented 33 percent of the total business. Store sales declined 11 percent versus the second quarter of 2019.
In the second quarter, the company paid a dividend of 12 cents per share.
Gap raises full year outlook
The company raised its reported full-year diluted earnings per share guidance to be in the range of 1.90 dollars to 2.05 dollars. On an adjusted basis, earnings are expected to be in the range of 2.10 dollars to 2.25 dollars.
The company now expects net sales growth for fiscal year 2021 to be about 30 percent versus 2020. This outlook reflects lost revenue related to the company’s decision to change its European operating model, as well as the completed divestitures of its Janie & Jack and Intermix businesses.
Reported operating margin is expected to be approximately 7 percent and adjusted operating margin guidance has been increased to about 7.5 percent.
The company continues to expect to open about 30-40 Old Navy and 20-30 Athleta stores in 2021, as well as close approximately 75 Gap and Banana Republic stores in North America.
Source: fashionunited.uk (27 Aug 2021)
10、Fung Business Intelligence / Asia Sourcing Update - Southeast Asia (August 2021)
12-month Sourcing Outlook
● Cambodia - Neutral
● Indonesia - Slightly negative
● The Philippines - Slightly negative
● Thailand - Slightly positive
● Vietnam - Neutral
Click here to download the full report.
Source: Fung Business Intelligence (31 Aug 2021)